Slowness. Disorientation. Dryness. Potatoes aggravate.
Constipation. Paralysis.
- | From
artificial food, lifting.
- | Bottle fed babies, bodily exertion, disappointments, anger.
Food, artificial, potatoes, starch, salt |
Periodically, on alternate day |
In cold air, during winter |
- | The
patient is very hasty and HURRIED. Time passes too slowly, an hour seems half
a day.
- | Great mental CONFUSION as to his own personal identity.
- | Everything is viewed in sad light, depressed on awakening, on the other
hand, fears his own impulse.
- | SUICIDAL tendency on seeing knife or blood. Fears loss of reason.
- | Parasthesia in the mental sphere, the consciousness of the reality and
judgment is disturbed. Impressions reach consciousness SLOWLY i.e. prick of
needle will be felt with delay.
- | Illusions of being large, numb, smooth, heavy. Makes mistakes in speaking or
- | Laughs and talks between paroxysms of spasm.
- | Great stupor and dread of falling forward. Slowness in answering questions
and vague replies can not be hurried > at own place < time limits.
- | Anxiety of conscience, as if guilty of a crime.
- | VAGUENESS, no clear symptoms come out. |
- Slowness. Slow comprehension
Don't tolerate pressure of time.
Sensation of being hurried inside, can't stand being hurried.
Cannot do two things at the same time.
- CONFUSION. TURMOIL. Vague state of mind.
Impossible to express feelings, their problem.
- Loss of identity. "Who am I?".
When they talk, think someone else is talking.
Everything seems unreal.
- Come to conclusion they are going insane.
Deep despair of recovery.
Depression, resignation.
Fear of knives, blood, cockroaches, disease, epilepsy, evil spirits. Impulse
to kill themselves when seeing knife or blood.
- | It
affects the cerebrospinal axis causing disturbance in co-ordination and
paretic effects. Parasthesia, spinal degeneration.
- | Very chilly patient, deficient in animal heat and relieved by warmth in
general, except skin eruptions.
- | Dryness of all the mucous membranes of the body, also there is a dry skin or
irritability and relaxation.
- | Mucus discharges profuse, discharges are thin, acrid and irritant.
- | Patient is thin, wants to lie down but increases the fatigue.
- | Pulsations are felt in various parts and pains go upwards (especially in
infants, old people, sedentary women).
- | Desire- dry food, indigestible things such as dry rice, starch, chalk,
charcoal, earth, coal, cloves, coffee grounds, tea.
- | Aversion- meat, potatoes.
- | Potatoes disagree, cause eructations, heaviness and indigestion.
- | Vertigo - On closing eyes.
- | Catarrhal conjuctivitis, with great dryness and burning.
- | Throat - Scraping from dryness.
- | Abdomen - Colicky pain; painter's colic.
- | Chronic eructations for years, worse in evening.
- | Constipation during pregnancy. Constipation of newborns.
- | No urging, have to aid with fingers. Rectum seems paralyzed.
- | Perspiration from straining at stool.
- | Thin stool ("thin as a pencil").
- | There is extreme inactivity of rectum, even soft stool requires great
staining. There is no desire for days together, obstinate constipation due to
paretic condition of rectum and dryness of mucous membrane. Requires great
- | Diarrhoea when patient urinates.
- | Urinary system - It takes a long time to get urination started.
- | Female genitalia - Sexual desire low. No orgasm.
- | Menses short, one day only, scanty.
- | Alternating symptoms, at end of menses.
- | After menses- great exhaustion, physically and mentally, menses scanty,
- | Mental and physical exhaustion after menses.
- | Leucorrhoea is profuse, transparent and acrid running down to heels, more
during day and better by cold bathing.
- | All irritant things- like salt, wine, vinegar, pepper, etc. Immediately
produces cough and sore throat of public speakers.
- | Extremities - Paralysis, slow onset, starts with numbness soles of feet,
heaviness of legs.
- | Heaviness of limbs progressing to paralysis.
- | Incoordinated walking, ataxia.
- | Sensory disorders; e.g. slow reaction on prick of needle (Cocc, Plb).
- | Callosities, tenderness in soles of feet.
- | Inability to walk, except with eyes open and in the daytime, tottering and
falling when closing eyes.
- | Spinal degeneration - paralysis of lower limbs; legs feels asleep, when
sitting with legs crossed.
- | Ankylosing spondylosis (sensation as if hot bandage around lumbar region).
- | Skin - DRY, dry, tettary eruption. Burning < winter.
- | Falling of hair, eyelashes.
- | Itching without eruption (Ars, Dol, Mez, Sulph).
- | Scratches until it bleeds.
- | Intolerable itching of whole body when getting warm in bed. |
- Inability to walk with eyes closed in darkness, tottering and falling when
closing eyes.
- Constipation - Even for soft stool has to strain, sticks to rectum like
clay, has to strain at stool to urinate. Diarrhoea when she urinates.
- Allergy to salt, wine, vinegar, pepper immediately produces cough.
- Sensation of cobweb or dried white of an egg on face.
- Lack
of vital heat, great mental and physical exhaustion (especially after
- Dryness - Irritation of mucous membrane with dryness, catarrhal dryness.
Dryness of skin. Dryness of rectum, vagina.
- Sensation as if dried white egg is on face, or of a cobweb.
- Craving for indigestible things like starch, chalk, charcoal, etc.
- | Chilly persons who are apprehensive, hasty, impulsive with guilty
- | Dryness of mucus membranes.
- | Tendency to paretic muscular states especially of the rectum, locomotor
- | Debility, sluggishness, heaviness, numbness, staggering.
- | Chilly, disposition to colds. |
- | Ataxia,
Alzheimer's disease, Constipation, Dementia, Depression, Eczema, Fecal
impaction, Multiple sclerosis, Myopathy, Paralysis, Parkinson's disease,
Urinary retention, Vertigo.
- | For sore throat of clergymen or other public speakers who are thin in flesh,
there is no remedy equal to Alumina - Dr. Dunham.
- | Violent cough excited by an elongated uvula - Dr. Dunham.
A very slow acting remedy, let it act a long time (Calc-p, Sil). |
Complementary: Bry
Follows Well: Calc, Ign, Lyc, Nux-v, Phos, Puls, Sep, Sulph
Compare: Alum-met
Similar: Arg-n, Bar-c, Bry, Calc, Cham, Con, Ferr, Ferr-i, Gnaph, Ip,
Kali-bi, Lach, Lyc, Plb, Puls, Ruta, Sep, Sil, Sulph, Zinc
Antidoted By: Bry, Camph, Cham, Ip, Puls