- | Trembling
jerking and twitching of one half of the body. Hemiplegia.
- | Most often the RIGHT side is affected. Symptoms proceed from right to left.
- | Great SENSITIVENESS to touch with a general soreness, even the touch of hair
is painful.
- | Desires exercise and ameliorated by it.
burning, stinging lancinating
with excessive swelling
with redness and swelling and pain in eyes, eyelids, ears, face, lips,
tongue, anus, throat, testicles.
- | All complaints aggravated by heat and better by cold application.
- | Tension, swelling and stiffness of limbs. Tired and bruised all over.
Prostration upto faintishness.
- | Oedematous swellings, local or general, with skin whitish, waxen, almost
transparent. In general dropsy, skin alternately dry and perspiring.
- | Anasarca with thirstlessness. But intermittent chill at 3 p.m. with thirst.
- | Head - Menopausal flushings of heat.
- | Herpes zoster of face, especially of the left side.
- | Angioneurotic oedema with tense swelling of the face, lips, tongue and larynx.
- | Eyes - Recurrent suppurating styes.
- | Swelling around the eyes.
- | Throat - Pharyngitis > cold drinks.
- | Pharyngitis with bag-like swelling of the uvula.
- | Throat pain extends to ears.
- | G.I.T. - Constipation as if something would break on straining.
- | Diarrhoea with involuntary stools on every motion.
- | Cholera infantum, Prolapsus ani.
- | Haemorrhoids with burning, stinging pains with profuse bleeding.
- | Chest - Pneumonia, Pleurisy.
- | Extreme pain on inspiration.
- | Feels he cannot take another breath.
- | Female genitalia - Ovarian cysts (right) in women, especially widows with
specific pains.
- | Female complaints with soreness and stinging pains.
- | Oedema of labia > cold water.
- | Dysmenorrhoea with scanty, slimy blood, sensation of tightness in abdomen.
- | Leucorrhoea profuse, acrid, green.
- | tumours or open cancer of mammae.
- | Abortion in early months.
- | Tight feeling in abdomen or uterus.
- | Constipation during menses.
- | Urine - Scanty high coloured, in drops with thirstlessness, last drop burns.
- | Retention in nursing infants.
- | Glomerulonephritis. Nephrotic syndrome, with excessive oedema and scanty
urine output with sediments and albumin.
- | Cystitis with scalding pain during urination.
- | Extremities - Awkwardness, drops things.
- | Skin - Boils. Suppressed exanthemata. Herpes zoster.
- | Eczema, urticaria, carbuncles with burning, stinging pains.
- | Urticaria with burning pains.
- | Eczema with marked swelling > cold applications.
- | Sleep - Great drowsiness with all complaints.
- | C.N.S. - Hydrocephalus, meningitis. < heat.
- | A stupid state or unconsciousness, coma.
- | A/F suppressed exanthemata.
- | Bores the head in the pillow.
- | Sudden, shrill piercing scream. Cri encephalique.
- | Typhoid fevers- with stupor and muttering delirium.
- | Tongue trembling, dry, covered with little blisters.
- | Great burning, soreness and bloatedness of abdomen.
- | Skin partially hot and cool with transient sweat.
- | Great prostration and inclination to lie down.
- | Strangury or suppressed urination. |
Complementary: Nat-m
Followed Well By: Ars, Graph, Iod, Kali-bi, Lyc, Phos, Stram, Sulph
Follows Well: Bry, Hell, Hep, Iod, Lyc, Merc, Sulph
Inimical: Rhus-t
Compare: Acet-ac, Acon, Anac, Apoc, Arn, Ars, Bell, Brom, Bry, Canth,
Cinch, Colch, Croto-t, Euphr, Ferr, Graph, Hep, Hyos, Iod, Lach, Lyc, Merc,
Nat-a, Nat-m, Puls, Rhus-t, Rumx, Sabin, Sep, Sil, Urt-u, Vesp, Zinc
Similar: Acet-ac, Acon, Anac, Apoc, Arn, Ars, Bell, Brom, Bry, Canth,
Cinch, Colch, Crot-t, Euphr, Ferr, Graph, Hep, Iod, Lach, Merc, Nat-a, Nat-m,
Puls, Rhus-t, Rumx, Sabin, Sep, Sil, Sulph, Ter, Ther, Thuj, Urt-u, Zinc
Antidoted By: Ip, Lach, Led, Nat-m
It Antidotes: Canth, Chin, Dig, Iod