violent effects. Dryness. bright redness. Burning heat, great pain.
Congestion to head with throbbing of carotids. Sensitive to drafts of cold
Pains - throbbing, sharp cutting, shooting. Jerks, spasms.
Dilated pupils. Photophobia. Dry, hot mouth and throat.
Bright red, glossy skin. Jerks during sleep.
Wildly delirious, restless, biting mania.
- | Walking in wind or draft |
< | Drafts, on head, haircut [Glon], washing head
< | Hanging down affected part
< | Looking at shining objects or running water
> | Bending backward, semi-erect
> | Leaning head against something
> | Bending or turning affected part
- | Delirium- frightful images, furious, rages, bites, strikes, wants to escape
or hide himself.
- | Delirium > after a meal, > after sleep, quick movements, springing,
act of being violent. Delirium with livid face, injected protruding eyes,
dilated pupils, strong pulsation in carotids, full, hard, frequent pulse,
inability to swallow.
- | Excited, ferocious, noisy, cries out.
- | Disposed to tear things to pieces.
- | Abhorrence of liquids; liquids poured makes her furious.
- | Fury, heat of body, staring eyes continually, spitting at those around her.
- | Fury; pulls hair of bystanders.
- | Rage; doesn't know her relatives.
- | Rage leading to violent deeds.
- | Imagines himself dreaming when awake.
- | Imagines, he sees ghosts hideous faces, various insects [Stram], black
animals, dogs, wolves, etc.
- | Sees faces on closing eyes.
- | Horrible visions in the dark.
- | Fear of imaginary animals, imaginary things, wants to run away from them.
- | Breaks into fits of laughter and grinds the teeth.
- | Child cries out suddenly, ceases just as suddenly.
- | Anxiety during menses; in sleep.
- | Kicks in sleep, jerks during sleep.
- | Insanity and increased strength.
- | Delusion he has stabbed a person who passed him in the street.
- | Hot,
red skin, flushed face, glaring eyes, throbbing carotids, pulse full,
bounding, globular, like buckshot striking the finger, excited mental state,
hyperaesthesia of all senses, delirium, restless sleep, convulsive movements,
dryness of mouth, throat, with aversion to water, NEURALGIC PAINS THAT COME
- | Violence of attack and suddenness of onset.
- | Pains- Throbbing, sharp, cutting, shooting, clawing, of maddening severity,
coming or going in repeated attacks [Nit-ac], running downwards.
- | Burning heat, bright redness and dryness.
- | Heat of body, part, discharges.
Intense heat of affected part, feels almost as if it has scalded the
examiner's hand, the sensation and memory of heat lingers in the head.
- | Fullness- congestion to head and swelling.
- | C.N.S. - Spasms, Shocks, Jerks, Twitching, Constrictions.
- | Convulsions commence in the arm; sensation of a mouse running up the limb
[Sil, Sulph, Calc, Nit-ac].
- | Throws body forward and backward.
- | Spasms followed by prolonged unconsciousness.
- | Loss of sensation, motion of one side of the body.
- | Sensitive to light, noise, jarring.
- | Irritability and acuteness of sense of taste, smell, touch, sight, hearing.
The MIND is easily moved, thoughts more acute.
- | Bleeding from inner parts.
- | Head - Head sensitive to drafts, cold or washing hair.
- | Throbbing, hammering headache in temples.
- | Headaches often begin in occiput, radiate to right temple or forehead or
settle about right eye [Sang].
- | Jerking headache, extremely violent, on walking quickly, ascending stairs
rapidly, at every step, a jolt downward as if a weight were in occiput.
- | Pressive pain in forehead, so severe during motion, that it causes him to
close his eyes.
- | Bores head into pillow [Apis, Hell, Podo].
- | Eyes - Pupils dilated [Agn]. Dilated immovable pupils.
- | Eyes feel swollen, protruding, staring, brilliant, conjunctiva red, dry,
burn, photophobia, shooting in eyes.
- | Halo around light, party coloured, red predominantly, at times light seems
broken into rays.
- | Ears - Child cries out in sleep due to throbbing, beating pain deep in ear
synchronous with heart beat.
- | Mouth - Great swelling, tension in upper lip, stiff feeling on opening mouth.
- | Dull pain drawing in upper right teeth < night, cold air.
- | Dryness of mouth, tongue, throat, interferes with speech and deglutition.
- | Tongue- hot, dry, cracked, red, white centre with red edges, strawberry
- | G.I.T. - Swallowing difficult, drinks in sips, must take a drink to swallow
solid food.
- | During deglutition, feeling in the throat as if it were too narrow or drawn
together, as if nothing would pass properly.
- | Tonsillitis- parts bright red < right side, swallowing liquids.
- | Aversion to tight collars around throat.
- | Aversion- meat, milk, acids, coffee, beer, vegetables, fat, fish, fruits,
- | Craving- for snuff, lemonade or lemons, sour food, vegetables, sweets.
- | Great thirst for cold water. Dread of drinking.
- | Colicky pain comes and goes quickly > lying on abdomen > bending
- | Transverse colon protrudes like a pad during abdominal colic.
- | Urinary system - Urine scanty, dark, turbid, frequent, profuse, with tenesmus.
- | Haematuria where no pathological condition can be found.
- | Female genitalia - Sensitive, forcing downward, as if all viscera would
protrude at genitals < lying down, sitting bent > standing and sitting
erect < early morning.
- | Menses bright red, too early, too profuse, hot, thick, gushing, decomposed,
dark red blood, mixed with large, dark clots [Sabin].
- | Menses and lochia very offensive and hot.
- | Right sided ovarian pains or cysts [Apis, Lyc, Pall, Podo].
- | Mastitis, throbbing pain, redness, streaks radiate from nipple.
- | Respiratory system - Larynx very painful, feels as if a foreign body in it.
- | Sensation as if larynx was inflamed, swollen, constricted.
- | Hoarseness, especially when crying, high pitched voice.
- | Barking cough, awake after midnight, pain in larynx and threatened
- | Swelling of glands of neck.
- | Back - Pain in small of back as if it would break.
- | Extremities - Cold extremities, but face hot.
- | Pain in thighs and legs as if beaten, as if carious; fine, shooting, gnawing
along the bones. Violent tearing in joints, pain gradually rises from tarsal
joints to the hips; necessitating while sitting, constant motion and shifting
of feet > walking.
- | Sleep - Sleepy but cannot sleep [Cham, Op].
- | Starting when closing the eyes during sleep.
- | Sleeps on abdomen, sleeps with hands under the head [Ars, Plat].
- | Dreams of falling [Thuj], quarrels, fire, robbers, assassins.
- | Skin - Skin of a uniform, smooth, shining, scarlet redness, dry, hot, burning,
imparts a burning sensation to examining hand.
- | Alternate redness and paleness of skin.
- | Fever - Internal coldness with external, pungent, burning, steaming heat in
Sudden violent onset.
- Red face, with throbbing of carotids.
- Violent delirium, wants to bite, spit, strike, tear things.
- Sleepy but cannot sleep. Pains come suddenly go suddenly.
- The transverse colon protrudes like a pad.
Sudden violent onset of conditions.
- Bright redness, burning heat, dryness.
- Congestion of face with throbbing carotids.
- Pains are throbbing, sharp, cutting, shooting.
- Sensitive to light, noise, jarring.
- Generally < 3 p.m.
- Condition associated with violent delirium.
- | Useful
in all forms of disorders which are congestive, intense, often characterized
by throbbing pains or pulsation.
- | Women and children with light hair, blue eyes, fine complexion, delicate
skin, sensitive, nervous, threatened, with convulsions, tuberculous patient.
- | Intelligent, plethoric persons, who are jovial and entertaining when well,
but violent and delirious when sick.
- | He is acutely alive and crazed by a flood of subjective visual impressions and
fantastic illusions.
- | Hot, red skin, flushed face, glaring eyes, throbbing carotids, pulse full,
bounding, globular, like buckshot striking the finger, excited mental state,
hyperaesthesia of all senses, delirium, restless sleep, convulsive movements,
dryness of mouth, throat, with aversion to water, neuralgic pains that come
and go suddenly. |
- | Appendicitis,
Boils, Convulsions, Deliriums, Enuresis, Exanthematas, febrile convulsions,
Hypertensive crisis, Influenza, Intussusception, Mania, Mastitis, Meniere's
syndrome, Migraines, Orchitis, Otitis media, Ovarian cysts, Pneumonia,
Pyelonephritis, Tonsillitis.
- | Belladonna is acute of Calcarea which is often required to complete a cure. |
Complementary: Calc
Followed Well By: Cham, Chin, Con, Dulc, Hep, Hyos, Lach, Rhus-t,
Seneg, Stram, Valer, Verat
Follows Well: Arn, Ars, Aur, Bry, Calc, Caps, Caust, Cham, Cic, Cinch,
Cocc, Con, Hep, Hyos, Ign, Ip, Lach, Lyc, Merc, Nat-c, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Nux-v,
Op, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Seneg, Sep, Spig, Staph, Stram, Sulph, Valer, Verat
Inimical: Dulc
Compare: Caps, Dulc, Hyos, Lycp, Stram
Similar: Acon, Ars, Bry, Calc, Cham, Cic, Coff, Cupr, Eup-pur, Gels,
Hep, Hyos, Lach, Merc, Nux-v, Op, Puls, Rhus-t, Stram, Ter, Verat
Antidoted By: Acon, Arum-t, Atrop, Camph, Cinch, Cupr, Ferr, Jab,
Merc, Plat, Plb
It Antidotes: Camph, Coff, Hep, Hyos, Op, Puls, Sabad