Easily angered and ill effects therefrom.
Intense neuralgias, with chilliness > pressure.
Agonising pain in abdomen, causing patient to bend double.
Cramps, contractions, twitching, shortening of muscles.
Sensations - Cutting, twisting, grinding, contracting, bruised, as if clamped
with iron bands.
Bitter Cucumber
< | From anger and indignation
< | Before and after urination potato, starchy food (flatus)
< | After eating, drinking least amount
- | Ailments after anger and silent grief.
- | Greatly affected by the misfortunes of others.
- | Anger easily, vexed during pain.
- | Want of religious feeling.
- | Screams with pain; wants to walk about, disinclined to talk, to answer.
- | Does not want to meet the friend.
- | Morose; becomes offended at everything.
- | Irritable; throws things out of his hand.
- | Mortification, caused by offense.
- | Confusion trom beer; after wine.
- | Restlessness before menses. |
- | It is left sided drug, except sciatica which is on
right side. All symptoms are 4-9 p.m.
- | Suited to easily angered, irritable persons, with tendency to corpulency, to
women of sedentary habits, with copious menstruation.
- | It is useful in acute affections of digestive tract and intestines but it
has a long lasting action on nerves, especially trigeminal, facial, sciatica,
spinal nerves.
- | Different types of pain > PRESSURE > WARMTH.
- | Pains come suddenly, go suddenly.
- | Neuralgic pains, cutting, pinching, clamping, gnawing or boring.
- | Pains like electric shocks.
- | Throbbing throughout the whole body.
- | Constrictions, cramps and twitchings.
- | Vertigo - When quickly turning head, especially to the left, as if he would
- | Vertigo from stimulants.
- | Head - Lateral cutting headache with nausea, vomiting.
- | Pains with soreness of scalp.
- | Pain < stooping, lying on back and moving eyelids.
- | Eyes - On stooping feeling as if eyes would fall out.
- | Violent pain before development of glaucoma.
- | Ears - Sounds re-echo in ears.
- | Face - Left side affection of face.
- | Tearing shooting and swelling of face > from pressure.
- | Neuralgia with chilliness, teeth seems too long.
- | Prosopalgia with eye symptoms and chilliness.
- | Face distorted, cheeks cold.
- | G.I.T. - Bitter taste in mouth.
- | Agonizing, violent, cutting, cramping, griping, tearing, clutching, or
radiating pain, comes in waves. Pain compels patient to cry out and wriggle
for relief, or double up and particularly press something hard against
- | < Least food or drink, except coffee and tobacco smoking.
- | Intestines feel squeezed between stones.
- | Sensation as of being encircled with an iron band.
- | Colic with cramps in calves. Pains are accompanied by nausea vomiting and
- | Each paroxysm is attended with general agitation and a chill over the
cheeks, ascending from the hypogastrium.
- | Pressure ameliorates pain in abdomen in acute stage, but when pain remains
for a long time, parts become tender, then the pressure aggravates the pain.
- | Stools - frothy, watery, shreddy, yellow or gelatinous with flatulence and
- | Slippery bubbles escape from anus.
- | Dysenteric stool, renewed each time by the least food or drink.
- Cystospasm after operation of orifices.
- Urinous odour of perspiration.
- | Useful in irritable persons, easily angered and ill
effects therefore.
- | Not only is it useful in acute affection of digestive tract and intestines,
but it has a long lasting action on nerves especially trifacial, sciatica and
- | In abdomen, produces sudden, atrocious, cramping, griping, tearing pain
which makes the patient twist and turn, cry out and bend double.
- | Pains are accompanied by nausea and vomiting from intensity of pain.
- | Neuralgic pains are cutting, pinching, cramping, gnawing or boring, followed
by numbness > pressure. |
- Left sided affection.
- Pain in abdomen < least food < anger, vexation > hard pressure
> doubling up.
- Neuralgia pains - cutting, shooting, electric shock-like, followed by
- Trigeminal neuralgia alternates with chilliness and colicky pain in
- Sciatica pain with contraction of muscles, shortning of muscles and
tendens < gentle motion > pressure.
- | In menstrual colic, Causticum will cure after the
failure of Colocynth.
- | In the beginning cases of paraphimosis, you may give Colocynth which will
sometime relieve the spasm - Dr.Farrington.
- | Best antidote to lead poisoning - Boericke. |
Complementary: Merc
Compare: Ars, Bell, Bry, Caust, Cham, Chel, Cocc, Coff, Dios, Lyc, Merc,
Nux-v, Puls, Stann
Antidoted By: Camph, Caust, Cham, Coff, Op, Staph
It Antidotes: Caust, Mag