Sepsis with delirium. Haemorrhages (generalized), of
dark, unclotted blood.
Melancholic and sluggish.
Trituration is prepared by saturating sugar of milk
with venom, also a solution of venom maybe made in glycerin.
- | Vaccination [Pustular eruptions on back of arm across shoulder, over
breasts] |
< | Open air [but head stomach symptoms are ameliorated]
- | Social or great aversion of FAMILY.
- | Loquacious, desire to escape.
- | Delirium - muttering, numbles, jumbles stumbles over his words.
- | delirium tremens, nearly constant drowsiness but with inability to sleep.
- | delirium with wide open eyes.
- | Weeping tearful mood, while reading.
- | Weak memory, cannot express himself correctly.
- | Senile dementia, incipient; forgets figures, names, places.
surrounded by hideous animals
surrounded by enemies.
- | Horrible dreams of murder, death, dead bodies, even the smell of cadaver is
dreamt of.
- | Fear of death or thoughts, constantly dwelling on death. |
- | Haemorrhagic diathesis, haemorrhages are slow, oozing of dark, thin blood
from all the orifices or surfaces, especially pharynx. Bloody pus or sweat.
- | Putrid and malignant conditions.
- | Swelling of affected parts.
- | Septic conditions - tonsils, goitre, ulcers, abscess, blood boils.
Streptococcal type infections.
- | Profound nervous shock, deathly sickness, trembling prostration. Easily
tired by slight exertion.
- | Pains - alternate rapidly with each other, frequently recur also (except
headache), appear, disappear suddenly after lasting sometime.
- | Head - Pain in occiput as of a blow in waves from spine.
- | Eyes - Very sensitive to light especially lamplight.
- | Ciliary neuralgia; tearing, boring pain as if cut had been made around eyes.
- | For absorption of intraocular haemorrhages into vitreous, but particularly
for non inflammatory retinal Haemorrhages [Ham, Phos, Lach, Sulph].
- | Nose - Epistaxis; blood black, stringy.
- | Mouth - Mouldy smell of breath.
- | Tongue fiery red, dry in centre, smooth, polished, feels swollen.
- | Tongue goes to right on protuding.
- | Cannot speak on account of sensation of constriction around tongue, throat.
- | G.I.T. - Spasms of oesophagus, inability to swallow anything solid [Lach -
can swallow solids, difficulty in swallowing liquids].
- | Hungry; craves stimulants, sugar, PORK. Aversion to meat.
- | Unquenchable burning thirst for cold water.
- | Vomiting, bilious, with anxiety, weak pulse, every month after menstruation,
cannot lie on right side without constantly producing dark, grass green
- | Intolerance to clothing especially around hypochondrium, instantly producing
dark grass green or black, coffee ground vomiting.
- | Diarrhoea - stools black, thin like coffee ground offensive.
- | Female genitalia - Dysemenorrhoea pain down thighs with aching in region of
heart left arm.
- | Menses flow copious for 2 days then lingers on off for 4 more days with cold
- | Vicarious menstruation in debilitated constitutions [Phos].
- | Extremities - Phlegmasia alba dolens < touch.
- | Fevers - Malignant fevers of a haemorrhagic or putrescent character.
- | Skin - Great sensitiveness of skin of right half of body.
- | Jaundice of due to internal haemorrhage. |
- Loquacity.
- Weeping tearful mood while reading.
- Mouldy smell of breath.
- Coldness in stomach a abdomen as from piece of ice.
- Right sided affections.
- Haemorrhages are slow oozing of dark, thin blood from all orifices
- Putrid, malignant and septic conditions.
- Dark or bluish parts and swelling of affected parts.
- Tongue fiery red, dry in centre, smooth, polished, feels swollen.
- | Haemorrhagic diathesis. Haemorrhages all slow
oozing, of dark, thin blood, from all orifices and surfaces. Bloody pus or
- | Putrid and malignant conditions.
- | Septic conditions - tonsils, goitre, ulcers, abscess, blood boils. |
- | Abscess, Delirium, Disseminated intravascular
coagulation, Haemorrhage, Myocardial infarction, Purpura, Sepsis, Varicose
- | In purpura, hand drop and could not catch a thing - Dr. Morgeni Blackre.
- | In coronary thrombosis, sensation as if something were going to burst under
the sternum "feels full then" - Dr. Elizabeth Hubbard.
- | The personality of Crot-h is less intense and aggressive than Lachesis -
Roger Morrison. |
Compare: Apis, Ars, Camph, Carb-v, Casc, Cupr, Hyos, Laur,
Nux-v, Op, Sil, Tarent-c
Similar: Apis, Ars, Camph, Carb-v, Crot-c, Cupr, Elaps, Hyos, Lach,
Laur, Naja, Nux-v, Op, Sil, Tarent
Antidoted By: Lach