FERRUM METALLICUM uses / Ferrum met uses / Ferrum uses [Ferr uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
Excited, irregular surgings, wandering orgasms.
Pulsations, haemorrhages
False erethism or plethora. Anaemia
Generally worse from exertion or from sitting still. Feels best when walking
about slowly
Easy vomiting, lienteric stools
- | Suppressed intermittents |
< | Loss of vital fluids, sweating
< | After cold washing and overheating
> | Leaning head on something
- | Slight noises unbearable (especially to rustling
of paper). Anxiety from slightest cause, irritability. Desire for solitude
- | Irritability, peevishness, quarrelsomeness and intolerance of contradiction
are prominent mental features. Aggressive and domineering
- | Restlessness driving him out of bed
- | Anxiety as after committing a crime
- | Despondent; after menses
- | Forced, determined and strong preoccupation with business matters |
- | It affects the circulation producing
irregular distribution of blood - congestions, irregular surgings and
- | Pallor of skin and mucous membrane alternating with flushes.
- | Anaemia of young persons with flushed cheeks, but pale lips; delicate girls
constipated, with low spirits
- | It relaxes the blood vessels causing haemorrhages, which are bright or with
small clots, especially in rapidly growing youth; or the veins dilate, during
neuralgia, menses or fever. Haemorrhages are bright red, easily coagulable
- | Weakness from mere speaking or walking, though looking strong
- | Pains and sufferings < during rest, such as palpitation, dyspnoea and
weakness. Thus, patient is > by moving about gently in house or in open
- | Nightly pains that compel motion of part. Patient is compelled to walk about
at night from pains
- | Dropsy or paralysis after loss of vital fluids, haemorrhages, abuse of
quinine, suppressed intermittents
hammering, beating, pulsating pain; must lie down, with aversion to eating
or drinking
for 2, 3, 4 days, every two or three weeks
extends to teeth with cold extremities pain in back of head, with roaring
in neck
take down the hair < cough, stooping, descending stairs
- | G.I.T. - Pain in teeth > icy cold water
- | Canine or voracious appetite or absolute loss of appetite
- | Spits up food by the mouthful without nausea
- | Vomiting immediately after eating, after midnight, during pregnancy
- | After vomiting, patient can sit down and eat again as before
- | Desire for bread and raw tomatoes
- | Aversion to meat, eggs, sour fruits, to his accustomed tobacco, beer
- | Diarrhoea - Undigested stools at night, or while eating, or drinking
- | Painless, with a good appetite of consumptives
- | Constipation - From intestinal atony. Ineffectual urging
- | Stools hard, difficult, followed by backache, or cramping pain in rectum
- | Prolapsus recti of children
- | Itching of anus at night due to ascarides
- | Respiratory system - Chest oppressed; breathing difficult
- | Cough only in day time > lying down > eating
- | Pulse full but soft and yielding, also small and weak
- | Heart suddenly bleeds into the blood vessels and suddenly draws a reflux,
leaving pallor of surface
- | Pulse accelerated towards evening
- | Endocrines - Goitre exopthalmic, from suppressed menses
- | Fever - Thirst during chill |
Slightest noises, like crackling of paper drive
him to despair
Red parts become white
Vertigo on seeing flowing water
Vomiting immediately after midnight, while eating, leaves table suddenly
and with one effort, vomits everything eaten, and can sit down and eat again
Cough only in the daytime
All symptoms relieved by walking about slowly
- | Pallor of skin and mucous membrane, alternating
with flushes. Pseudo-plethora. Red parts turn white
- | Haemorrhages from anywhere and everywhere. Blood is bright red fluid and
- | Local congestions and inflammations with hammering, pulsating pains. Veins
- | Canine hunger alternating with complete loss of appetite
- | Regurgitations or vomiting immediately after eating, painless < after
eating or drinking, while at rest, especially sitting still > walking
slowly about |
- | Anaemia, Arrhythmia, Arthritis, Bursitis, Chronic
fatigue syndrome, Diarrhoea, Epistaxis, Gastritis, Haemorrhages, Migraine,
Obesity, Sciatica
- | Ferr 30 for vomiting after tonsillectomy - Dr. Fobister
- | If Bell. fails in typical headache, think of Ferr - Dr. Wilburk Band
- | Avoid Ferr. in tuberculosis, syphilis and in persons presdisposed to
haemorrhages and especially never repeat it |
Complements: Alum, Chin
Follows Well: Acon, Arn, Bell, Chin, Con, Lyc, Merc, Phos, Verat
Inimical: Thea
Compare: Bor, Graph, Mang, Other metals
Antidoted By: Ars, Chin, Hep, Ip, Puls
It Antidotes: Ars, Chin, Hydr-ac, Iod, Merc
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