Excited, irregular surgings, wandering orgasms.
Pulsations, haemorrhages.
False erethism or plethora. Anaemia.
Generally worse from exertion or from sitting still. Feels best when walking
about slowly.
Easy vomiting, lienteric stools.
- | Suppressed intermittents |
< | Loss of vital fluids, sweating
< | After cold washing and overheating
> | Leaning head on something
- | Slight noises unbearable (especially to rustling
of paper). Anxiety from slightest cause, irritability. Desire for solitude.
- | Irritability, peevishness, quarrelsomeness and intolerance of contradiction
are prominent mental features. Aggressive and domineering.
- | Restlessness driving him out of bed.
- | Anxiety as after committing a crime.
- | Despondent; after menses.
- | Forced, determined and strong preoccupation with business matters. |
- | It affects the circulation producing
irregular distribution of blood - congestions, irregular surgings and
- | Pallor of skin and mucous membrane alternating with flushes.
- | Anaemia of young persons with flushed cheeks, but pale lips; delicate girls
constipated, with low spirits.
- | It relaxes the blood vessels causing haemorrhages, which are bright or with
small clots, especially in rapidly growing youth; or the veins dilate, during
neuralgia, menses or fever. Haemorrhages are bright red, easily coagulable.
- | Weakness from mere speaking or walking, though looking strong.
- | Pains and sufferings < during rest, such as palpitation, dyspnoea and
weakness. Thus, patient is > by moving about gently in house or in open
- | Nightly pains that compel motion of part. Patient is compelled to walk about
at night from pains.
- | Dropsy or paralysis after loss of vital fluids, haemorrhages, abuse of
quinine, suppressed intermittents.
hammering, beating, pulsating pain; must lie down, with aversion to eating
or drinking.
for 2, 3, 4 days, every two or three weeks.
extends to teeth with cold extremities pain in back of head, with roaring
in neck.
take down the hair < cough, stooping, descending stairs.
- | G.I.T. - Pain in teeth > icy cold water.
- | Canine or voracious appetite or absolute loss of appetite.
- | Spits up food by the mouthful without nausea.
- | Vomiting immediately after eating, after midnight, during pregnancy.
- | After vomiting, patient can sit down and eat again as before.
- | Desire for bread and raw tomatoes.
- | Aversion to meat, eggs, sour fruits, to his accustomed tobacco, beer.
- | Diarrhoea - Undigested stools at night, or while eating, or drinking.
- | Painless, with a good appetite of consumptives.
- | Constipation - From intestinal atony. Ineffectual urging.
- | Stools hard, difficult, followed by backache, or cramping pain in rectum.
- | Prolapsus recti of children.
- | Itching of anus at night due to ascarides.
- | Respiratory system - Chest oppressed; breathing difficult.
- | Cough only in day time > lying down > eating.
- | C.V.S. - Anaemic murmur.
- | Pulse full but soft and yielding, also small and weak.
- | Heart suddenly bleeds into the blood vessels and suddenly draws a reflux,
leaving pallor of surface.
- | Pulse accelerated towards evening.
- | Endocrines - Goitre exopthalmic, from suppressed menses.
- | Fever - Thirst during chill. |
- Slightest noises, like crackling of paper drive
him to despair.
- Red parts become white.
- Vertigo on seeing flowing water.
- Vomiting immediately after midnight, while eating, leaves table suddenly
and with one effort, vomits everything eaten, and can sit down and eat again.
- Cough only in the daytime.
- All symptoms relieved by walking about slowly.
- | Pallor of skin and mucous membrane, alternating
with flushes. Pseudo-plethora. Red parts turn white.
- | Haemorrhages from anywhere and everywhere. Blood is bright red fluid and
- | Local congestions and inflammations with hammering, pulsating pains. Veins
- | Canine hunger alternating with complete loss of appetite.
- | Regurgitations or vomiting immediately after eating, painless < after
eating or drinking, while at rest, especially sitting still > walking
slowly about. |
- | Anaemia, Arrhythmia, Arthritis, Bursitis, Chronic
fatigue syndrome, Diarrhoea, Epistaxis, Gastritis, Haemorrhages, Migraine,
Obesity, Sciatica.
- | Ferr 30 for vomiting after tonsillectomy - Dr. Fobister.
- | If Bell. fails in typical headache, think of Ferr. - Dr. Wilburk Band.
- | Avoid Ferr. in tuberculosis, syphilis and in persons presdisposed to
haemorrhages and especially never repeat it. |
Complementary: Alum, Chin
Follows Well: Acon, Arn, Bell, Chin, Con, Lyc, Merc, Phos, Verat
Inimical: Thea
Compare: Bor, Graph, Mang, Other metals
Antidoted By: Ars, Chin, Hep, Ip, Puls
It Antidotes: Ars, Chin, Hydr-ac, Iod, Merc