Oversensitiveness (mental and physical).
Strong violent impulses. Abusive.
Sepsis, abscess, suppuration.
Splinter-like, burning pains.
Chilly. Intolerant to drafts.
- | Hahnemann's Calcium Sulphide |
< | Eating or drinking cold things
< | Touching affected parts
> | Wrapping up warmly, especially head
- | Oversensitiveness (physical or mental), to cold,
pain, touch, noise, odours, draught of air.
- | Hasty in speech, drinking.
- | Peevish, highly impulsive. Impulse to stab or kill.
- | Anguish in evening and night, with thoughts of suicide.
- | Irritable and dissatisfied with oneself and others.
- | Starting on falling asleep.
- | Fear and dreams of fire. Wants to set things or house on fire. Throws things
into fire.
- | Fear on hearing of violent accidents or movies; injury; dentist. |
- | Intense sensitivity to pain.
- | Suppuration - tendency for all inflammations to terminate in suppuration.
- | Suppuration sudden and rapid.
- | Here, connective tissue is affected (Graph, Merc, Sil).
- | Extreme sensitiveness to cold air.
- | Takes cold from slightest exposure to fresh air.
- | Can feel air if door is opened in next room (Tub).
- | Pains - sore, sticking, like sharp splinters (sensation of splinter in
- | Discharges - profuse, foul, sour, like spoiled cheese, offensive.
- | Sourness - diarrhoea of children, perspiration.
- | Sweat - easy, profuse, sour, but does not uncover, without relief.
- | Periodicity - everyday, every 4 weeks (paralysis), every 4 months, winter,
spring, autumn.
- | Persons with light hair and complexion, slow to act, muscles soft and
flabby. Yellowish complexion, middle of lower lip cracked.
- | Head - Sensation as if a plug or nail were being driven into head.
- | A feeling as if the eyes were being pulled backward into head.
- | > binding head up tightly.
- | Eyes - Iritis. Blepharitis.
- | Ears - Severely painful otitis media, child cannot be comforted, wakes up
with pain, shrieking.
- | Mouth – Teeth: loose, sore, sensitive to cold drinks, abscesses at roots of
- | G.I.T. - Craving for sour, strong things, acids, wine, vinegar, pickles,
spicy, pungent.
- | Diarrhoea - chronic, painless, white or clay coloured, green or undigested,
sour or decayed odour.
- | Even soft stool is passed slowly and with difficulty.
- | Eructations and flatus smelling like bad eggs.
- | Respiratory system - Recurrent bronchitis from every cold.
- | Asthma - anxious, wheezing, rattling, short, deep breathing, threatens
- | > sitting up with head bent backwards.
- | Asthma from suppressed eruptions.
- | Cough - when any part of the body is uncovered, croupy, choking, strangling;
deep, barking cough with hoarseness < cold things, < cold air.
- | Sensation of splinter in throat, stitches in throat extending to ear when
- | Quinsy with impending suppuration.
- | Urinary system – Urine is voided slowly with force, drops vertically, is
obliged to wait awhile before it passes, bladder weak, unable to finish it.
- | Male genitalia - Urethral stricture.
- | Extremities - Paronychia.
- | Cold extremities, Raynaud's syndrome.
- | Skin - Tendency to suppurate.
- | Very sensitive to touch.
- | Chapped skin, with deep cracks on hands and feet.
- | Ulcers very sensitive to contact, burning, stinging, easily bleeding.
- | Can't bear to be uncovered (even one part of the body), wants to be wrapped
up warmly.
- | Chronic and recurring urticaria. Urticaria preceding or also with chill,
disappears as heat begins. |
- Sensitiveness to cold air, pain, touch, etc.
- Sensation of splinter and splinter-like pains.
- Tendency towards suppuration, which is rapid.
- Easy sweating with relief.
- Sourness of all discharges.
- Discharges smell like spoiled cheese.
- Faints from pain.
- | Adapted to the psoric, scrofulous diathesis. Persons
extremely sensitive, susceptible to cold.
- | Oversensitive to external impression, pain may cause fainting.
- | Tendency to suppuration with (old cheesy) sour discharges.
- Chilliness.
- Sensation of splinter.
- > Warmth.
- Easy sweating with relief.
- Great sensitiveness to all impressions.
- Tendency to suppuration.
- | Abscess, Acne, Adenopathy, Agoraphobia, Asthma,
Balanitis, Blepharitis, Bronchitis, Croup, Eczema, Iritis, Laryngitis,
Mastitis, Otitis media, Paronychia, Pharyngitis, Pleurisy, Pneumonia,
Prostatitis, Rectal abscess, Sinusitis, Tonsillitis, Urethral stricture,
- | It has been used for chronic malarial poisoning that has been maltreated with
calomel and quinine.
- | In otitis media, in the adolescence, give Hepar sulph - Dr. Foubister. |
Complementary: Acon, Arn, Bell, Lach, Merc, Nit-ac, Sil, Spong,
Compare: Acon, Alum, Ant-c, Ant-t, Arg-n, Ars, Bell, Brom, Bry, Cact,
Calc, Calc-s, Cham, Cina, Clem, Dulc, Euphr, Fl-ac, Graph, Hep, Iod, Lach,
Mag-c, Mag-m, Merc, Nat-c, Nit-ac, Nux-m, Nux-v, Phos, Pso, Rhus-t, Sep, Sil,
Spig, Spong, Sulph, Thuj, Valer, Verat
Antidoted By: Acet-ac, Bell, Cham, Sil
It Antidotes: Calc, Iod, Kali-iod, Merc, Nit-ac