Flamboyant stage of exhibitionism or mania.
Loquacious. Jealous. Suspicious.
Sexual minded. Masturbation. Absence of morals. Shamelessness.
Restlessness. Dancing.
Depression or mania after breaking of romantic relationships.
- | Brain - Violent, Loquacious, Quarrelsome delirium.
- | Cord (Motor tract) - Convulsions, Paralysis.
- | Eyes - Powerful mydriatic.
- | Ears - Paralysis of VIII. Nerve Deafness.
- | GIT - Paralysis of all sphincter muscles.
- | Intestines - Involuntary diarrhoea.
- | Urinary Organs - Diuresis.
- | Suppressed lochia or milk |
< | Emotions; jealousy, fright, unhappy love
< | Before and during menses
< | Beginning of menstruation
< | After eating or drinking
- | Ailments from disappointment in love.
- | Talkative, obscene, lascivious mania, uncovers body. Jealous [Lach, Puls,
Nux-v, Stram].
- | Very suspicious [Cench, Merc, Lach, Anac] of some plot.
- | Fears to eat or drink, to take what is offered.
- | Fear of being alone, being pursued, of water, of being poisoned [Rhus-t,
Lach, Bell, Kali-br], of being bitten, of syphilis, of being betrayed, of
being sold.
- | Great hilarity; inclined to laugh at everything.
- | Laughing before menses, hysterical before menses.
- | Does foolish things, behaves like one who is mad.
- | Silly; does comical acts, performs ludicrous actions like monkeys [Tyler].
- | Foolish laughter, animated and hurried talk.
- | Loquacity; speaks rapidly and changes subject frequently.
- | Talks with imaginary persons or dead ones.
- | Speaks each word louder.
- | Lasciviousness [Bell, Camph, Canth, Phos, Lil-t, Stram, Sec].
- | Erotic; exposes genitals (female); sings amorous songs.
- | Will not be covered, kicks of clothes, lies naked in bed and chatters.
- | Desire to curse when aroused [Morrison].
- | Nymphomania during menses.
- | Carphologia; picks at fingers, bedclothes. Gestures of hands; as if brushing
the face or brushing something away.
- | Unconscious, can barely be aroused.
- | Low muttering delirium [Bell - delirium violent and furious].
- | When spoken to, answers properly but stupor and delirium return immediately.
- | Delirium - attempts to run away. Restless, jumps out of bed, wants to
- | Talks of business, complaints of imaginary wrongs.
- | Wants to get up and attend business or go home [Bry].
- | Attacks people with knife, embraces the stove, prepares for wedding, wraps
up in fur during summer.
- | Delirious without apparent heat, face pale, limbs cold though temperature is
- | Delirium tremens and clonic spasms, aversion to light or company.
- | Indifference, does not complain.
- | Does not recognize his relatives.
- | Thinks he is in the wrong place, thinks he is not at home.
being in debate
been devoured by animals
to imaginary sounds
men are swines
he is being watched.
- | Anxiety on hearing running water.
- | Sadness from smell of flowers. Sadness > urination, continence.
- | C.N.S. - Tremulous weakness and twitching of
- | Every muscle of body twitches from eyes to toes without consciousness [with
consciousness - Nux-v]
- | Before attack; vertigo, sparks before eyes, ears ring, gnawing hunger.
- | During attack; face pale, eyes protrude, shrieking, grinding of teeth, froth
at mouth and involuntary motion.
- | Motions of arms clutching or angular, throws arms about, misses what is
reached for, totters while walking. |
- | Convulsions so violent that it seems the joints and spine will be broken to
- | Active mania or convulsions alternating with deep sopor or ending in deep
- | Convulsions < fright, menses, sleep [Morrison]
- | Eyes - Small objects seem large [reverse of Platina].
- | Mouth - Tongue; dry, red, cracked, stiff, immovable, protruded with
difficulty, can hardly draw it in. Tongue looks like burnt leather.
- | Speech impaired, bits tongue while talking.
- | Teeth covered with sordes.
- | G.I.T. - Dysphagia; choking on swallowing liquids, solids and warm food >
- | Fluids come out through nose or enter in larynx.
- | Thirst but drinks little at a time, drinking causes spasms.
- | Cramps in stomach < after irritating food > after vomiting.
- | Umbilicus open, urine oozing through.
- | Diarrhoea; colicky pains, involuntary < mental excitement or during
sleep, during fever, while urinating.
- | Urinary system - Involuntary micturition.
- | Retention of urine after childbirth [Arn, Op].
- | Male genitalia - Desire to masturbate in public.
- | Masturbation in children.
- | Lewd speech or desire to curse during sex.
- | Respiratory system - Dry spasmodic cough < night < lying down >
siting up [Dros]. From itching in throat (from dry spot in larynx), as if
uvula were elongated < eating, drinking, talking, singing [Dros, Phos]
[> lying down - Mang-m].
- | Sleep - Nervous wakefulness, starts up frightened.
- | Intense sleeplessness of irritable, excitable persons, from business
embarrassment often imaginary. |
- Immodesty, will not be covered, exposes the
person, sings obscene songs.
- Every muscle of the body twitches, from eyes to the toes.
- Intense sleeplessness of irritable, excitable persons from business
- Suspicious of some plot, fear of being poisoned.
- Bad effects of unfortunate love.
- Lascivious mania.
- Fever rapidly becomes typhoid with clouding of the MIND.
- | Diseases with cerebral activity but non-inflammatory
in type.
- | Weakness and nervous agitation, hence typhoid and other conditions.
- | Talkative, obscene, lascivious mania, uncovers body, jealous.
- | Low muttering delirium, constant carphologia, deep stupor.
- | Convulsions, trembling, jerks, twitchings, cramps. |
- | Behavioural disorders, Cerebral accidents, Cough,
Fecal impaction, Mania, Meningitis, Schizophrenia, Seizures.
- | Phos often cures lasciviousness when Hyos fails.
- | Nux-v or Opium in haemoptysis of drunkards.
- | Hiccoughs occurring after operations on abdomen - Dr. E. A. Farrington.
- | Preventive in typhus with fresh air and wholesome food - Dr. Ruddock.
- | For production of sleep, 5-10 drops of mother tincture in 1/2 glass of water
at bedtime in teaspoonful doses given 1/2 hourly - Dr.Butter.
- | For nail biting (Sanicula, Arsenic) - Dr. Boger. |
Followed Well By: Bell, Phos, Puls, Stram, Verat
Follows Well: Bell, Nux-v, Op, Rhus-t
Compare: Coloc, Con, Cupr, Lach, Nux-v, Op, Puls, Sec, Stram, Verat
Antidoted By: Bell, Chin, Stram
It Antidotes: Bell, Merc, Stram