Compulsive rigidity, adhering to the code of ethics
and rules. Stoic.
Exercises a strong control over his emotions.
Duty conscious. Conservative, loyal, moral, proper people.
Chilly. Intolerant to drafts.
Backacke, perspiration and weakness.
Worse from coition. Worse 2 to 4 a.m.
Bag-like swelling of eyelids, especially upper.
Carbonate of Potassium.
Minerals, salt.
- | Mucus membrane - Congestion |
- | Serous membrane - Rheumatism, increased secretion.
- | Blood - Fibrin increased, rheumatoid affection. |
- | Suppression of eruptions in childhood |
- | Closing of ulcers or fistulous openings |
< | Sudden or unguarded motion
> | Sitting with elbows on knees
> | Lying on painful or left side |
- | Conservative, loyal, moral, proper people.
- | Very irritable. Quarrels with one's bread and butter, with his family.
- | Rigid, unable to break even a trivial rule. Dogmatic, dislikes change.
- | Obstinate and hypersensitive to pain, noise, touch.
- | Never wants to be left alone. Desire for company, yet treats them
- | Anxiety and fear when alone. Fear of death when alone.
- | Full of fear and imaginations.
- | Fear - of impending disease, of future, of ghosts, being alone, dark, of
- | Easily startled; starts when touched especially on feet; on falling asleep.
- | Starting from unexpected noises.
- | Antagonism with herself.
- | Anxiety when hungry. Anxiety felt in stomach.
- | Want of self-confidence.
- | Hurry in mental work; in occupation.
- | Weakness of memory; for expressing oneself.
- | Weeping with headache; when telling of her sickness.
- | Weakness, characteristic of all
potassium salts is seen especially in this with soft pulse, coldness, general
depression and very characteristic stitches which may be felt in any part of
the body or in connection with any affection.
- | Inclined to obesity, disposed to oedema eg. dropsy in old age, dropsy from
liver troubles, etc.
cutting, stitching, stabbing or catching, darting
felt in various parts of the body from within out.
of painful parts.
pains, numbness or coldness of single parts, abdomen, fingers.
- | Cannot bear to be touched; starts when
touched ever so lightly especially on feet.
- | Sensitive to every atmospheric change and intolerance of cold weather.
- | SWEAT, BACKACHE and WEAKNESS in combination are not found in any other
- | Throbbing of blood vessels all over body and to ends of fingers and toes.
- | Patients who have never been well after pneumonia.
- | Fibrous tissues, ligaments of joints, of uterus, of lumbar back, are
particularly affected, producing relaxation. Joints give way; back feels as
if broken; the patient feels compelled to lie down or lean on something.
- | Discharges are profuse and acrid.
- | Convulsions seem to pass off with eructations.
- | Twitching of the muscles; rigidity and atony of the muscles.
- | Very much inclined to take cold [after having being heated]; symptoms of
taking cold from every draught of air.
- | Dread of open air < open air.
- | Swelling and indurations of glands [after contusions].
- | All the wandering pains and chilliness are > eruptions, reappearance of
discharge, by haemorrhages, by ulcers that eat deeply and flow freely and
fistulous openings.
- | Eyes - Bag like swelling between the upper eyelids and eyebrows.
only when eating.
< when touched by anything warm or cold.
- | Throat - Difficult swallowing.
- | Sticking pains in pharynx as of a fish bone.
- | Food easily gets into the windpipe, pain in back when swallowing.
- | G.I.T. – Stomach: distended, sensitive, feels as if it would burst.
- | Excessive flatulency, everything she eats or drinks appears to be converted
into gas.
- | Desire for sweets or sugar.
- | Constant feeling as if stomach were full of water.
- | Anxiety felt in the stomach, as though it were a fear.
- | Severely painful haemorrhoids.
- | Large, difficult stools with stitching pain an hour before, then burning or
torn feeling.
- | Respiratory system – Cough: dry, paroxysmal, loosens, viscid mucus or pus,
which must be swallowed.
- | Spasmodic, with gagging or vomiting of ingesta.
- | Hard, white, or smoky masses fly from throat, when coughing.
- | With stitching pains, whole chest is very sensitive.
- | Queer sensation of a lump rolling over and over on coughing, rising from
right side of abdomen to throat, and back again.
- | Expectoration increased in morning and after eating.
- | Wheezing cough with relaxed uvula.
- | Asthma > when sitting up or bending forward or by rocking < 2-4 a.m.
- | Difficult respiration, worse lying flat, better sitting upright, better
leaning bent forwards with elbows resting on the knees, better lying propped
- | C.V.S. - Tendency to fatty degeneration of heart.
- | Sensation as if suspended by a thread.
- | Palpitation and burning in heart region.
- | Weak, rapid pulse; intermits due to digestive disturbance.
- | C.N.S. - Convulsions seem to pass off with eructations.
- | Female genitalia - Leucorrhoea with labour like pains causing itching and
burning in pudendum > washing.
- | Back - Backache with threatened abortion, delayed labour.
- | Pain goes down to the thighs and legs; wants the back pressed.
- | While walking, feels as if she must give up and lie down.
- | Backache > sitting down and pressure.
- | Pain extends downwards to the buttocks and even to the knee.
- | Sleep - Drowsy whilst eating.
- | Excessive sleepiness during or after meals.
- | Sleeplessness without cause. |
- Backache, sweat and weakness in association.
- Bag like swelling between upper eyelids and eyebrows.
- Cannot bear to be touched, starts when touched ever so lightly, especially
on the feet.
- | Adapted to fleshy, aged, soft, thin blooded, cold
persons sensitive to atmospheric changes, to every draft of air, with
dropsical and paralytic tendency.
- | Persons who always complain of weakness, backache and sweat profusely. |
- Backache, sweat, weakness in association.
- Bag-like swelling between upper eyelids and eyebrows.
- Cannot bear to be touched, starts when touched ever so lightly, especially
on feet.
- Stitching, darting pains, worse during rest and lying on affected side.
- Early morning, 2 to 4 a.m. aggravation.
- | Allergy, Anaemia, Angina, Arthritis, Asthma,
Cholelithiasis, Congestive cardiac failure, Connective tissue disease,
Headache, Hypertension, Insomnia, Lumbago, Peptic ulcer, Pneumonia, Prostatic
hypertrophy, Psoriasis, Renal calculi, Sciatica, Sinusitis, Uterine fibroids.
- | Kent warns against Kali-c in at all high potencies in gout, but it is not a
bad plan to start Kali-c fairly low, say 30th or lower and then go up.
- | To re-establish peristalsis after abdominal operation, give Kali-c - Dr.
H.A. Robert.
- | When Colocynth relieves the pain in cases of colic, where the patient is
doubled up with pain, where the attacks recur give Kali-c - Dr. Kent.
- | Good remedy for warts on fingers - Dr. Woodbury. |
Complementary: Carb-v, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Phos, Sep
Followed Well By: Ars, Carb-v, Fl-ac, Lyc, Phos, Puls, Sep, Sulph
Follows Well: Bry, Kali-s, Lyc, Nat-m, Phos, Stann
Compare: Other Kalis
Antidoted By: Camph, Coff, Nit-s-d