- | Cowardice, feels weak and inadequate. Incapable of
fulfilling their responsibilities in life so they avoid responsibilities.
- | Due to this, patient develops inferiority and becomes very shy, introverted,
soft and rather a loner.
- | Or to compensate this the patient becomes egoistical, bragging, acting
extrovered, assertive, domineering (so comes the "love of power").
- | Such people have "low self esteem", "low confidence".
- | Patient has "dread of appearing in public".
- | Anticipation, he is obsessed with the idea that he will make a mess of it,
but when he undertakes the task he goes through this with ease, but he will
face the same terror next time. Apprehensive.
- | Wants to be alone with someone in the next room, because he fears to be
- | Patient dreads the presence of new persons or visitors.
- | Desire for sexual gratification, without wanting to face the personal
responsibilities which are implicit in such intimacy, such relationship to sex
is superficial.
- | Due to this fear of responsibility, of commitment, patient often faces
sexual dysfunctioning in married life.
- | Fear of ghosts, cancer, of being alone at night, people, claustrophobia,
public speaking, agoraphobia, commitment and marriage.
- | Anxiety about health, about career, cancer.
- | Irritable, peevish and cross on waking. Kicks and screams.
- | Easily angered, cannot endure opposition or contradiction.
- | Avaricious, greedy, miserly, malicious, pusillanimous.
- | Weeps all the day, cannot calm herself, very sensitive, even cries when
thanked. Weeping aloud ameliorates. |
- | Constitution: Especially suited in the extremes - children
and old people.
- | For persons intellectually keen but physically weak.
- | Old persons, where the skin shows yellowish spots, pale, earthy complexions,
with deep furrows.
- | Children precocious, weakly.
- | Upper part of the body emaciated, lower part semi-dropsical.
- | Lymphatic constitution with catarrhal tendencies, predisposed to lung and
hepatic affections.
- | Right sided affections, complaints go from right to left.
- | Symptom generally worse between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.
- | Repeating or alternating symptoms - flexion then extension, flushing then
Relapses, sudden symptoms.
- | In general > Uncovering, loosening the garment > Warm drinks.
- | Suddenness of complaints sudden flashes of heat. Lightning-like pains,
sudden satiety. Burning pain > heat.
- | Dryness of parts, of mucous membranes, vagina, skin especially palms.
- | Nose - Sensitiveness to strong smells, to noise.
- | Fanning of wings of nose.
- | Nose stopped at night, child starts from sleep, rubbing its nose root of
nose, frontal sinuses.
- | Face - Copper-coloured eruptions of face.
- | Dropping jaw in typhoid fever (Lach, Op)
Throat - Complaints go from right to left.
- | Dryness of throat without thirst.
- | Food, drink regurgitates through mouth.
- | < cold drinks > warm drinks.
- | Stomach - Food tastes sour.
- | Excessive hunger, but eating ever so little creates fullness.
- | Wakes at night feeling hungry.
- | Incomplete burning eructations rise only to pharynx.
- | Sour eructations due to farinaceous or fermentable food, cabbage, beans,
- | Abdomem - Abdomen bloated, full < immediately after a light meal, and
especially the lower abdomen.
- | Hepatitis, atrophic form of nutmeg liver - dropsy.
- | Pain shooting across lower abdomen from right to left.
- | Flatulence much noisy < lower bowel.
- | Urinary system - Pain in back before urinating > after flow.
- | Flow slow, must strain, scanty.
- | Child cries before urinating (Especially children, who wake up from pain,
screaming, toss the limbs about).
- | Male genitalia - Sexual exhaustion, impotence, erection feeble.
- | Impotence of young men from onanism.
- | Old man with strong desire, but imperfect erections.
- | Falls asleep during an embrace. Premature emission.
- | Female genitalia - Dryness of vagina. Burning during and after coition
- | Leucorrhoea acrid, periodical < before full moon.
- | Foetus appears to be turning somersaults.
- | Respiratory system - Pneumonia, neglected or maltreated, at base of lung.
- | Cough deep, hollow, with expectoration.
- | Craves air, but is chilled by it.
Complementary: Chel, Ign, Iod, Ip, Kali-i, Lach, Puls
Followed Well By: Graph, Lach, Led, Phos, Sil
Follows Well: Bell, Bry, Calc, Carb-v, Graph, Hyos, Lach, Led, Merc,
Nux-v, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sil, Stram, Sulph, Verat
Inimical: Coff
Compare: Acet-ac, Aesc, Aloe, Alum, Am-c, Anac, Ant-t, Apis, Arg-n,
Arn, Ars, Aur-s, Bar-c, Bell, Bism, Bor, Bov, Brom, Calc, Camph, Cann-i,
Caps, Carb-an, Carb-v, Caust, Cham, Chel, Chlf, Cinch, Coloc, Con, Cur, Cycl,
Eupi, Ferr, Fl-ac, Gad, Glon, Graph, Hell, Ign, Ind, Iod, Ip, Jug-r, Kali-c,
Kali-i, Kreos, Lac-c, Lach, Lil-t, Lith-c, Mag-c, Mag-p, Nat-c, Nat-m, Nit-ac
Puls, Nux, Nux-m, Nux-v, Phos, Phyt, Pic-ac, Plat, Pso, Rhus-t, Rob, Samb,
Sang, Sars, Sep, Sil, Staph, Stram, Sulph, Tarent, Thuj, Titan, Vacc, Verat
Similar: Ars, Calc-s, Carb-an, Euph, Hep, Merc, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Nux-v,
Rhus-t, Sabad
Antidoted By: Acon, Camph, Caust, Cham, Cinch, Coff, Graph, Puls
It Antidotes: Chlor, Cinch, Merc