Neuralgic pains relieved by warmth.
Flatulent colic, forcing patient to bend double, relieved by rubbing, warmth,
pressure; accompanied by belching of gas, which gives no relief.
Bloated, full sensation in abdomen, must loosen clothing, walk about, and
constantly pass flatus.
Phosphate of Magnesia
MgHPO4 7H2O.
The crystals of Mag-p are needle like with a cooling, sweetish taste.
They are an earthy constituent of muscles; nerves;
bone; brain (grey matter) spine; sperma, teeth and blood corpuscles. By
functional disturbances of magnesium molecules the muscular fibres contract
and hence it is a remedy for cramps; convulsions and other nervous phenomena.
- | Standing in cold water; working with cold clay |
< | Cold air, drafts, water
- | Irritable and oversensitive with many fears
(similar to Phos).
- | Illusions of the senses.
- | Forgetful, dullness and inability to think clearly, Indisposition to study
or mental effort.
- | Indisposition to mental or physical exertion.
- | Sobbing and lamenting. Laments constantly about the pain with hiccoughs;
weeping during convulsions.
- | Talks to herself, or sits still in moody silence. |
- | Tall, slender, dark, neurotic, persons. Young and
strong individuals and teething children. Languid, tried, exhausted persons.
- | Right-sided affections of head ear, face, chest, ovary, sciatic nerve.
- | Great dread of cold air, of uncovering, or touching the affected part.
- | Pains - Cramping, lightning-like, shooting, sharp, cutting, stabbing, stitching,
rapidly changing place.
- | Pains come and go suddenly.
- | Colicky pain in abdomen, forcing her to bend double > heat, warmth,
pressure > when menstrual flow begins.
- | Neuralgic pains, especially, facial neuralgia, supra or infra-orbital right
sided neuralgic pains. In unbearable paroxysms, lightning-like, driving the
patient to frenzy < draught of cold air > heat, warmth.
- | Mouth – Toothache: severe, neuralgic pains with ulceration of teeth <
night from eating < cold drinks > warmth.
- | G.I.T. - Spasms of stomach with clean tongue.
- | Female genitalia - Membranous dysmenorrhoea with a tarry, dark, stringy
flow, and severe, shifting, cramping pains.
- | Extremities - Spasms during dentition without fever.
- | Cramps of extremities, writer's cramps, cramps of piano players. |
- | Pains - sharp, cutting, shooting, lightning-like,
rapidly changing place, causing restlessness, and prostration
> warmth or heat, pressure < cold.
- | Enuresis after catheterization. |
- | Neurotic persons subject to violent, sudden,
unendurable, tearing neuralgias, colics and cramps.
- | Right sided pains > warmth < cold.
- | Women with membranous dysmenorrhoea and dark, tarry menses staining fast. |
- | Pains cramping, shooting, spasmodic, sharp, cutting, stabbing, come and go
suddenly. |
- | Angina pectoris, Chorea, Cramps, Dysmenorrhoea
(membranous), Enteralgia, Flatulent colic, Goitre, Neuralgias, Nystagmus,
Sciatica, Toothache, Vertigo, Whooping cough, Writer's cramps.
- | Enuresis after catheterization - Dr.H.C.Allen.
- | Bad effects of tetanus shots - Dr.Grimmer. |
Compare: Ars, Cact, Caul, Cham, Cimic, Lac-c, Lil-t, Lyc,
Nat-m, Puls, Sil, Xan
Similar: Ars, Bell, Spig, Zinc
Antidoted By: Bell, Gels, Lach