Syphilitic. Tremulous, weak, sweaty. Rawness. Free
secretions. Suppurations, ulcerations. Yellowness. Dirty, filthy. Increased
salivation. Weak bowels. Orgasms. Hurried, restless.
Dimercurous ammonium nitrate.
< | COLD AND WARM (Ip, Nat-c)
< | Warm days and cold, damp nights
- | Introverted, closed, emotionally intense and
- | Reserved, withdrawn from general vulnerability. Withdrawn and introverted.
Strong emotions internally but rarely given expression.
- | Need to feel real contact to communicate. Desires to communicate, but
difficulty making contact.
- | Strong feelings inside, expressed with difficulty. Stammering, nervous with
- | Have VIOLENT IMPULSES, e.g. to strike or even kill, that frighten them.
Tries to restrain them. Is ashamed about it. Violent, hurried impulses,
suicidal and homicidal. Sudden impulses to pull the nose of people he meets
on the road. Impulse to scream.
- | Delusion everybody is an enemy. Paranoia.
- | Anxiety with panic attacks.
- | Fear of insanity (thinks he is losing his reason), people, thunderstorm,
being attacked from behind, disease, death, darkness, cemeteries, high
places, ghosts, poverty (great stinginess), agoraphobia.
- | Phobic states. Depression.
- | Slowness, dullness. Answers slowly (Hell, Ph-ac).
- | HURRIED and rapid talking. (Internal) hurriedness to compensate, but
- | Children - Sensitive and closed, timid. Dirty. Restless. PRECOCIOUS. Act
like grown-ups. Flirting, but not sexual.
- | Memory weak. Absentminded. Imbecility.
- | Moaning. Suspicious. Withdrawn and suspicious. |
- | "Living thermometer". Over-reactivity from or with
weakness, nearly everything aggravates.
- | SYPHILITIC miasm < night, from darkness to daylight.
- | OFFENSIVENESS of secretions - breath, body.
- | Profuse perspiration without relief.
- | Discharges - free, thin, slimy, acrid, burning, foul, thick, yellowish
- | Lymphatic glands are enlarged. Glandular activity especially of salivary and
mucous glands.
- | Chronic SUPPURATIONS, ulcerations. Easy suppuration. Pus, bloody, thin,
- | Great weakness with tremulousness.
- | Yellowness - eyes, teeth, nasal, biliousness, jaundice.
- | Desires BREAD AND BUTTER (Mag-c), sweet, salt, cold drinks.
- | Aversion to SWEETS (Caust, Graph), salt, artichokes, meat, coffee, butter,
oily things.
- | Sweets and milk disagree though he craves them.
- | Appearance - Serious, pale face and skin, with blotchiness and a
transluscent quality, like marble.
- | Head - Vertigo < lying on back, as if on a swing.
- | Headache with earache and toothache.
- | Pain after suppressed discharge; alternating with perspiration of feet.
- | Scalp tensed, as if bandaged. Oily sweat.
- | Eye - Every cold settles in the eyes.
- | Profuse, burning, acrid discharge after exposure to glare of fire,
- | Parenchymatous keratitis of syphilitic origin with burning.
- | Ear - OTITIS MEDIA. Chronic or acute.
- | Ear - yellowish discharge.
- | Otalgia < warmth of bed at night.
- | Boils in external canal.
- | Nose - Chronic coryza with offensive, greenish discharge.
- | Sneezing in sunshine > lying.
- | Red, raw, dirty nosed children.
- | Face - Acne, with pus, leaving scars.
- | Mouth - Aphthae (Bor). Ulcerations.
- | Tongue - large, flabby, moist, indented or shows imprint of teeth, mapped,
painful, with ulcers red or white.
- | Furrow in upper surface of tongue. Speech difficult from trembling tongue.
- | inflamed, BLEEDING, swollen spongy gums. Ulcers on gums.
- | FOETID, coppery, metallic tasting (Rhus-t) saliva, flows during sleep.
- | Crowns of teeth decay, roots remain.
- | Toothache - pulsating, shooting into face or ears < warmth of bed, cold
drinks, evening, damp weather > rubbing the cheek.
- | Throat - Pharyngitis, tonsillitis acute or chronic.
- | Tonsils inflamed. Uvula swollen, constant desire to swallow.
- | Flushed when excited (Ign, Nat-m).
- | Diphtheria membrane thick, gray, adherent or free.
- | Cervical glands enlarged.
- | Stomach - Intense thirst, although tongue looks moist and saliva is profuse.
- | Thirsty for cold drinks and beer.
- | Weak digestion with constant hunger.
- | Abdomen - Gastroenteritis. Ulcerative colitis.
- | Rectum - Diarrhoea with strong urging, tenesmus.
- | Tenesmus of rectum with tenesmus of bladder.
- | Dysentery - Slimy, offensive, greenish, BLOODY, with colic and fainting,
great tenesmus during and after, not > by stool, followed by chilliness
and cannot finish sensation. 'Never get done' feeling. More the blood, better
- | Weak, exhausted and ready to sink down < after stools
- | Urinary system - Tenesmus of bladder with frequent urging day and night,
with copious or scanty urine.
- | Urinates more than he drinks.
- | Male genitalia - Phimosis, paraphimosis.
- | Gonorrhoea, thick, yellowish greenish discharge.
- | Constantly handles the genitals.
- | Female genitalia - Mammae full of milk and painful at menses.
- | Sensation of rawness in parts.
- | Stinging pain in ovaries.
- | Prolapsus of uterus > coition.
- | Leucorrhoea - thick, white, excoriating, greenish, when urinating < night
> coition.
- | Itching and burning < urination > washing with cold water.
- | Respiratory system - Cough < night, warmth of bed, lying on right side,
- | Expectoration - Greenish, purulent.
- | Respiration difficult < lying on left side, but cough < lying on right
- | Asthma > tobacco smoke and cold air.
- | Affects lower lobe of right lung, stitches through to back.
- | Extremities - TREMBLING OF UPPER LIMBS, HANDS < writing, holding objects
(Gels, Plb).Unable to lift anything or write.
- | Parkinson's disease. Paralysis agitans.
- | Creeping chillines < evening night.
- | Skin - Itching < perspiration, heat (Mang).
- | Chronic ulceration with tendency to spread.
- | Eruptions moist, crusty, offensive. Eczema. Boils. Psoriasis.
- | Profuse sweat without relief.
- | Skin always moist, yellow, tender, excoriated, like raw meat.
- | Ulcers - irregular, spreading, shallow, bleeding with cutting and proud
- | Eating ulcers join together. Spread superficially have a lardaceous base.
- | Sweat - Easy, profuse without relief; with the pains; oily, foul, sour,
stains indelible yellow; on head, chest; at night. |
- < NIGHT.
- Profuse sweat without relief.
- Intense thirst, though the tongue looks moist, with profuse salivation.
- Dysentery with tenesmus, with more blood, not > by stool.
- | Complaints of Syphilitic origin.
- | < heat as well as cold < night < warmth of bed.
- | Profuse sweat without relief.
- | Glandular enlargement with easy suppuration.
- | Offensive discharges which are yellow green.
- | Ulcerations spreading superficially with lardaceous base.
- | Thirst though mouth is moist with profuse salivation. |
- Moist tongue, with salivation, with intense
- < Night < warmth of bed < sweating.
- Creeping chilliness.
- Thirst though tongue moist.
- Tongue large, flabby, indented.
- Profuse sweat which aggravates.
- | Abscess, Bruxism, Colitis, Connective tissue
disease, Gastroenteritis, Glossitis, Malignancy, Orchitis, Otitis media,
Parkinson's disease, Pharyngitis, Phobic disorder, Premature ejaculation,
Sexual disorders, Sinusitis, Stomatitis, Syphilis, Tonsillitis, Ulcerative
colitis, Vaginitis.
- | In low potencies hastens suppuration, in high potencies aborts suppuration.
- | In peritonitis, prevents the further spread - Farrington.
- | Merc (and Sepia) after Belladonna are not reliable in uterine congestion -
Dr. Moore.
- | Aconite in the first stage, to be followed by Merc later, are often the only
medicines needed in acute catarrhal bronchitis - Hering.
Follows Well: Acon, Ars, Asaf, Bell, Calc, Cinch, Hep, Lach, Lyc,
Nit-ac, Phos, Puls, Rhus, Sep, Sulph
Inimical: Sil
Compare: Acon, Ant-c, Apis, Arg-n, Arn, Ars, Bor, Bry, Cann-i, Caust,
Cham, Chel, Chin-s, Coloc, Con, Croc, Dig, Dol, Dulc, Euphr, Graph, Hep,
Kali-c, Kali-i, Lac-c, Led, Lept, Lyc, Mag-c, Mag-m, M-aust, Med, Nit-ac,
Nux-v, Phos, Pic-ac, Plb, Psor, Puls, Sabal, Sang, Sars, Spong, Sulph, Syph,
Teucr, Thuj
Antidoted By: Ant-c, Asaf, Aur, Bell, Calad, Camph, Carb-v, Cinch,
Dulc, Ferr, Guai, Hep, Iod, Kali-chl, Kali-i, Lach, Mez, Nit-ac, Op, Phyt,
Sars, Sep, Staph, Still, Sulph, Valer
It Antidotes: Ant-t, Aur, Bell, Chin, Dulc, Lach, Mez, Op, Phyt, Thuj,