- | Mental symptoms due to pain -
periosteal, neuralgic, toothache, etc.
during chill, with neuralgia
as if abdomen would become rigid
about salvation
- | Confused state of mind, does not know where she is,
what is around her, by every intercurrent remarks of others, or when
- | Apathy, indifference, everything seems dead to him and nothing makes a vivid
impression upon his mind, while listening or reading.
- | Sad, depressed, morose, fretful moaning, with pains, especially, toothache.
- | Apprehensive at pit of stomach, as when expecting unpleasant news. |
- | Pains of various kinds with chilliness and
sensitiveness to cool air.
- | Head - Head covered with honey like scab, with matting of hair, filthy look.
- | Thick leathery crusts, under which pus collects.
- | Eyes - Ciliary neuralgias after operations, twitching of upper lid and
muscles of right cheek.
- | Ears - For chronic inflammation of middle ear, with feeling of cold air
blowing into the ear.
- | Deafness from suppressed eruptions (Clarke).
- | Mouth - Toothache in carious teeth, feels elongated.
- | Pain when touched with tongue > Mouth open and drawing in air.
- | G.I.T. - Craving for ham, fat, coffee, wine.
- | Nausea felt in throat > eating.
- | Constipation - stools hard as stone, very big in size, after confinement.
- | Skin - Eruptions ooze acrid, gluey moisture, with burning, thick
leather-like crusts, with pus beneath.
- | Linen sticks, bleeds when torn away.
- | Intolerable itching < warmth, change place on scratching, followed by
- | Extremities - Pain in periosteum of long bones < night < touch. |
Follows Well: Bell, Bry, Calc, Caust, Ign, Lyc, Merc, Nux-v, Phos,
Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sil, Sulph
Compare: Anac, Ang, Ars, Bor, Cedr, Croc, Cycl, Guai, Hep, Ign, Kreos,
Lach, Med, Merc, Ph-ac, Phos, Phyt, Rhus-t, Sep, Spig, Stann, Syph, Thuj,
Similar: Anac, Guai, Phyt, Rhus-t
Antidoted By: Acon, Bry, Calc, Camph, Kali-i, Merc, Nit-ac, Nux-v,
Phos, Rhus-t
It Antidotes: Merc, Nit-ac, Phos