Gentle, sacrificing.
Cheerful and jocular, even though sad within. Mental fatigue.
Sadness and weeping from music.
Inability to assimilate - emotional (intolerant to certain people) and
physical (food allergies, especially milk).
< sun.
Carbonate of soda
Mineral kingdom
- | Chronic effects of sunstroke |
< | Mental or bodily exertion
< | Vegetable, starchy food
< | Cold drinks when overheated
> | Boring into nose or ears with fingers
- | Gentle, refined, selfless individuals.
- | Self contained, independent, yet very mild, kind, unselfish. Tendency to
- | Desire to be magnetized, occupation ameliorates.
- | Sensitive to sensual impression.
- | Feels stupefied if he tries to exert himself.
- | Mental weakness and depression.
- | Examination funk after over study.
- | Very sensitive to noise. Starting from noise.
- | Anxious and restless during thunderstorm, due to electrical changes in
- | Worse from music, music causes great sadness and tendency to suicide.
- | Sadness, religious insanity.
- | Sensitive to presence of certain persons. Aversion to certain people.
- | Aversion to company. Indifference to own family or husband.
- | Occupied with sad thoughts.
- | Depressed and irritable especially after meat. Hypochondria from eating.
- | Delusions, is deserted, forsaken, cannot succeed.
- | Conscientious about trifles.
- | Irritability during heat.
- | A/F - Excessive joy, loquacity. |
- | Great debility caused by heat of summer
and sun, chronic effects of sunstroke.
- | Exhaustion and debility from least efforts, either mental or physical.
- | Emaciation, milky white skin, pale face, blue rings around eyes, anaemia,
puffiness, chilly patient.
- | Children who cannot tolerate milk but thrive better on cereals. Nervous
children startle in sleep.
from slightest mental exertion, from sun or working under gas light.
tension in nape or occiput.
feels too large as if it would burst.
- | Face - Herpes of lips or face.
- | Eyes - Ulceration of cornea with burning and dryness of conjunctiva.
- | G.I.T. - Mucus in throat and posterior nares, constantly hawking to clear
the throat.
- | Dropping into the throat from posterior nares, thick, foul yellowish,
- | Craving for potatoes, sweets, milk.
- | Aversion to milk, diarrhoea from it. Food allergies.
- | Slightest error in diet causes diarrhoea.
- | Flatus changes places, abdomen pouts here and there.
- | Acidity, acid dyspepsia and which is > soda biscuits.
- | Always nibbling, feels hungry at 5 a.m.
- | Urinary system - Chronic cystitis, pain at the end of urination.
- | Female genitalia – Menses: scanty, like meat washing.
- | Sensation of foetus in uterus.
- | Bearing down, as if everything would come out.
- | Sterility due to lack of retention of semen, due to excessive discharge of
mucus from vagina. Discharge of mucus after an embrace.
- | Back - Stoop shouldered.
- | Extremities - Relaxation, easy dislocation, pain causes tremors, cold sweat,
anxiety, etc.
- | Twitching in the muscles and limbs.
- | Contraction of muscles and tendons.
- | Paralysis of the left tower extremity with tingling.
- | Weak ankles, they turn easily.
- | Skin - Eczema of finger tips or in the antecubital region.
- Great debility caused by heat of summer and sun,
chronic effects of sun-stroke.
- Great debility from slightest mental or physical exertion.
- Complaints in general < music.
- Aversion to milk, it disagrees. Milk causes diarrhoea of stool like orange
- Weak ankles, they turn easily.
- Sterility due to lack of retention of semen due to excessive discharge of
- Great debility from heat of summer, chronic
effects of sunstroke, causing recurrent headaches during summer.
- Examination funk due to over-study, headache. Comprehension difficult.
- Diarrhoea from milk with aversion to milk.
- Sterility due to lack of retention of semen, due to excessive discharge of
mucus from vagina.
- | Debility, exhausion, from heat of the sun,
overheating, mental or physical exertion.
- | Oversensitiveness to music, to open air, to noise. |
- | Cystitis, Eczema, Food allergies, Gastritis,
Headache, Herpes, Infertility, Irritable bowel syndrome, Multiple sclerosis,
Peptic ulcer, Urethritis.
- | Nat-c has helped when the cervix is enlarged or has a congenital defective
growth of the anterior vaginal wall - Dr. Farrington. |
Complementary: Sep
Follows Well: Calc, Lyc, Nux-v, Phos, Puls, Sep, Sil, Sulph
Compare: Acon, Agar, Am-m, Amm-c, Ant-c, Bry, Calc, Carb-an, Caust,
Cina, Glon, Ind, Kali-c, Lach, Led, Lil-t, Lyc, Murx, Naja, Nat-m, Nat-s,
Nux-v, Petr, Phos, Pic-ac, Rhod, Sabin, Sep, Sil, Sul-ac, Sulph, Zinc
Similar: Ars, Carb-v, Lyc, Merc, Natr-m, Natr-s, Phos, Sil
Antidoted By: Camph, Nitr-sp-d
It Antidotes: Chic