- | Hyperacidity, worms, rheumatic and gouty deposits.
- | Discharges - GOLDEN YELLOW, acidic, acrid, excoriating, sour.
- | SOURNESS; eructations, vomiting, stools, expectoration, sweat, leucorrhoea,
- | Face, pale or red on alternate sides.
- | Mouth - Golden yellow, creamy coating at the back of roof of mouth and
Thin, moist coating on the tongue. Blister on the tongue.
- | As of a hair on tongue or lump in throat.
- | Nose - Itching nose, about mouth and anus.
- | G.I.T. - Acidity in infants who have been fed to excess of milk and sugar.
- | Desire for strong tasting things, salts, eggs, fried fish, ice-cream, beer
which >, PICA.
- | Aversion to bread and butter.
- | Gastro-duodenal catarrh.
- | Fullness in abdomen < standing or < eating a little.
- | Involuntary with passing of flatus, greenish diarrhoea < early morning,
< change of weather.
- | Male genitalia - Nocturnal emissions.
- | Emissions without dreams with weakness in back and trembling in limbs.
- | Female genitalia - Sterility with acrid secretions from vagina.
- | Extremities - Synovial crepitations.
- | Skin - Eruptions about joints.
- | Itching in various parts especially of ankles.
- | Heart pains <-> Rheumatic pains.
- | Feet icy cold during day, burn at night.
Compare: Abrot, Benz-ac, Calc, Carb- v, Carb-ac, Caust, Cina,
Cocc, Colch, Guai, Kali-bi, Kali-c, Lyc, Nat-m, Nux-v, Rheum, Rob, Sil,
Sulph, Teucr, Urt-u
Similar: Benz-ac, Calc, Carb-ac, Carb-v, Cocc, Colch, Guai, Kali-c,
Lyc, Nux-v, Rheum, Robinia, Sulph
Antidoted By: Apis, Sep