- | Patients who are chilly; always taking
- | One of best remedy to commence treatment in cases who are drugged by strong
allopathic treatment. Oversensitive to all external impressions.
- | Fainting tendency from odours, after eating, after labour, with pain.
- | Convulsions with consciousness, by anger or emotion.
- | Violent pains – lightning-like, twisting, jerking.
- | Bruised soreness in abdomen, brain, larynx, throat.
- | Head - Gastric headaches.
- | Sensation as if nail were driven into head.
- | Sensation as if head was beaten with axe > pressure.
- | Drunken confusion in head.
- | < Sun [Nat-c, Glon], < Morning, > Warm, > Rest.
- | Vertigo with momentary loss of consciousness.
Infra-orbital neuralgia
Optic nerve atrophy because of use of intoxicants
- | Nose - Snuffles of infants < Night (Stict, Am-c,
Lyc, Samb).
- | Sneezing - violent and abortive.
- | Coryza dry at night, fluent by day (Nat-c).
- | Mouth - Taste bitter in mouth.
- | Accumulation of saliva in fauces.
- | Tongue posteriorly coated yellow.
- | G.I.T. - Digestive disturbances with ineffectual desire for stools.
- | Sour eructations. Sour vomitus.
- | Nausea and vomiting constant. "If I could vomit, I would be
better" < Morning, with depression of spirits.
- | Pressure on stomach, an hour after eating, must loosen clothings (Bry,
- | Cannot use mind 2-3 hours after eating.
- | Hiccough from over eating or after eating.
- | Craves - pungent food, alcohol, beer, coffee, chalk, fat food, tobacco and
- | Aversion to bread, water, coffee and tobacco.
- | Weakness of abdominal ring as if hernia would occur, or pain as if a hernia
would be incarcerated.
- | Sore bowels [Apis, Sulph] < coughing < stepping.
- | Strangulated hernia (umbilical or inguinal).
- | Constipation with constant, ineffectual urging for stool.
- | Ineffectual urging for stools, as if part remained unexpelled (Caust).
- | Passes small quantities of stools at each attempt.
- | [Absence of all desire for defecation is a contradiction].
- | Constipation alternates with diarrhoea.
- | Itching, blind haemorrhoids > sitting in a tub of cold water.
- | Dysentery - Stools > pains for a time. First part of stool soft, last
part hard.
- | Sharp pains in rectum after a stool and after a meal, especially on exerting
mind or studying.
- | Urinary system - Renal colic (right), extending to genitals and leg, with
dribbling of urine.
- | Cystitis with constant urging for small amounts, > from heat or warm
- | Female genitalia – Menses irregular, never at right time, every two weeks
(Plat), stops and starts again, with nausea, chilliness, fainting, too early,
profuse, long lasting.
- | Labour pains - violent, causes fainting, with urging to stools or urination
- | Nymphomania in head strong women.
- | Morning sickness with retching, more than vomiting (Sep).
- | Prolapsus uteri from straining, lifting.
- | Respiratory system - Scraping sensation in throat.
- | Asthma in morning or after eating, of gastric origin.
- | Shallow respiration, oppressed breathing.
- | Back - Backache, must sit up to turn in bed.
- | Chilliness of back and limbs, and pain of skin as from freezing cold, and
falling to sleep of limbs.
- | C.N.S. - Epilepsy with fright, during sleep, with vertigo or drowsiness.
- | Absence of sensations or reaction with consciousness.
- | Spasms cease as soon as patient is tightly grasped.
- | Sleep - Sleeps before bed time, awakes 3-4 a.m., falls into a dreamy sleep
at day break, from which is hard to arouse.
- | Short sleep ameliorates.
- | Fever - Chill - must be covered in every stage of fever.
- | Chilliness on being uncovered, yet does not allow covering.
- | Rigor with blueness of finger nails.
- | Great heat, whole body burning hot, yet patient cannot move or uncover which
brings on chills. |
- | Alcoholism, Angina, Arrhythmia, Arthritis, Asthma,
Behaviour disorder, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Colds, Colic, Constipation,
Crohn's disease, Cystitis, Endometriosis, Fibrositis, Headaches,
Haemorrhoids, Hypertension, Inflammatory bowel disease, Influenza, Insomnia,
Irritable bowel syndrome, Lumbago, Multiple sclerosis, Neuralgia, Peptic
ulcer, Premenstrual syndrome, Prostatis, Pyelonephritis, Rectal fissure,
Renal calculi, Sciatica, Ulcerative colitis.
- | Nux-v should be given on retiring or several hours before going to bed. It
acts best during repose of mind and body. |
Complementary: Sulph
Follows Well: Ars, Bell, Bry, Calc, Cinch, Ipec, Lyc, Mag-m, Phos,
Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sulph
Inimical: Ign, Zinc
Compare: Acon, Aesc, Agn, Ambr, Apis, Ars, Asar, Bell, Bism, Calc,
Camph, Carb-an, Carb-v, Cast-eq, Cham, Chel, Chic, Cic, Cob, Cocc, Coloc,
Con, Cur, Dig, Hep, Hydr-ac, Ign, Kali-c, Kreos, Lyc, Mag-m, Mosch, Nat-m,
Nat-s, Nit-ac, Nux m, Nux-m, Oci, Op, Phys, Phyt, Pic-ac, Prun, Puls, Sep,
Sulph, Tab, Thuj, Zing
Similar: Aesc, Aloe, Alum, Ambr, Arn, Ars, Asar, Bell, Berb, Bism,
Bry, Calad, Calc, Canth, Carb-v, Card-m, Cast-eq, Caust, Cham, Cob, Cocc,
Collin, Graph, Hamm, Ign, Kreos, Lach, Led, Lyc, Merc, Op, Phos, Puls, Staph,
Sulph, Zing
Antidoted By: Acon, Bell, Camph, Cham, Cocc, Mez, Op, Pal, Plat, Puls,
Stram, Thuj
It Antidotes: Merc, Mez, Thuj