Cheerful, joking, lively, quick-witted, friendly,
Restlessness, agitation, irritable, frustrated.
Serious, hardworking, impatient.
Stiff, rigid, morose, compulsive, superstitious, ritualistic.
< cold, damp, wet, drafts < cloudy weather > warm, warm bathing
< initial motion > continuous motion.
Fever blisters about the lips.
Triangular red tip of tongue.
Burning, vesicular eruptions.
- | All complaints brought on exposure to
cold, damp weather, getting wet.
- | Great rigidity, stiffness, numbness and pain are experienced on first
motion, after the rest > walking or continued motion.
- | Most complaints are relieved by movement and aggravated by rest.
- | < at night and in damp, rainy weather > heat in general e.g. covering
the body, warm application, etc.
- | Great sensitiveness to open air, putting the hand outside from under the bed
covering brings on cough.
- | Triangular, red tipped tongue, with imprint of teeth and bitter taste in the
- | Complaints travel from left to right.
if sprained
if a muscle or tendon was torn from its attachment
if bones were scraped with a knife
part sore to touch
- | Head – Vertigo when standing or walking, worse when lying down < rising
from lying or stooping.
A/F beer, returns from least chagrin
brain feels loose when stepping or shaking the
sensation of swashing in brain
stupefying as if torn
< from sitting, lying in bed > warmth and
- | G.I.T. – Tongue: Triangular red tip of tongue.
- | Desires - Cold milk which relieves gastric complaints.
- | Craving for beer, cheese, cold drinks, sweets, oysters.
- | Aversion to meat and liquor.
- | Thirst for sips of water.
- | Diarrhoea with beginning of typhoid. Involuntary stools with great
- | Tearing pain down the posterior part of limb during stool.
- | Dysentery - during rainy season, pains running down the thighs.
- | Urinary system - Enuresis, especially in boys.
- | C.V.S. - Angina, extending to left arm < exertion.
- | Cardiac hypertrophy from violent exercise, gets out of breath on exertion.
- | C.N.S. - Parkinson's disease with great stiffness.
- | Male genitalia - Herpes.
- | Eruptions on inner thighs and genitalia.
- | Back - Pain between shoulders on swallowing.
- | Pain and stiffness in small of back.
- | < sitting or lying > by motion or lying on something hard.
- | Cervical stiffness causing patient to stretch and move about.
- | Pain in inner, upper left scapula.
- | Extremities - Muscular Rheumatism. Arthritis.
- | Paralysis with numbness of affected parts from getting wet, or lying on damp
ground, or after exertion, or parturition.
- | Sprains and strains. Bursitis, tendonitis.
- | Skin - Erysipelas, from left to right.
- | Yellow vesicles, much swelling, inflammation, cellulitis.
- | Burning, itching, stinging > warmth.
- | Chicken pox, Herpes, Impetigo, Pemphigus, Urticaria.
- | Fever - Dry teasing cough, before and during chill, in intermittent fever.
Cough with taste of blood.
- | Fever blisters around mouth and on chin.
- | Great thirst with dry tongue, mouth and throat.
- | Thirst for cold water even though the person is chilly. |
Complementary: Bry
Followed Well By: Ars, Bell, Bry, Calc, Graph, Merc, Nux-v, Phos,
Puls, Sep, Sulph
Inimical: Apis
Compare: Acon, Agar, Am-c, Am-m, Ant-c, Apis, Arg-n, Ars, Asar, Atro,
Aur, Bapt, Bar-c, Bell, Bell-p, Brom, Bry, Calc, Carb-an, Carbn-s, Caust,
Cham, Cimic, Cinch, Clem, Coca, Colch, Coloc, Com, Daph, Dros, Euphr, Fl-ac,
Gels, Glon, Hep, Hydr-ac, Hyos, Hyper, Ign, Jug-r, Kali-bi, Kali-br, Kali-c,
Kalm, Lach, Led, Lob, Lyc, Merc, Mez, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Nux-v, Petr, Ph-ac,
Phos, Phyt, Piloc, Plb, Puls, Ran-b, Sabad, Sabin, Sep, Sil, Spig, Stram,
Sulph, Thuj, Valer, Zinc
Antidoted By: Bell, Bry, Camph, Coff, Croto-t, Grin, Merc, Sang,
Sulph, Verbe-h
It Antidotes: Ant-t, Bry, Ran-b, Rhod, Sapo