Excitable, affectionate, oversensitive, introverted,
loves dancing.
Stasis, sluggishness, indifference, detached, disconnectedness, irritability,
depression, desperation.
Shrieks with temper, sarcastic.
Stasis, laxness, prolapse, varicosities > vigorous exercise and
Empty feeling in stomach, not better by eating.
Lump sensation in rectum or prostate
Cuttle fish.
This is a fish commonly found in the Mediterranean sea.
The medicine is prepared from the brownish black
juice in the ink bag of this fish. Triturations are prepared from the dried
liquid from the ink bag of the cuttle fish.
- | Working in water or getting wet |
- | Blows, falls, jars, injury |
- | Overlifting, laundry work |
- | Tobacco, boiled milk (diarrhoea), fat, pork |
> | Crossing or drawing limbs up |
- | Indifference, hardness. Aversion to FAMILY, to
those loved best, to sympathy, to company , yet dreads to be alone.
- | Tearful, care-worn and pathetic females.
- | Any demand by FAMILY is viewed as a further burden and met with anger.
- | Shrieking at children, cannot control her anger.
- | Nobody knows what she will do the next.
- | Anxious fear, over trifles.
- | Fear of ghosts; poverty.
- | Irritability alternating with indifference, and/or sulkiness.
- | Irritability, depression and weeping before menses.
- | Guilt and isolation. Feels guilty of these internal changes, fearfulness and
- | Becomes loner and no longer feels remorse for her behavior, yet, dread of
being alone.
- | Sees weakness of those around her and will lash out with cutting, accurate,
sarcastic, hurtful words, and then is remorseful.
- | Anger from contradiction. Intolerant of contradiction.
- | Dwells on past disagreeable occurrence with sadness.
- | Weeping < consolation. Weeps involuntarily, without cause.
- | Loves dancing and thunderstorms.
- | Weak persons with yellow earthy complexion, shallow
skin, yellowishness of conjunctiva, yellow spots on the chest, with yellow
saddle across the nose.
- | Person with dark hair, rigid fibre, but mild and easy disposition.
- | Diseases of women, occurring during pregnancy, childbed and lactation.
- | Breasts become flat, lose mass and fullness.
- | Complaints with sudden prostration and sinking faintness. Symptoms are <
morning and evening > afternoon.
- | The washer woman's remedy; complaints due to laundry work.
- | Sensitive to cold air, chills so easily, lack of vital heat, especially in
chronic diseases.
- | Emptiness, all gone sensation, especially in stomach not better by eating.
- | Sensation of a ball in inner parts, with uterine affections.
- | Short walk fatigues, but violent exertion relieves.
- | Head - Headache in shocks at menstrual nisus, with scanty flow < motion
< mental labour > external pressure > continued hard motion.
- | Falling of hair after chronic headache or at the climacteric.
- | Eyes - Drooping of lids.
- | Dim vision from sexual excess, masturbation and uterine disease.
- | Face - Saddle-like, brownish discoloration on nose and cheeks.
- | G.I.T. - Sensation of emptiness, all gone feeling in epigastrium not better
by eating.
- | Nausea and vomiting at smell or sight, and even thought of food.
- | Nausea < lying on side, tobacco smoking.
- | Desires vinegar, acid, pickles, sour, sweets, bread and salt.
- | Aversion to meat, fat, bread, milk which causes diarrhoea.
- | Liver sore and painful > lying on rt. side .
- | Pendulous abdomen from repeated pregnancies.
- | Bearing down feeling in hypogastrium > holding it or crossing leg.
- | Pruritus ani, rectal fissures.
- | Sensation of a ball in the rectum > stool.
- | Stools large hard, pain in rectum during, and long after stool (Nit-ac,
- | Constipation during pregnancy.
- | Diarrhoea - infantile, greenish; from boiled milk.
- | Respiratory system - Dry, fatiguing cough, as if coming from the stomach,
with foul sputum < rapid change of temperature.
- | Cold ascending from throat or chest.
- | Dyspnoea < after sleep > rapid motion.
- | Taste of rotten eggs with cough.
- | Urinary system - Thick ,foul urine, adherent, red, sandy sediment.
- | Nocturnal enuresis, always during first sleep.
- | Involuntary urination on coughing, sneezing laughing, fright or inattention.
- | C.V.S. - Irregular circulation. Blood seems to stagnate.
- | Violent, intermittent palpitation > walking fast < lying on left side.
- | Visible palpitation ascends to occiput.
- | Female - Pressure and bearing down, as if everything would protrude from
pelvis, must cross the limbs tightly.
- | Irregular menses of nearly every form, with pains going to the back.
- | Dryness of vagina after menses.
- | Aversion to coition. Nausea and irritability at thought of coitus.
- | Leucorrhoea - yellowish greenish, with much itching, acrid, before menses,
causes soreness of pudenda, excoriation between thighs < after urination
only during the day.
- | A remedy for prolapse, violent stitches upwards in the vagina, lancinating
pain from uterus to umbilicus.
- | Tendency to abortion from 5th to 7th month.
- | Back - All pains converge on the back.
- | Weakness in small of back.
- | Aching coldness between shoulder or in lumbar region < stooping, kneeling
> eructations, pressing back against something hard.
- | Extremities - Restlessness in all limbs.
- | Twitching, jerking day and night.
- | Lame and stiff lower limbs, as if too short.
- | Hot hands with cold feet or vice-versa.
- | Skin - Herpes circinatus in isolated spots on upper part of body.
- | Blotched, raw, rough, cracked skin especially in flexures.
- | Itching of various parts, not better by scratching and is apt to change to
- | Ulcers on small joints especially finger.
- | Ringworms. Tinea. Warts.
- | Fever - Coldness in spots on vertex between scapulae; of feet in bed.
- | Flushes of heat from pelvic organs.
- | Sweat easy, offensive on genitals and axillae; has the odour of elder
blossoms < least motion.
- Pains extend from other parts onto back.
- Sensation as of a lump or rolling over internally.
- Faints easily, especially while kneeling at church.
- Indifferent to those whom she loves best.
- The sight or thought of food sickens.
- | Acts on the portal system and veins, causing a lot
of abdominal and pelvic symptoms.
- | Stasis and weakness with ptosis of viscera and weariness.
- | Weakness, yellow complexion and bearing down sensation, especially in women. |
- Lack of vital heat.
- Indifferent to those who she loves best.
- Nausea due to smell, or sight, or even the thought of food.
- Milk causes diarrhoea.
- Ball-like sensation in parts or rolling sensation.
- Aversion to coition.
- Empty all gone sensation in stomach > eating.
- Weak, dragging or bearing down sensation, must cross limbs or hold parts.
- Tendency to abortion at 5th to 7th month.
- | Anaemia, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Condyloma,
Constipation, Cough, Cystitis, Depression, Dyspareunia, Endometriosis,
Enuresis, Gastritis, Herpes, Hirsuitism, Leucorrhoea, Lumbago, Menopause,
Miscarriage, Nausea of pregnancy, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Peptic ulcer,
Premenstrual syndrome, Prostatitis, Pruritus ani, Psoriasis, Rectal fissure,
Sciatica, Sexual dysfunction, Sinusitis, Stress incontinence, Tinea, Uterine
prolapse, Vaginitis, Varices, Warts.
- | Sepia is a treasure in sinusitis - Dr. Elizabeth Hubbord.
- | Sensation as if foetus in uterus, stopped moving inside the uterus, give
Sepia 1M - Dr. Knerr.
- | Whenever you get head nodding child, think of the possibility of Sepia - Dr.
- | The best remedy we have for small ulcers about the joints of finger is Sepia
- Dr. Farrington.
- | History of bed wetting in early life is good point to give Sepia - Dr. T.
Douglas Rose. |
Followed Well By: Nit-ac
Follows Well: Nat-c, Nat-m, Sulph
Inimical: Lach
Compare: Agar, Alum, Apis, Arn, Ars, Ars-i, Asar, Aster, Ast-fl, Aur,
Bac, Bell, Bor, Calc, Cann-i, Cann-s, Caust, Chel, Chlor, Cob, Cocc, Colch,
Croc, Cur, Dros, Ferr, Fl-ac, Gels, Hedeo, Hep, Homar, Ign, Inul, Kali-c,
Kali-f-cy, Kali-i, Kreos, Lach, Lil-t, Lyc, Mag-c, Merc, Mez, Murx, Nat-c,
Nat-m, Nit-ac, Nux-m, Nux-v, Petr, Ph-ac, Phos, Plat, Psor, Puls, Ran-b,
Rumx, Sang, Sanic, Sec, Sulph, Syph, Tell, Thuj, Urt-u, Ust, Verat, Vib-o,
Vib-t, Zinc, Ziz
Antidoted By: Acon, Ant-c, Ant-t, Nip-sp-d, Rhus-t
It Antidotes: Calc, Cinch, Merc, Nat-m, Nat-p, Phos, Sars, Sulph