Cough - dry, barking, croupy, cardiac < sweets,
during inspiration, before midnight, moon phases > warm food or drink.
Suffocation causes anxiety.
Swelling of spermatic cord and testicles, with pain and tenderness. Orchitis.
Roasted Sponge
< | Thinking about complaint
< | Before or during menses
> | Eating or drinking warm things
- | Irresistible desire to sing; with excessive mirth;
followed by sadness.
- | Fear of future; tired of life.
- | Anxiety; fear of death with suffocation due to choking sensation.
- | Timidity, fear and terror of approaching death; that she will cough.
- | Weeps with dreams, with whooping cough, with heat, with sweat.
- | Despondent about loss of sexual power.
- | Obstinate and improper behaviour.
- | Every excitement increases the cough.
- | Weeping and inconsolable mood.
- | Anxiety during flushes of heat.
- | Despair during the heat.
- | Ideas abundant on closing eyes.
- | Suicidal disposition, during perspiration.
- | Quarrelsomeness alternates with gaiety and laughter.
- | Somnambulism, STARTING FROM SLEEP. Starting from trifles. |
- | Especially adapted to diseases of children and
women with light hair, lax fibre, flabby, blue eyes, often with a tubercular
- | Dryness of mucous membrane of air passages, tongue, throat, larynx, trachea,
bronchi. Dry as a horn. No discharge.
- | Rawness and soreness of chest throat, larynx, trachea, mucous membranes, due
to dryness.
- | Inflammation and glandular enlargement, especially of thyroid, testis,
ovary. Swelling becomes hard, indurated.
- | Exhaustion and heaviness of body after slight exertion and orgasm of blood
to chest, face. He must lie down.
- | Sensation as if breathing through sponge.
- | Sensation as if plug in throat, lump in the throat accompanied by difficulty
in breathing.
- | Sensation as if something alive or moving in the abdomen.
- | Sound as if saw is driven through pine board when coughing.
- | Throat - Clears throat constantly.
- | Throat symptoms > lying on back < after eating sweet things.
- | Goitre with suffocative spells, touching neck or pressure.
- | Swallows water in small quantity and with difficulty.
- | Respiratory system - Cough, hollow, barking, crowing, sawing or tight,
ringing, whistling, wheezing.
- | Coughs like a saw driven through a pine board.
- | Everything is perfectly dry, no mucous rales.
- | Hoarseness, larynx dry, burns constricted painful.
- | Croup worse during inspiration.
- | Chest weak, can scarcely talk.
- | Suffocation as from a plug, valve or leaf in larynx, and wakes with violent
painful palpitation and blue lips with heavy sweat.
- | Anxious, gasping breathing.
- | Voice gives away when singing or talking.
- | Asthma, must throw head back.
- | Asthma especially after cold things and exposure to dust and wind.
- | As if air were passing into glands of neck, on breathing.
- | C.V.S. - Cough of cardiac origin.
- | Rapid and violent palpitation with dyspnoea cannot lie down, also feels best
resting in horizontal position.
- | Angina pectoris, faintness and anxious sweat.
- | Blood surging upto neck, head and face with asthmatic symptoms.
- | Hypertrophy of heart especially right, with asthmatic symptoms.
- | Rheumatic endocarditis, Aneurysm of aorta.
- | Surging of heart into chest as if it would force out upward.
- | Male genitalia - Spermatic cord swollen, painful, testicles swollen,
- | Suppressed gonorrhoea or maltreated orchitis.
- | Female genitalia - Amenorrhoea with Asthma. |
- Cough and sore throat from sweets, better by
eating and drinking especially, warm things.
- Cough dry, sibilant, like or saw driven through or pine board.
- | Affections of the respiratory organs from sweets
and cold things, relieved by eating and drinking (especially warm).
- | Children with fair complexion, lax fibre, swollen glands.
- | Exhausation and heaviness of the body after slight exertion with orgasm of
blood to chest and face.
- | Heart affections and cough of valvular heart disease. |
- Dryness of mucous membranes. Dry as a horn.
- Cough < after eating sweets, before midnight > eating or drinking
warm things.
- Awakens, suddenly after midnight with pain and suffocation is flushed,
hot, frightened to death.
- | Spongia relieves the cough and the concomitants of
an aneurysm of the descending aorta - Dr.Hughes.
- | Asthma depending upon Tuberculosis - Dr.Boehr. |
Followed Well By: Brom, Carb-v, Hep
Follows Well: Acon, Hep
Compare: Abrot, Alum, Anac, Ars, Bac, Bad, Brom, Chol, Dros\, Gels,
Ham, Iod, Kalm, Lach, Lyc, Menth, Merc, Naja, Nux-m, Ox-ac, Puls, Rhus-t,
Samb, Sep, Thyroid, Tub
Antidoted By: Camph