Internal tremor, wants to be held. Sourness.
Erosions and haemorrhages.
Great painfulness. Hot flushes.
Pain increases slowly, then suddenly ceases.
- | Mechanical injuries (fall, bruises, concussions) |
- | Hurry hasty, quick, sullen, impatient, angry
because things move so slowly.
- | Seriousness, alternating with buffoonery.
- | Unwilling to answer the question not out of obstinacy, but inaptness.
- | Irascible, vacillating and morose. |
- | Bad effects of mechanical injuries with blunt
- | Hydrogenoid constitution.
- | Weakness and exhaustion, weakness out of proportion to the disease.
- | Deathly pale or wrinkled face; white of an egg seems to be dried on it.
- | Profuse, acrid or stringy discharge, sourness.
- | Great painfulness, with sensation as if blunt plug being driven in.
- | Pain increases gradually and ceases suddenly, when at its height, often
- | Internal trembling, especially of drunkards.
- | Concussion of brain, where skin is cold, body bathed in cold sweat.
- | G.I.T. - Sour eructations, sets teeth on edge.
- | Water causes coldness of stomach, must be mixed with alcohol. > by
applied heat.
- | Nausea, vomiting < lying on left side.
- | Relaxed feeling in stomach.
- | Feeling as if hernia would protrude on left side.
- | Diarrhoea very foul, green, black or hacked, sour smelling.
- | Weak, sinking in the stomach after stools.
- | Skin - Ecchymosis, petechiae, livid, red, blotches.
- | Cicatrices turn red and blue and become painful.
- | Haemorrhages of black blood.
- | Tendency to form ulcers, aphthae.
- | Hot flushes, then trembling or cold sweat. |
- Weakness which is out of proportion to the
- General internal trembling, without visible trembling.
- Hurry, hasty, quick, sullen, impatient, angry because things move slowly.
- Pains increase gradually, but disappear suddenly when at peak.
- Sensation as if a plug is thrust in.
- Sour babies, smell cannot be washed off.
- Craving for stimulants, alcohol, which also causes complaints.
- Pain felt during sleep and disappears on waking (CLARKE).
- Seriousness alternating with buffoonery.
- Discharges are offensive, acrid, stringy.
- Odour of coffee <.
- Easy sweat especially in upper parts of the body.
- Craving for alcoholic drink. Water feels cold in stomach, must be mixed
with alcohol.
- | Chronic alcoholics, brandy drinkers who suffer from
- | Sourness setting the teeth on edge. |
- Weakness dis-proportionate to the disease.
- Pains increase gradually, but disappear suddenly when at peak.
- Stringy discharges.
- Hurry, hasty, impatient.
- Seriousness alternating with buffoonery.
- Craves stimulants < odour of coffee.
- | Writer's cramp, Lead poisoning, Acid peptic
disease, Hiccough, Diphtheria, Ulceration, Haemorrhages, Grey hair fall out,
Sterility, Myopia; Gangrene formation,Purpura haemorrhagica, Carbuncles,
Boils, Cicatraces turn red, blue and painful.
- | Alcoholism, Brain concussion, Cancer, Diabetes.
- | Sulphuric acid as the most wonderful remedy following operations in which
gangrene sets in, wound does not heal, stitches break open. There is a sort
of blackness, Sulphuric acid, will relieve that, and the older the patient
the more it is indicated - Dr. Lehman.
- | A caution should be observed in treating bowel affections with Sulphuric
acid which is not to preserve in it if the first two doses fail to mitigate
the symptoms, for in that case, it is almost certain to aggravate them - Dr.
- | In convalescence after any debilitating illness, this medicine controls the
uncomfortable perspiration that follows slightest exertion or drinking hot
drinks. Sul-ac 30 - Dr.R.A.F. Jack.
- | No remedy is so successful in relieving the distressing itching and
formication of the skin of lichen, prurigo and chronic urticaria as Sulphuric
acid taken internally - Dr. Pereira.
- | I commend Sulphuric acid in obstinate hiccough to which it is certainly
homoeopathic - Dr. Schneider. |
Complementary: Puls
Follows Well: Arn, Con, Ruta
Compare: Acet-ac, Alum, Ambr, Am-c, Bell, Bor, Bry, Carb-v, Caust,
Crot-h, Elaps, Hep, Kali-chl, Lach, Lyc, Mag-c, Mur-ac, Nat-c, Nat-m, Nit-ac,
Pic-ac, Psor, Puls, Querc, Rheum, Rob, Sil, Spig, Staph, Sul-ac, Sulph, Ter,
Antidoted By: Puls