Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease/infection caused by a bacterium known as, "Treponema pallidum". It begins as a painless bump usually on the genitalia, rectum or mouth and progresses to a sore and then an open wound. Syphilis spreads from one person to another by contact with these sores or open wounds on the skin or mucous membranes. Syphilis may also infect mothers and through them, their unborn baby (fetus/embryo).
The bacteria, "Treponema pallidum" may remain inactive (dormant) in the body for many years and become active again, after the first infection. Early syphilis is treated with a single injection of penicillin. Syphilis, if left untreated, may severely impair the functioning and structure of the brain, heart or other organs and may become life-threatening.
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Syphilis develops in four different stages and the signs and symptoms vary in each stage. However, the stages need not be distinctly separate and the symptoms do not always show up in the same order. One can get infected with syphilis and not observe any symptoms for many years.
Primary syphilis
The first symptom of the disease is a small sore or open wound, known medically as a "chancre (pronounced SHANK-kur)". The sore develops at the point where the syphilis bacteria entered the body. Some people infected with syphilis develop many chancres, although most people develop just one.
The chancre or sore generally appears about three to four weeks after exposure/contact which may not be noticed as it is painless most of the time and it can be concealed within the vagina or rectum. There is a chance that this chancre may heal on its own within two to six weeks.
Secondary syphilis
After the original chancre gets healed, in a few weeks, one can get a rash which starts on the trunk initially and subsequently spreads all over the body — including to the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. This rash is generally such that there is no sensation to scratch the part/s. Wart-like sores may also develop in the mouth or on the genitalia. Hair loss, body pain, a fever, a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes may also be observed. These signs and symptoms may get healed within a few weeks or recur frequently for as long as a year.
Latent syphilis
If the syphilis is left untreated, it moves from the secondary stage to the symptomless, latent (hidden) stage, which may last for many years. Signs and symptoms may not recur or the syphilis may advance to the third (tertiary) stage.
Tertiary syphilis
Roughly 15% to 30% of infected people may develop complications known as late (tertiary) syphilis if they go untreated (some people progress to the tertiary stage despite treatment) and in this late stage, the syphilis may damage the eyes, heart, blood vessels, the central nervous system, the brain, nerves, liver, bones and joints. These complications can happen many years after the initial, untreated syphilis infection.
Syphilis may spread and damage the brain and central nervous system leading to what is known as neurosyphilis at any stage. The eyes may also get damaged leading to what is known as ocular syphilis.
Congenital syphilis
Women having syphilis may infect their newly born babies during childbirth or via the placenta, even before the birth of the baby. Most newly borns with congenital syphilis are symptomless, although a rash on the palms of their hands and the soles of their feet can sometimes be seen. Later signs and symptoms can comprise deaf-muteness, teeth deformities and saddle nose - where the bridge of the nose collapses.
Babies infected with syphilis, however, may also be born too early, be born dead (stillborn) or die soon after birth.
Syphilis is caused by a bacterium known as, "Treponema pallidum". The usual transmission route is by contact with a sore or wound of an infected person in the course of sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal or oral sex). The bacteria enters your body via minor cuts or abrasions in the skin or mucous membranes. Syphilis is communicable in the primary and secondary stages and occasionally even in the early latent stage.
Syphilis may also spread via a direct, unprotected close brush with an active lesion (e.g. while kissing) and babies born to women who have syphilis can get infected during birth or even before through the placenta (congenital syphilis).
Syphilis does not spread by sharing toilets, bath-tubs, clothing, utensils or from door-knobs, swimming pools or hot tubs.
Syphilis does not re-appear on its own, once it heals. However, if anyone comes in contact with the syphilis sore of someone, he (or she) can get re-infected .
You are at a greater risk of getting syphilis if you:
- Engage in sex without protection (usually a condom)
- Make love to multiple partners
- Make love to strangers
- Have tested positive for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS
Syphilis may cause damage to any part of the body. Syphilis enhances the risk of HIV infection also and can cause complications during pregnancy for women. Future damage cannot be repaired or reversed even if treated by conventional medicine (allopathy).
Small bumps or tumours
Small bumps or tumours, known as, "gummas" may appear on the skin, bones, liver or any other organ in the later stages of syphilis but they generally get suppressed with antibiotic treatment.
Neurological problems
Syphilis may cause a number of nervous system problems, comprising:
- Cerebral strokes
- Headaches
- Meningitis
- Hearing loss
- Visual defects, including blindness
- Dementia
- Loss of temperature and pain sensations
- Erectile dysfunction in men (impotency)
- Urinary incontinence
Cardiovascular problems
Aneurysms, that is bulging and inflammation of the aorta (the major artery of the body) and of other blood vessels. Syphilis can damage the valves of the heart also.
HIV infection
Adults infected with syphilis or having genital wounds have an enhanced risk of getting HIV. A sore/ulcer caused by syphilis can bleed easily, which allows the HIV virus to enter the bloodstream easily during sexual intercourse.
Pregnancy and childbirth complications
A pregnant lady can transmit syphilis to her unborn baby. Congenital syphilis greatly enhances the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth or death of the newly born baby within a few days.
Syphilis is caused by a bacterium known as, "Treponema pallidum". This bacteria spreads most frequently from one person to another through genital ulcers/wounds during sexual contact, including anal, oral or vaginal sex (intercourse). Adults with syphilis are treated with the antibiotic penicillin. However, if you are allergic to penicillin, your doctor may suggest another antibiotic or recommend penicillin desensitization - in this case, nanoparticles of a homeopathic remedy can not only desensitize you but it can also heal you safely. If you are resistant to allopathic drugs for syphilis also, homeopathy can heal you. The first day you receive penicillin you may experience what is known as the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction, the signs and symptoms of which are fever, chilliness, nausea, body pain and headaches which Homeopathy can heal without side effects. Syphilis can cause nervous system complications (neurosyphilis) and based on the signs and symptoms, Homeopathy can heal you of those also. It can heal the bumps and tumours, the "chancre", that is the ulcers or open wounds, as well as the pus which are seen in the early stages as well as the secondary, tertiary or hidden/latent syphilis and chronic syphilis. Homeopathy can heal even new born babies infected with syphilis, without side effects.
Homeopathy does not cause allergies or any other side-effects and can heal not just the symptoms and prevent their recurrence, but can
also improve immunity to avoid any other symptoms and complications from occuring. Absolutely no drug resistance occurs either. The frequency and force with which the symptoms attack keep reducing till they stop completely and your health is restored. Please consult a Qualified, licensed Homeopathic doctor for the same - do not self medicate.
What is the best cure for syphilis in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best cure for syphilis in Bangalore.
What is the best cure for syphilis in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best cure for syphilis in Bangalore.
What is the best syphilis treatment in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best syphilis treatment in Bangalore.
What is the best cure for pus in vagina in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best cure for pus in vagina in Bangalore.
What is the best pus in vagina treatment in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best pus in vagina treatment in Bangalore.
What is the best cure for pus from penis in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best cure for pus from penis in Bangalore.
What is the best pus from penis treatment in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best pus from penis treatment in Bangalore.
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