Discontented, disobedient, destructive, obstinate.
Romantic, longs for nature. Hyperactivity.
Need for change and travel.
Recurring infectious illnesses in childhood.
Developmental defects, failure to thrive.
A Nosode prepared from pus of Tuberculosis
(abscess),or from a glycerine extract of pure cultivation of tubercular
bacilli (Phatak).
- | Exposure to slightest cold air |
> | Mountains, especially in pine forests |
- | Depressed and melancholic.
- | Mania alternating with melancholia.
- | Insomnia alternating with sopor.
- | Fear of - animals especially, dogs, cats.
- | Disgust with cats and furred animals.
- | Disposition to use foul, filthy language; to curse and swear.
- | Every trifle irritates him.
- | Horrid anger, wants to throw things away. Bangs the head when angry.
- | Malicious behaviour, breaks things, breaks other's valuables.
- | Obstinate and disobedient child.
- | Dissatisfied, always wants a change.
- | "Cosmopolitan" patients.
- | Compulsive behaviour, ritualism.
- | Desire for change and excitement.
- | Confusion, everything in the room looks strange.
- | Dreams - of shame, frightful.
- | Hyperactivity, restless.
- | Shuddering sensation on falling to sleep. |
- | Persons of light complexion, blue eyes, blonde,
tall, slim, narrow chest, with fine and long eyelashes.
- | Symptoms are constantly changing.
- | Takes cold easily, on slightest exposure to cold air, without knowing how
and why.
- | Susceptible to changes in weather.
- | Scrofulous diathesis; enlarged glands, adenoids, etc.
- | Rapid and profound emaciation though eating well [Abrot, Calc-p, Iod, Sil].
- | Great weakness with profuse night sweats.
- | Longs for open air, wants doors and windows open, or to ride in strong wind.
- | Very sensitive, mentally and physically.
- | Allergy to milk and cats.
- | Head - Especially suited to headache of school going girls.
- | Headache, as if iron whoop around head.
- | Acute, cerebral or basilar meningitis, with threatened effusion, with
nocturnal hallucinations.
- | Ears - Perforation of membrana tympani with ragged edges.
- | Mouth - Delayed dentition.
- | G.I.T. - Craves smoked meat, bacon, pork, ham, salami, cold milk, fat, salt,
- | Early morning diarrhoea (Aloe, Sulph).
- | Emaciation, inspite of eating heavily.
- | Respiratory system - Thick, yellow or yellow green sputum.
- | Sensation of suffocation, even with plenty of fresh air.
- | Tuberculosis begins in apex of lungs, especially left lung (Phos, Sulph).
- | Female genitalia - Menses too early, too profuse, too long lasting.
- | Dysmenorrhoea with pains increased with establishment of flow.
- | Male genitalia - Hyper-sexual. Promiscuity.
- | Early or excessive masturbation.
- | Back - Dark or long, fine hair on back of children, along the spine.
- | Extremities - Acute articular rheumatism.
- | Good remedy for bony suppurations.
- | Skin - Dry, harsh skin with itching profound.
- | Crops of small boils which are intensely foetid, with green foetid pus.
- | Eczema with intense itching < night when undressing, bathing.
- | White bran like scales; oozing in the folds of skin.
- Profound and rapid emaciation, though eating
- Crops of small boils with green, foetid pus (Sec).
- | Persons of tubercular heritage, when symptoms are
ever changing and well selected remedies fail to improve.
- | Take cold easily from the slightest exposure.
- | Chronic or recurrent illness like diarrhoea, epilepsy, arthritis, boils.
- | Rapid and pronounced emaciation though eating well. |
- History of tubercular affection.
- Takes cold easily even on slightest exposure to cold air.
- Rapid and profound emaciation while eating well.
- Fear of animals especially dogs, cats.
- Always tired, motion causes intense fatigue.
- | Adenopathy, Alopecia, Amenorrhoea, Arthritis,
Asthma, Astigmatism, Autism, Behaviour disorders, Bronchitis, Bruxism, Colds,
Compulsive behaviour, Croup, Enuresis, Hodgkin's disease, Hyperactivity, Lymphoma,
Malignancy, Meningitis |
Follows Well: Acon, Ambr, Calc, Calc-i, Calc-p, Hydr, Nat-c,
Nux-v, Ph-ac, Phos, Puls, Sep, Thuj, Viol-o
Compare: Ars, Bac, Calc, Con, Iodof, Iris-t, Lach, Med, Phos, Psor, Sep, Sulph,
Syph, Thuj, Thyr
Complementary: Calc-s, Kali-s,
Psor, Sep, Sulph.