Nausea, giddiness, death like pallor vomiting, icy
coldness, sweat and intermittent pulse.
Prostration, collapse, cold but wants abdomen uncovered.
< | Extremes of heat and cold
- | Very despondent. Sadness > complaining.
- | Sense of excessive wretchedness [especially at climacteric or during
- | Sudden anxiety, anxiety at night.
- | Anxiety from thinking about it.
- | Does not recognize his relatives.
- | Unconsciousness; as in a trance.
- | Unconsciousness > cold water poured over head.
- | Feels as if someone were coming to arrest him or murder him.
- | Suicidal disposition but lacks courage. |
- | Has marked antiseptic qualities antidotal to
cholera germs.
- | Icy coldness of the surface, covered with cold sweat.
- | Wants abdomen uncovered [Colch, Elaps, Lach].
- | Complete prostration and relaxation of entire muscular system.
- | Constriction of muscles of hollow organs - throat, chest, bladder and
- | Symptoms occur in paroxysms.
- | Vertigo - Excessive vertigo and copious sweat < opening eyes < indoors
> open air.
- | Vertigo followed by vomiting of food and tremulous weakness.
- | Vertigo, on rising or looking upward, increasing to loss of consciousness
> open air, vomiting.
Head - Headache increases with rising of sun and decreases on its going down.
- | Periodical sick headache lasting 1-2 days with deathly nausea.
- | Sudden pain on right side of head as if struck by a hammer or club.
- | Eyes - Rapid blindness without lesion followed by venous hyperaemia and
atrophy of optic nerve.
- | Face - Deathly pale, blue, pinched, sunken covered with cold sweat [Ars,
- | Incessant nausea < smell of tobacco smoke [Phos]
- | Vomiting on least motion, sometimes of faecal matter, vomiting during
pregnancy, much spitting > uncovering abdomen.
- | Sea sickness > on deck, in open air.
- | Terrible faint, sinking feeling at pit of stomach.
- | Craving for tobacco [Morrison].
- | Involuntary choleraic or thick, curdled watery stools, like sour milk.
- | Respiratory system - Cough - dry, teasing, must take a swallow of cold water
[Caust, Phos].
- | C.V.S. - Acute dilatation of heart caused by shock or violent physical
- | Palpitation due to tobacco < lying on left side, goes off when turning to
- | Pulse - quick, full, large, small, intermittent, exceedingly slow, feeble,
irregular, almost imperceptible.
- | High tension and arteriosclerosis of the coronary arteries.
- | Urinary system - Renal colic, left sided with deathly nausea and cold sweat. |
- Seasickness > on deck, in fresh open air.
- Wants abdomen uncovered.
- Vertigo on rising or looking upward, increasing to loss of consciousness
< opening eyes > in open air > by vomiting.
- Cold sweats, icy cold skin.
- Seasickness > on deck, in fresh, cold air.
- Vertigo - On rising or looking upward, increasing to loss of consciousness
< opening eyes > in open air > by vomiting.
- Face deathly pale, blue, pinched, sunken, covered with cold sweat.
- Collapse.
- Incessant nausea < smell of tobacco smoke, vomiting on least motion, sometimes
of faecal matter.
- Vomiting during pregnancy, much spitting > uncovering abdomen.
- Icy coldness of the body with cold sweat.
- Complete prostration and relaxation of entire muscular system.
- | Vomiting of pregnancy when Lactic acid fails.
- | Tabacum potentized (200 or 1000) to relieve terrible craving when
discontinuing use of tobacco.
- | Caladium causes a disgust for tobacco.
- | Sea sickness with occipital headache, give Petroleum instead of Tabacum. |
Compare: Acon, Ars, Benz-d, Berb, Carbn-s, Cina, Colch, Dig,
Elaps, Fil, Kali-bi, Lach, Lyc, Meny, Nicot, Nux-v, Op, Plb, Salin, Sel, Sil,
Staph, Sulph, Uran-n, Verat
Antidoted By: Ars, Camph, Clem, Coff, Gels, Ign, Ip, Lyc, Nux-v, Phos,
Puls, Sep, Spig
It Antidotes: Cic, Stram