For children and old people; extremes of life, persons who are habitually cold and deficient in vital reaction. Young people of nervous, sanguine temperament.
Adapted to patients with rapid sinking of vital forces, complete prostration and collapse.
Sudden and violent onset.
Profuseness of discharges.
Cold perspiration on forehead with nearly all complaints.
Attacks of fainting with least exertion, excessive weakness.
Icy coldness of face, tip of nose, feet, legs, hands, arms and many other parts. Cold feeling in abdomen.
Thirst - intense unquenchable, wants everything cold.
Sinking feeling during haemorrhages.
of a lump of ice on vertex with chilliness
as if heat and cold at same time on sleep,
as if brain were torn to pieces.
Headache begins in occiput, settles over one of the eyes.
Chronic long standing nervous headache < overexertion < riding < working in hot days.
When Spigelia and Silicea failed
Face - Cold, blue, pale features, sunken, hippocratic.
Red while lying, becomes pale on rising up.
Nose - Epistaxis comes on during sleep, at night only, from right nostril.
Dryness of nose, mouth, throat, sensation of burning in brain.
G.I.T. – Tongue: Cold, pale, cool sensation as from peppermint.
Taste - peppermint like.
Craving for acids, sour, sour fruit, lemon, salt, ice, fruit, sardines, juicy refreshing things.
In spite of nausea and vomiting, gnawing hunger, voracious appetite.
Violent vomiting with profuse diarrhoea, followed by tremendous weakness, `collapse'. Surgical shock.
Vomiting excessive with nausea and great prostration < drinking < least motion, great weakness after.
Dyspepsia from chewing tobacco.
Diarrhoea, frequent, greenish, watery, gushing, mixed with flakes, with cutting colic in abdomen with cramps commencing in hands and feet spreading all over, in calves.
Prostrating diarrhoea, after fright, eating fruits, impure water, with cold sweat on forehead.
For Asiatic cholera with rice-water stools. Retention of urine in Cholera.
Constipation - no desire, stool large hard in round black balls, from inactive rectum, frequent desire felt in epigastrium, in babies produced by very cold weather.
Female genitalia - Dysmenorrhoea with vomiting and purging, cholera-like symptoms at commencement of menses.
So weak, can scarcely stand for 2 days at each menstrual nisus.
Night blindness preceding menses.
Respiratory system - Bronchitis of old people, with inability to expectorate, though large amount of mucus in chest.
Tickling deep in chest, as if it would produce cough.
Extremities - Rheumatic pains in limbs < wet weather < warmth of bed > continued motion.
Fever - In congestive or pernicious intermittent fever, with extreme coldness, thirst, great prostration, deathly pallor.
Cold stage predominates and overshadows heat stage.
Followed Well By: Acon, Bell, Cham, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sulph
Follows Well: Am-c, Arn, Ars, Bov, Camph, Carb-v, Cinch, Cupr, Ip, Lyc, Nux-v
Compare: Acon, Agar, Alum, Ambr, Anac, Ant-t, Apoc, Ars, Aur, Bell, Bry, Calc, Camph, Cann-i, Carb-an, Carb-v, Cast-eq, Cham, Chel, Cocc, Colch, Coll, Coloc, Con, Croto-t, Cupr, Dulc, Elat, Ferr, Gels, Hell, Hyos, Ign, Iod, Iris, Jatr, Lach, Lob, Med, Nat-m, Nux-v, Op, Ph-ac, Phos, Plb, Podo, Puls, Rheum, Sec, Sep, Spig, Stann, Stram, Sul-ac, Sulph, Tab, Tarent, Val, Valer, Zinc, Ziz
Antidoted By: Acon, Camph, Chin, Staph
It Antidotes: Ars, Chin, Cupr, Op, Tab