DIGITALIS PURPUREA uses / Digitalis uses [Dig uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
Heart slow, feels will stop on motion, weak,
irregular with faint-like weakness
Must walk about with precordial anxiety
Deathly nausea or with faint sinking at pit of stomach
Liver swelled with white, putty stools
Tincture from the leaves of the second year of the
- | Despondency, fearful, anxious about future. Every
shock strikes in epigastrium. Fear arising from stomach. Great anxiety as
from troubled conscience. Remorse
- | Sadness, great depression < music. Sadness with sleeplessness from heart
pains, due to unhappy love, grief. Melancholia, from music
- | Lascivious thoughts in old men with enlarged prostrate
- | Excessive desire to be alone. Indisposed to speak. Tearful moroseness
- | Sadness from unhappy love, especially in women with obstinate disposition -
in such cases preferable to Ignatia
- | Reproaches himself, sadness about trifles
- | Weeping > symptoms. Weeping from music
- | Fear that HEART WILL STOP IF THEY MOVE (opposite of Gels)
- | Fear of death, about the future. Fear of death while walking |
- | Combination of heart and prostate or liver complaints
- | Great weakness, can hardly talk, sinking of strength, faintness, coldness of
skin and irregular respiration are other symptoms. Prostration from slight
- | Faintness or sinking at the stomach, exhaustion, extreme prostration. Feels
as if he were dying, great weakness of chest cannot bear to talk
- | Vertigo - With heart or liver symptoms
- | Head - Meningitis with state of effusion with scanty albuminous urine, cold
sweat, intermittent pulse
- | Objects appear green and yellow. Colours of the rainbow before eyes. Changes
in perception of shades of green
- | Face - Face and lips bluish
- | Blue distented veins on lids, ears, lips and tongue
- | Pale death-like, bluish red appearance
- | Mouth - Tongue and gums blue
- | Stomach - Nausea, < eating least food, smell or sight of food. Not
relieved by vomiting
- | Faintness, great weakness in stomach. Sinking feeling at pit of stomach
- | Abdomen - Enlarged, sore, painful liver. Hepatitis
- | Hypertrophy of liver, with induration, and jaundice, along with
characteristic pulse, is present - ascites, nausea, vomiting, thirst for
water, clean tongue
- | Rectum - Diarrhoea during jaundice
- | Stools - White, chalk-like, pasty
- | Very light, ash coloured, delayed, almost white, pipe-stem stool
- | Urinary System - Constant urging < at night, with discharge of hot,
burning drops
- | Sharp, cutting or throbbing pain at neck of bladder, as if straw were being
thrust back and forth
- | Prostatitis. Prostate enlarged, especially in old people
- | Urethritis. Constriction and burning as if urethra too small
- | In interstitial nephritis is often of temporary value, when there is
threatened failure of the heart, or very scanty or suppressed urine, with
oedema of the lungs
- | Male genitalia - Hydrocele
- | Oedema of prepuce. Dropsical swelling of genitals
- | Amorous desire with impotency
- | Acute inflammation of prostrate with ineffectual urging to urinate with
desire after first few drops have passed, which causes the patient to walk
around in great distress
- | Nightly emissions, with great weakness of genitals after coitus
- | Acute gonorrhoea with phimosis
- | Respiratory system - Dyspnoea associated with heart problems
- | Hemoptysis instead of menses or before menses
- | Pneumonia in old people. Chronic bronchitis
- | Passive congestion of lungs with hemoptysis due to weak heart (Queb)
- | Respiration irregular, difficult, deep sighing, cyanosis with cold, clammy
- | Cardiovascular system - SLOW PULSE, slower than heart
- | Least motion causes violent palpitation. Weak pulse, quickened by least
motion. Pulse slow, irregular or intermittent pulse, every 3rd, 5th and 7th
beat missing along with indefinite and causeless symptoms
- | Pulse is slow in recumbent posture, quick on motion, irregular and dicrotic
on sitting up, slow pulse after sexual abuse or at puberty
- | WEAK HEART. FEELS AS IF IT WOULD STOP IF HE MOVED, must hold breath and keep
still. Sudden sensation as if heart stood still (Gels, Lob)
- | Angina pectoris < raising arms, exertion, coition, excitement
- | Irregular heartbeat. Intermittent pulse
- | Hypertrophy of heart. Dilatation. Cardiac dropsy
- | Heart failure. Rheumatic heart disease
- | Weak heart without valvular complications
- | Must walk about with precordial anxiety with urging to urinate
- | Cyanosis, dropsy with suppression of urine.(where there is organic affection
of heart)
- | Extremities - Pain and numbness in left arm
- | Dropsy. Shiny, white swelling joints. Swelling of fingers < night.
Swelling of feet
- | Fingers go to sleep easily
- | One hand cold, the other hot
- | Sleep - Starts from sleep from fear of suffocation
- | Starts from sleep, as if falling from height
- | Cyanosis. Blueness of skin, eyelids, lips, tongue
- | Distended veins on lids, ears, tongue
Heart troubles with slow and intermittent pulse
Sensation as of heart would stop if he moved with cyanosis
Jaundice with clay coloured stools and slow pulse
Bad effects of high living, alcohol, tobacco and
sexual abuse or excess
Heart remedy with sensation as if heart would stop if he moves
Cyanosis external or internal with great desire to take deep breath to
relieve suffocation
Slow pulse
Pulse intermittent, irregular. Every 3rd, 5th, 7th beat missing
Jaundice with clay coloured stool
- | Heart trouble (without valvular tension) with slow
or intermittent pulse and enlarged, tender liver
- | Jaundice with clay coloured stools or slow pulse |
- | Heart trouble or bradycardia
- | Most reliable remedy to subdue hectic fever of phthisis - Dr.Bocher
- | The best antidote to the depressing effects of coal tar drugs on the heart
- Dr. Grimmer |
Compare: Acon, Ant-t, Apoc, Ars, Bell, Bry, Camph, Cinch,
Con, Ferr, Kalm, Lach, Lob, Lyc, Nat-m, Nux-v, Phos, Puls, Spig, Sulph, Tab,
Antidoted By: Camph, Serp
It Antidotes: Myric
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