Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
of voice. Thickened secretions. Cartilage affections
Apprehensive about their health
Disinclination to talk
Imbecility from disorders of intellect and memory. Forgetful
Mental exertion <
Sensation of expansion
- | For
broken down constitutions, suffering from loss of muscular power and
- | Epileptic attacks followed by delirious rage, jumping about, striking those
- | It affects the CARTILAGES, bones, condyles, joints, larynx and mucous
membranes. Thickening of the tissues, especially cartilages, larynx. Ailments
with thickening, infiltrations, induration, cysts, tumours, ulcerations and
- | Secretions of mucus membranes are thick, gray or tenacious or like boiled
- | Ill effects of onanism and sunstroke
- | Emaciation, a gradual drying up
- | Desire for fresh air, dyspnoea
- | Symptoms appear gradually or suddenly, disappear suddenly
- | Left sided pains are characteristic
- | Loss of control over MIND or body
- | Tremulous weakness of the whole body, hands and feet. Palpitation with
general trembling
- | It is a chilly remedy. Wants to be kept warm, pains are > from warmth
- | Headache gradually increasing, then ceasing suddenly. Head feels empty,
hollow. Frontal headache of businessmen. Right sided headache > tight
- | Hoarseness of professional singers and public speakers with total loss of
Easy expectoration of gray tenacious mucous. Feeling of raw spot over the
bifurcation of trachea. < use of voice. Cough from laughing
- | Alternation in timbre of voice in singers and public speakers (Arum-t)
- | While reading, patient has to hem and hawk to clear the throat and
expectorate the mucus
- | Great weakness of the chest, stitches in the heart, impending breathing
while reading aloud or talking < lying on left side
- | Exhausting fluent coryza with sneezing
- | Extreme dryness of mouth. Tongue sticks to palate (this symptom with
polyuria points to diabetes in which Arg-m is particularly indicated if there
is swelling of the ankles)
- | Great hunger even after a full meal
- | Palpitation < sudden exertion > sighing
- | Electric-like shocks during sleep or on going to sleep
- | Articular rheumatism without swelling (hysterical rheumatism)
Electric shocks in joints and limbs. Gets up with a start
- | Chronic gonorrhoea, yellow greenish urethral discharge in gonorrhoea.
Crushed pain in testes. Seminal emissions after onanism almost every night,
without sexual excitement, without erection, with atrophy of penis
- | Metrorrhagia, large lumps, with violent pains < every motion. Leucorrhoea
foul, bloody water, excoriating. Ovarian cyst, tumours. Eroded spongy cervix.
Prolapsus with pain in left ovary and back, extending forward and downward.
Climacteric haemorrhage
Secretions of mucous membranes are thick, gray or tenacious or like boiled
Feeling of raw spot over bifurcation of trachea
Hoarseness of professional singers or public speakers with total loss of
voice or alteration of timbre of voice
Calf muscles feel too short on going downstairs
Indicated in nervous and broken down constitution who are always chilly
Ill effects of onanism, sunstroke, anger, fear, fright
Affection of mucous membranes, cartilages, bones
Secretions of mucous membranes are thick, gray or tenacious or like boiled
Rheumatic complains from damp weather, with swelling of joint
Great weakness of the chest with easy expectoration
Secretion of mucous membranes are thick, gluey, tenacious, gray, like boiled
Raw spot at the bifurcation of the trachea
Well By: Calc, Puls, Sep
Follows Well: Alum, Plat
Compare: Pall, Stann, Zinc
Antidoted By: Alum, Plat
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