Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
complex, worthlessness. Cruelty, cold heartedness
Delusion of an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other - he is
pulled in two directions at once
Sensations - Blunt plug-like, or band around parts
All complaints > from eating
of nut between shell and kernel
- | Bad
effects of mental excitement |
- | Excessive utilisation of brain for purposeless thoughts |
- | Mental exertion, Over study |
- | Results of mortifications |
Long after eating (after 2-3 hrs) |
Lying down and falling asleep |
- | Physical
and mental LACK OF POWER. Weakness, fatigue, BRAIN FAG
- | BAD MEMORY. Sudden loss of memory. Absentminded
- | Fear of examinations. Nervous exhaustion from over study
- | Fear of failure, of someone behind him
- | Fear or delusion or dreams of BEING PURSUED
- | Pathological inferiority and low self-esteem. LACK OF CONFIDENCE in himself
and others
- | Special senses are weakened - sight, hearing, touch, smell, etc
- | Want of moral sentiment. Unsocial
- | Very CRUEL, malicious, wicked; ILL NATURED, PROFANE. Fist fights
- | Very easily offended, IRRESISTIBLE DESIRE TO CURSE and SWEAR [Lil-t, Lac-c,
- | FIXED IDEAS; that he is double as if mind and body are separate; as if
someone pursuing him
- | Illusions, delusions, hallucinations. Thinks he is possessed of two persons
or wills, one commanding him to do what the other forbids
- | Contradictory impulses - laughs at serious things, remains serious when
anything laughable occurs
- | History of abusive family, marriage or relationships
- | Sadomasochistic desires or sexual fantasies involving pain or humiliation |
- | Adapted
to hysterical women, ill natured children and old people. Neurasthenics who
have a type of NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA relieved by food
- | PLUG-LIKE SENSATION, as of a dull pressure in inner parts such as rectum,
anus, head, eyes, etc
- | Constrictive sensation as of a hoop or BAND around the parts, e.g. head,
knee, etc. [Sulph, Carb-ac.]
- | PARETIC WEAKNESS or actual paralysis of rectum with great desire for stool,
but with the effort, the desire passes of without evacuation. INEFFECTUAL
DESIRE, rectum feels powerless as if plugged up [Nux-v - because of irregular
- | Intermittency (periodicity) of symptoms
- | Eating temporarily relieves all the symptoms
- | Symptoms prone to go from right to left (Lyc)
- | EMPTY ALL GONE sensation in stomach, comes on only when stomach is empty and
is relieved by eating and > during process of digestion [Chel, Iod, Petr,
- | Eczema, neurotic. Intense itching with mental irritability not > by
scratching > water as hot as could be borne
- | Warts on palms of hands (Nat-m). Clammy sweat on palms |
Eating temporarily relieves all symptoms
Irresistible desire to curse and swear
Illusion of duality - as if possessed of two persons or wills
Great weakness of memory
- |
Neurasthenics, hypochondriacs, hysterical women
- | All symptoms < fasting > eating
- | Plug-like sensation (inner parts) and band-like sensation (outer parts)
- | Ill natured, cruel, tendency to swear
All gone sensation in stomach < empty stomach > eating
Eating temporarily relieves all symptoms
- | Behavioural
problems, Depression, Gastritis, Inferiority complex, Mania, Paranoia, Peptic
ulcer, Rhus poisoning, Suicidal tendencies
- | Wounds of tendons - Dr. Stearus
- | Loss of memory as a sequelae to variola |
Followed Well By: Lyc, Plat, Puls
Follows Well: Bell, Calc, Con, Lyc, Ph-ac, Plat, Puls, Sulph
Compare: Anac-oc, Com, Rhus-g, Rhus-r, Rhus-t, Rhus-v
Similar: Ant-t, Apis, Caust, Ferr, Iod, Jug-r, Lyc, Nat-m, Nit-ac,
Nux-v, Ph-ac, Plat, Urt-u, Zinc
Antidoted By: Coff, Jug-c
It Antidotes: Rhus-t
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