Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
Weakness (mental, emotional, physical), paresis,
gradual paralysis
Cowardice, an inability to face challenge. Stage fright
Nervous diarrhoea, trembling, weakness, urgent urination
Feels heart will stop beating, causing him to jump up, fears heart will stop
unless he stays in motion
- | Anticipation - going to church, examination, public platform |
- | Self abuse; masturbation |
- | Damp weather, warm or cold |
< | When thinking of ailment
> | Reclining with head high |
- | Dullness of mental faculties; with
languor, listless and inability to fix attention
- | Doesn't wish to speak or have anyone near her, even if the person be silent
- | Desires to be left alone
- | Nervous dread of appearing in public
- | Anticipation of any unusual ordeal, like preparing of church, exam, etc.
brings on complaints. Utter lack of courage. Nervousness
- | Fearful (diarrhoea) and all complaints thereafter
- | that heart will stop beating unless on the move |
- | Stage fright. Helps acutely the terror before performance
- | Susceptible to mental disturbances such as sudden excitement or emotion, any
bad news or fright
- | Delirious sleep; half waking and incoherent talk
- | Great depression of spirits. Wants to throw himself from a height. Wants to
commit suicide
- | Apathetic regarding his illness
- | Answers slowly. Inability to concentrate
- | Exhilaration, can recall things long forgotten
- | Vanishing of thoughts on mental exertion
- | Child starts and grasps the nurse from fear of falling [Bor]
- | People who give up their work; unable to face it longer
- | Sadness with inability to cry. Depression
- | Dullness; Dizziness; Drowsiness, Trembling |
- | Aching; Tiredness; Heaviness, Weakness and soreness
in the muscles (Phys)
- | Catarrh of mucous membranes causing watery discharges
- | Paralysis of various groups of muscles about the eyes, throat, chest,
larynx, sphincter, extremities, etc
- | Tremors or twitching of single muscles, face, chin, tongue, etc
- | Muscular weakness with complete relaxation and prostration
- | Lack of muscle coordination, muscles to obey will
- | Affects circulation which becomes sluggish causing passive arterial and
venous congestion and sense of heaviness and fullness in different organs -
heart; liver etc > profuse urination
- | Patient has a flushed, dusky, red face and sleepy look and a "
worn-out" expression on face (Bapt; Gels)
- | General depression from heat of sun, or summer
- | Sticky perspiration all over the body
- | Complaints lingering since the time of influenza
- | Thirstless or little thirst
- | Weakness tremendous, unable to move, great prostration of vital forces
- | Trembling is so great, that patient wants to be held because he shakes so
- | Trembling of tongue, hands, legs
- | Rigidity and stiffness with cramp-like pains in muscles; during menses
- | Neuralgias of various parts with loss of control and pains which are most
deep seated. Sore, bruised feeling all over especially the limbs
- | Head - Headache beginning in occiput or neck, radiating to forehead (Sil)
- | Sensation of an band around head [Carb-ac; Plat; Sulph]
- | Dull, heavy headache with heaviness of eyelids
- | Pain in head with soreness of neck muscles
- | Headache preceded by blindness (Kali-bi; Lac-d) >profuse urination <
sun, lying with head low, mental exertion
- | Congestive stage of meningitis with pain at back of head and neck with
dilated pupils
- | Vertigo - With blurring of vision; lack of muscular steadiness < Walking
< Sudden movement of head
- | Eyes - Visual symptoms like drooping, diplopia from weakness
- | Heavy, can hardly open them. Drooping [Caust; Graph]
- | Dim vision; pupils dilated
- | Diplopia from weakness of extra ocular muscles during headache
- | Slow accommodation of vision
- | Detached retina [from injury or myopia]
- | Blindness before headaches
- | Face - Besotted face [Bapt, Op]
- | Mouth - Tongue trembling paralysed
- | Thick speech as if drunk
- | Thick yellow coating of tongue
- | Throat - Sore throat during menses
- | Loss of voice from fright
- | Paralysis of throat. Post diphtheric paralysis [Caust; Diph]
- | Paralytic dysphagia after cerebral apoplexy
- | G.I.T. - Usually thirstless, but thirst with sweat
- | Diarrhoea from emotional excitement or fright or bad news [Ph-ac]
- | Diarrhoea, cream coloured [Calc], tea green
- | Painless diarrhoea in nervous individuals
- | Partial paralysis of rectum and sphincter
- | Prolapse of rectum after labour
- | Respiratory system - Sneezing with fullness at root of nose
- | Watery, excoriating discharge
- | Sensation of hot water flowing through nose
- | Catarrh associated with inflamed throat
- | Acute nasal catarrh; great disposition to take cold
- | Urinary system - Urine profuse, clear, watery
- | Partial paralysis of bladder, flow intermittent (Clem)
- | Incontinence from excitement
- | Loss of bladder power in old persons or following diphtheria
- | Male genitalia - Profound weakness and relaxation of genitals
- | Spermatorrhoea without erections
- | Cold relaxed genitals [Ph-ac]
- | Sexual power exhausted but slightest caress causes emission
- | Female genitalia - Dysmenorrhoea with pain to back and hips
- | Pains insufficient with os widely dilated, complete atony
- | C.N.S. - Coma, Apoplexy; subarachnoid haemorrhages
- | C.V.S. - Sensation as if heart would stop beating if not be in motion
- | Pulse soft; weak, full and flowing
- | Back - Chills running up and down the back
- | Dull heavy pains in lumbar or sacral region
- | Pains under scapula, neck muscles
- | Extremities - Loss of power of muscular control [Alum; Aster]
- | Trembling and weakness of all limbs
- | Fatigue after slightest exercise
- | Limbs heavy with knees weak. Tottering gait. Paraplegia. Locomotor ataxia
- | Inability to walk, tottering and falling when closing eyes [Arg-n; Alum]
- | Paralysis [Acon, Arg-n, Caust, Cocc, Con, Cup, Dulc, Merc, Kalm, Nat-m,
Nux-v, Phos, Plb, Rhus-t, Sulph, Zinc]
- | Sleep - Sleepless from anticipation or excitement or smoking
- | Sleepless from nervous irritation [Coff]
- | Fever - Eruptive fevers, especially measles, with catarrh symptoms
- | Fever with prostration, stupor, thirstlessness
- | Dullness, dizziness, drowsy, trembling
- | Does not want to move in fever
- | Chills - in back going up and down
- | Could tell when chill was about to return as incontinence of urine would set
- | In fever, wants to be held, he shakes so
- | Chill and languor, and aching, mixed with heat or alternating with heat
- | Perspiration not profuse
- | In Typhoid fevers, with dark, red face and besotted appearance
- | Measles with catarrhal symptoms, aids in bringing out eruptions |
General depression from heat of summer
Nervous individual, with dread of appearing in public
Anticipatory diarrhoea while preparing for exams, etc
Fear heart will stop beating unless he moves
Headache preceded by blindness > profuse urination
Chills running up and down back
Child starts and grasps the nurse, screams as if afraid of falling
Aphonia, sore throat during menses
Symptoms of gradual onset
Dullness, dizziness, drowsy, trembling
Catarrhal complaints
Paralysis with complete prostration, relaxation
Anticipatory complaints
- | Indicated in people whose complaints come on from
anticipation and depressing emotions
- | Especially useful in paralysis and neuralgias of various kinds, associated
with dullness, dizziness, drowsiness, trembling and weakness
- | Useful in muscular incoordination and prostration
- | Thirstlessness accompanies most complaints |
Gelsemium in drop doses, repeated hourly, causes
rapid and permanent relief in the body - Dr. Douglas
For angina pectoris, depending upon fatty degeneration of heart, Gelsemium
[and Belladonna] are good palliatives - Dr. Hempel
For preventive of sunstroke - Dr. C.G. Raue
Earache during menopause is almost always relieved by Gelsemium - Dr.Dorothy
Gelsemium lX is the best remedy for insomnia with no bad effects -
Anxiety, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Diarrhoea, Diplopia, Fever, Hayfever,
Headache, Influenza, Insomnia, Laryngitis, Migraine, Multiple sclerosis, Myasthenia
gravis, Paralysis, Tremor, Vertigo
Follows Well: Bapt, Ip
Compare: Bell, Bor, Bry, Caulo, Caust, Cocc, Con, Cur, Ferr-p, Hyper,
Ol-an, Phos, Verat
Similar: Bell, Caulo, Caust, Cocc, Con, Ferr-p, Ol-an, Quill, Verat
Antidoted By: Atro, Cinch, Coff, Dig, Nux-m, Op
It Antidotes: Mag-p
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