and catarrh of respiratory tract.
Coarse rattling with wet sounding cough, but scanty, difficult expectoration,
unable to get it out. Suffocating. Cyanosis.
Irritable, peevish.
Overwhelming sleepiness.
- | Tartarate of Antimony and Potash. |
From rising from a seat |
Change of weather in spring |
- | Frightened at every trifle.
- | Apathy or easily annoyed; wants to be left alone.
- | Peevish; whining and moaning.
- | Despair of his recovery.
- | Child continuously wishes to be carried erect, unwilling to be looked at, or
- | Consciousness wanes on closing eyes.
- | Melancholy, complains of numerous sufferings.
- | Fretfulness, whining and crying before the attack of sickness.
- | Restlessness in children > being carried about. |
- | Adapted
to persons of hydrogenoid constitution of Grauvogl, torpid, phlegmatic
persons. It is suited to old people and children, to gouty subjects and
drunkards with respiratory affections.
- | Ill-effects of vaccination when remedies fail and Silicea is not indicated.
- | All complaints are attended with irresistible desire to sleep.
- | Entire absence of thirst.
- | Nausea, vomiting, coldness and drowsiness.
- | Sweat runs through the whole of this remedy.
- | Head - Vertigo alternates with drowsiness, with dullness and confusion.
- | Band like feeling in forehead.
- | Eyes - Eyes are sunken with dark rings around them, the lips pale and
- | Nostrils are dilated and flapping with a dark sooty appearance inside them.
- | Expression is that of suffering, anxious despairing.
- | Face - Cold, blue, pale, covered with cold sweat.
- |
quivering of chin and lower jaw.
- |
- |
remains open after yawning. |
pasty, thick while with reddened papillae and red edges, or red in
in the middle.
of saliva when pregnant
of teeth on border of the tongue.
- |
- Craving for apples, acids, acid fruit, sour things, strong liquor.
- | Aversion to milk and tobacco.
- | Nausea, retching and vomiting especially after food with deathly faintness
and prostration.
- | Nausea produces fear with pressure in precordial region, followed by
headache with yawning and lachrymation.
- | Vomiting in any position except lying on right side.
- | Vomiting forcible, then exhaustion and sleep.
- | Eructation like bad eggs.
- | Spasmodic colic, much flatus.
- | Cholera morbus. Diarrhoea in eruptive disease.
- | Respiratory system - Ant-t affects the mucous membrane especially of bronchi
and lungs.
- | Causing great accumulation of mucous with coarse rattling and bubbling rales
in the chest- coarse, like the death rattle; thereby respiration is impeded
and heart's action becomes laboured, defective oxygenation in the circulation
of blood occurs.
- | All these conditions cause cyanosis, depression of vital power.
- | Great rattling of mucus when very little is expectorated.
- | Chest seems full, yet less and less in raised.
- | Bronchial tubes overloaded with mucus.
- | Rapid, short, difficult breathing, abdominal breathing, seems as if he would
suffocate, must sit up to breathe or cough.
- | Cough followed by vomiting or sleep.
- | Oedema and impending paralysis of lungs.
- | Coughing and gasping consecutively.
- | Cough excited by eating, with pain chest and larynx < 3 a.m.
- | Dyspnoea relieved by eructation, by lying on right side.
- | Asphyxia neonatorum, child breathless and pale when born.
- | Nursing infants let go the nipple and cry out as if out of breath.
- | Child coughs when angry.
- | Child bends backward with cough.
- | Expectoration thick and white.
- | Thirstlessness with all these bronchial troubles with copious discharge of
mucus and great rattling in the chest.
- | C.V.S. - Palpitation with uncomfortable hot feeling.
- | Pulse rapid weak and trembling.
- | Back - Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region < lifting.
- | Slightest effort to move may cause retching and cold, clammy sweat.
- | Sensation of heavy weight at the coccyx, dragging downward all the time.
- | Vertebrae seem to rub against each other.
- | Extremities - Trembling of whole body.
- | Chills and contractures and pain with music.
- | Skin - Convulsions when eruptions fail to appear.
- | Pustular eruptions, leaving a bluish red mark.
Extraordinary craving for apples.
- Great rattling of mucus but very little is expectorated.
- Coarse rattling, like death rattle.
- Vomiting in any position except lying on the right side.
- | Through
the pneumogastric nerve, it depresses the respiration and circulation,
causing great accumulation of mucus, great rattling of mucus. Death rattle,
but very little is expectorated.
- | Nausea, vomiting, coldness, drowsiness, prostration, and sweat runs through
the whole of this remedy. |
- All
complaints are attended with irresistible desire to sleep.
- Nausea, vomiting, coldness, drowsiness, prostration, sweat, runs through
the whole of this remedy.
- Great accumulation of mucus, very little expectoration.
- Extraordinary craving for apples.
- Tongue thick, white, pasty, with reddened papillae and red edges and red
in streaks.
- Nausea and vomiting in any position except lying on right side.
- Complete absence of thirst with bronchial troubles.
- Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region < lifting, slight effort to move,
may cause retching and cold clammy sweat.
- Pustular eruptions like small pox.
- | Bronchitis, Chicken pox, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Congestive heart failure,
Cyanosis, Impetigo, Pertussis, Pneumonia, Respiratory infections, Sepsis.
- | Ant-t 30X almost a specific for babies who had diarrhoea and also vomited - Dr. Starr.
- | Ant-t 30 or 200 almost specific for impetigo - Dr. Foubister.
- | Ill-effects of vaccination when Thuja and Silicea are not indicated. |
Follows Well: Bar-c, Bell, Bry, Camph,
Caust, Ip, Merc, Nux-v, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sulph
Compare: Acon, Ars, Bar-c, Brom, Camph, Ferr-p, Hep, Iod, Ip, Kali-i,
Lach, Lyc, Phos, Puls, Ter, Verat
Antidoted By: Asaf, Chin, Cocc, Con, Ip, Laur, Op, Puls, Sep
It Antidotes: Bar-c, Bry, Camph, Caust, Puls