Septic states. Ulcerations. Offensiveness.
Low fevers with high temperature and great prostration.
Physical debility followed by mental debility.
Lower jaw fallen, slides in bed.
Haemorrhoids-during pregnancy, blue, like a bunch of grapes < slightest
- | Sad, taciturn, suffers in silence.
- | Conscientious about trifles.
- | Despondent, cross about everything. |
- | Adapted to persons with black hair, dark eyes, dark
- | Great debility, as soon as sits down, eyes close, lower jaw hangs down,
slides down in bed.
- | Ulceration and fungous little growth and pseudo membranous deposit.
- | Vertigo - Worse lying on right side.
- | G.I.T. - Mouth and anus are chiefly affected.
- | Tongue and sphincter ani are paralysed.
- | Malignant affections of mouth, studded with ulcers, deep, perforating,
having a black or dark base, offensive, foul breath, intense prostration.
- | Haemorrhoids very sensitive, anus sore during menses, swollen, blue,
sensitive and painful to touch, appear suddenly in children. Too sore to bear
slightest touch, even the touch is uncomfortable > warm water application.
- | Prolapse while urinating.
- | Diarrhoea - stool involuntary, while urinating, on passing wind. Cannot
urinate without having the bowels move at same time.
- | Fever - Typhus or Typhoid.
- | Tongue coated at edge, shrunken, dry, leather-like, paralyzed.
- | Pulse intermits every 3rd beat, rapid and feeble.
- | Skin - Freckles, due to exposure to sun, Eczema solaris. |
- Great debility, lower jaw hangs down, patient
slides down in bed.
- Aversion to meat.
- Haemorrhoids very sensitive, blue, tender, like bunch of blue grapes, so
sensitive cannot bear slightest touch.
- Haemorrhoids during pregnancy, with violent stitches.
- Cannot pass urine without bowels being moved.
- Profound weakness during or after a major febrile illness.
- To begin with, there is initially physical debility, later followed by
mental debility (opposite - Ph-ac).
- | Has affinity for blood, producing septic
conditions, decomposition of fluids.
- | Restlessness, but physically too weak.
- | Paralytic muscular weakness.
- | Putridity - ulcerations.
- | Extreme sensitiveness - Bluishness - Burning - Bleeding. |
- Extreme debility, lower jaw hangs down, patient
slides in bed.
- Physical debility followed by mental debility.
- Tongue - dry, parched, leather like, red beef like.
- Extreme sensitiveness to slightest touch especially of haemorrhoids.
- | Haemorrhages, Haemorrhoids, Malignancy,
Prostration, Septic states, Typhoid, Ulcers.
- | It cures muscular weakness following excessive use of opium and tobacco - Dr.H.C.Allen.
- | Useful in the last stage of dropsy from cirrhosis of liver - Dr.Farrington. |
Follows Well: Bell, Bry, Calc, Lyc, Merc, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep,
Compare: Am-c, Ant-c, Apis, Ars, Arum-t, Bapt, Bell, Bry, Calc, Caust,
Chlor, Coll, Gels, Graph, Kali-perm, Lyc, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Nux-v, Ph-ac, Phos,
Puls, Rhus-t, Sabad, Sul-ac, Sulph, Valer
Antidoted By: Bry, Camph
It Antidotes: Merc, Op