Bubbly, extroverted, outgoing, loves company. Open,
trusting nature.
Sparkles with intelligence, creativity, enthusiasm.
Sympathetic, gullible, clairvoyant, precocious, fearful, sensitive.
Haemorrhagic tendency - of bright red, non-coaguable blood. Epistaxis.
Debility, collapse.
Left sidedness. Sensitive to odours.
Tremendous thirst for cold drinks.
- | Anger, Fear, Grief, Worry, Mental exertion, Strong
emotions. |
- | Strong odours, Flowers(fainting) |
- | Thunderstorms, Lightning (blindness) |
- | Sexual excess, Loss of fluids |
- | Sprains, Lifting, Wounds |
- | Exposure to drenching rains |
< | Lying on left side, painful side, on back
< | Weather, sudden change of
> | Washing face with cold water
- | Open, bright, excitable, suggestible,
and anxious patients.
- | Great loquacity and vehemence.
- | Amativeness and shamelessness.
- | Fear of
when alone
something bad will happen
- | Fearfulness, as if something were creeping out of every corner, as if
something will happen.
- | Oversensitive to external impressions.
- | Quickly prostrated to external impressions.
- | Indifferent to friends and surrounding, even to his own children, unwilling
to talk, thinks slowly, moves sluggishly.
- | Anguish and uneasiness especially when alone or in stormy weather.
- | Sympathetic and wants sympathy.
- | Craves company and touch, and rubbing, and help.
- | Great lowness of spirits.
- | Insanity with an exaggerated idea of ones own importance.
- | Melancholy, disinclined to work, study, converse.
- | Sheds tears, or with attacks of involuntary laughter.
- | Destroys everything, spits at nurse, kisses those who come near her.
- | Anxious, restlessness, patient cannot sit or stand still for a moment,
especially in dark or twilight.
- | Patients are inclined to stoop and suffer from nervous trembling.
- | Any lively impression is followed by heat, as if immersed in hot water.
- | Sexual thoughts intrude and crowd upon each other. |
- | Inflammation and degeneration of the
mucous membranes of stomach and bowels. Inflammation of the spinal cord and
nerves, leading to paralysis.
- | Disorganization the blood, fatty degeneration of blood vessels and every
tissue and organ of the body. Thus a picture of destructive metabolism.
- | It is suited to those young people who, grow rapidly and are inclined to
- | Tall, slender persons, narrow chested, with fine features and long fingers,
of sanguine temperament. Nervous, weak, delicate persons who like to be
magnetized, weakened by loss of animal fluids.
- | Haemorrhages - recurrent, vicarious, small wounds bleed much, blood streaked
discharges, profuse, watery bright red blood, which is non-coagulable.
- | Insidious onset, gradually increasing debility, ending in severe or rapid
- | Emptiness in chest, stomach, and all parts.
- | Tightness in chest, cough, etc.
- | Burning - Burning anywhere and everywhere all over the body.
- | Burning from the outer skin to the innermost surface of every tract of its
- | Burning with or without rise of temperature, but with functional or organic
- | Burning in spots along the spine between scapulae, on palm, and hands, in
chest, lungs, etc.
- | Feeling of intense heat running up the back.
- | Weakness - Aversion to mental and physical exertion.
- | Great weakness and prostration with nervous debility and trembling of whole
- | Weakness and weariness from loss of vital fluids.
- | Oversensitiveness to all external impression.
- | Restlessness, constant fidgety feeling all over the body. |
caries and exostoses of spine
swelling and necrosis of lower jaw (left more
affected than right)
caries of bones, spine, upper jaw
- | Hard swelling here and there.
- | Pseudo-hypertrophy of muscles; of insane, internal throat, rectum.
- | Spasms on the paralyzed side.
- | Internal, itching, tickling, throbbings here and there.
- | Healed wounds break out again and bleed.
- | Recurrent effects - colds, croup, etc.
- | Human barometer, easily affected by change in atmospheric pressure,
especially thunderstorm.
- | Head - Vertigo of aged, after rising, with faintness.
- | Dandruff falls out in clouds; hair falls out in bunches.
- | Baldness of single spots.
- | Brainfag with coldness of occiput.
- | Chronic congestion of head.
- | Eyes - Hollow, surrounded by blue rings.
- | Lids puffy, swollen, oedematous.
- | Green halo about the candle light.
- | Atrophy of optic nerve. Optic neuritis.
- | Retina - detached, haemorrhage, inflammation.
- | Nose - Epistaxis instead of menses.
- | Chronic nasal catarrh with small haemorrhages; handkerchief is always
- | Polypi, bleeding easily.
- | G.I.T. - Longs for cold food and drink, juicy, refreshing things; ice cream
> gastric pains.
- | Thirst for very cold water.
- | Stomach - throws up ingesta by the mouthfuls.
- | Vomiting, water is thrown up as soon as it gets warm in the stomach.
- | Post-operative vomiting.
- | Bad effects of eating too much salt.
- | Craves ice cream, salt, fish, cold milk, aerated drinks, cheese, chicken,
cucumbers, spicy, chocolate, milk, rice, acid, alcoholic drinks (wine).
- | Aversion to sweets, warm foods, meat, tea.
- | Must eat often or feels faint.
- | Weak, empty - gone sensation in whole abdominal cavity.
- | Very foetid stools and flatus. Long narrow hard like a dog, difficult to
- | Painless, copious, debilitating diarrhoea.
- | Great weakness after stool.
- | Respiratory system - Hoarseness < evening.
- | Cannot talk on account of pain.
- | Cough from tickling in throat < cold air, reading, laughing, talking,
from going from warm room into cold air.
- | Nervous cough in presence of strangers, strong odours, etc.
- | Burning pains, heat and oppression of chest.
- | Tightness across chest, great weight on chest.
- | Respiration quickened, oppressed.
- | Pneumonia with oppression < lying on left side.
- | Tubercular deposits begin in apex of lung unusually on left side.
- | C.N.S. - Epilepsy with consciousness.
- | Chorea of children who grow to fast.
- | Female genitalia – Menses prolonged or vicarious with epistaxis.
- | During pregnancy, unable to drink water, sight of it causes vomiting, must
close her eyes while bathing.
- | Female breasts have erysipelatous appearance, red streaks, with thin,
ichorous discharge.
- | Suppuration of mammae, burning, watery, offensive discharges.
- | Drawing, forcing towards pelvis and rectum, as if menses would appear.
- | Male genitalia - Irresistible desire; involuntary emissions with lascivious
- | Extremities - Arms and hands become numb.
- | Joints suddenly give way.
- | Sometimes, sensation as if hot blood flowed into it.
- | Heat between the shoulder blades, burning in spots along the spine.
- | Sleep - Short naps and frequent waking.
- | Short sleep ameliorates.
- | Somnambulism, talking in sleep.
- | Sleeps on right side, unable to sleep on left side.
- | Skin - Perspiration has the odour of sulphur. |
- Burning in spots, especially along the spine.
- Empty, all gone sensation in chest, stomach, etc.
- Sensation as if anus remained wide open.
- Vomiting, water is thrown out as soon as it gets warm in stomach.
- Nausea from placing hands in warm water.
- Nervous, desires to be magnetized.
- | For tall slender persons, with sanguine
- | Sensitive nature, quick perception.
- | Anxious; universal restlessness.
- | < dark, < when left alone,< before a thunderstorm.
- | Haemorrhagic tendency where blood is bright red, profuse, non-coagulable.
- | Burning all over and in spots.
- | Empty all gone sensation.
- | Restlessness from nervous trembling.
- Burning all over and in spots.
- Empty all gone sensation.
- Haemorrhagic tendency. Profuse bright red, non-coagulable blood.
- Restlessness. Weakness and prostration with nervous trembling.
- Craves ice-cold drinks. Vomits out water as soon as it turns warm in the
- | Anxiety, Cirrhosis, Coagulopathy, Congestive
cardiac failure, Connective tissue disease, Detached retina, Diabetes,
Emphysema, Epistaxis, Fibrocystic breast disease, Gastritis, Haemophilia,
Hepatitis, Hypertension, Ichthyosis, Influenza, Malignancy, Multiple
sclerosis, Peptic ulcer, Pharyngitis, Phobic disorders, Pneumonia, Psoriasis,
Purpura, Retinal haemorrhage, Schizophrenia, Scoliosis, Tinnitus,
Tuberculosis, Uterine fibroids, Uterine prolapse, valvular heart disorders,
- | Phos in high potency, a hour or two before operation prevents surgical
shock, avoids peristaltic troubles after surgery - Dr. Roberts.
- | Reduces apprehension before operation in children - Dr. Gibson.
- | Excessive bleeding after dental extraction.
- | Useful for clearing up vision after iridectomy - Dr. C.C.Boericke.
- | Fear of injection - Dr. Foubister.
- | One of the best antidote to Radium, X-ray of atomic radiation. |
Complementary: All-c, Ars, Carb-v, Ip
Follows Well: Ars, Bapt, Bell, Bry, Calc, Carb-v, Chin, Kali-c, Lyc,
Nux-v, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sil, Sulph
Inimical: Caust
Compare: Agar, Aloe, Alum, Ambr, Am-c, Anac, Ant-t, Apis, Ars, Bac,
Bapt, Berb, Bry, Calc, Calc-p, Cann-i, Canth, Caps, Carb-v, Caust, Cham,
Chin, Chin-s, Coll, Coloc, Con, Conch, Cur, Ferr, Graph, Hyos, Ign, Ind, Iod,
Ip, Kreos, Lac-d, Lach, Lens-c, Luna, Lyc, Merc, Merc-c, Morph, Nat-m,
Nit-ac, Nux-m, Orig, Petr, Ph-ac, Phel, Pic-ac, Plat, Psor, Puls, Rhod,
Senec, Sep, Sil, Stann, Stict, Stram, Sulph, Teucr, Thuj, Tub, Valer, Zinc
Antidoted By: Coff, Kali-perm, Ter
It Antidotes: Camph, Iod, Nat-m, Petr, Rhus-v, Ter