Weak, easily fagged. Great depletion. Putrid,
carrion odour excretions.
Coition aggravates.
Phosphate of potash
- | Effects of mechanical injuries |
- | Sexual excitement from indulgence or suppression |
- | WORRY, mental FATIGUE, grief, vexation |
< | Worry, mental or physical FATIGUE
> | Leaning against something
- | Mental fatigue. Irritable, restless, anxious, from
mental exertion.
- | Nervous dread. Feel unable to cope, despondency.
- | Mental breakdown after enormous mental exertion with nervousness and
oversensitivity. Brain fag, hysteria.
- | Slightest labour seems a heavy task.
- | Indisposition to meet people, or to talk with them. Extreme lassitude and
- | Very nervous, starts easily from noise or when touched, hypersensitivity to
all stimuli.
- | Night terrors. Somnambulism.
- | Shyness, disinclined to converse.
- | Aversion to her own family, cruel to husband, to baby.
- | Easily upset from hearing bad news or hearing world catastrophes.
- | Irritability when spoken to, morose, obstinate, oversensitive children. |
- | Conditions arising from want of nerve
- | Nervous, sensitive, weak and easily fagged by slight cause, like PAIN,
worry, mental fatigue, etc.
- | General DEPLETION, weakness after chemotherapy or cancer surgery.
- | NEURASTHENIA, paralysis. Infantile during dentition, paralytic weakness or
pain with sensation of paralysis.
- | Emaciation, wasting diseases, septic states and septic fevers.
- | Progressive muscular atrophy.
- | Discharges - PUTRID, carrion like odour of secretions, foul odour of body,
golden yellow, copious.
- | States of adynamia and decay. Gangrenous conditions, suspected malignant
- | After operation, when in the healing process the skin is down tight over the
wound, especially cancer.
- | Sexual excitement from indulgence or suppression.
- | Sea sickness without nausea.
- | Head - Headache, worse from mental exertion.
- | Vertigo - On facing the sun.
- | Face - Sad, care-worn look.
- | Burn, sting and swim in tears.
with yellow slimy discharge. Foetid discharge.
stopped up.
Itching in posterior nares.
- | Ears - Eustachian tube and middle ear catarrh.
- | Mouth - Warts on lips, Epithelioma of lips.
- | Excessive salivation, yellow, slimy tongue.
- | Bleeding gums from disturbed digestion.
- | Throat - Tonsilitis, pharyngitis with yellow slimy discharge.
- | Stomach - Craves ice cold drinks and food, sweets, vinegar.
- | Empty, gnawing in stomach > eating.
- | Craving hunger soon after eating.
- | Stools - Golden yellow, putrid, hot.
- | Chest - Yellowish thin discharge, burning coarse rattling in chest.
- | This remedy has saved many people from phthisis.
- | Urinary system - Milky urine.
- | Female genitalia - Offensive menses or horrible foul leucorrhoea.
- | Intense sexual desire after menses.
- | Male genitalia - Sexual erethism, with prostration after coition or nightly
- | Skin - Profuse desquamation of epidermis.
- | Promotes falling of crust, and formation of healthy skin after small pox,
prevents suppression of rash.
- | Profuse, easy sweat. Axillary sweat smells of onions.
- | Cancer - Epithelioma, with thin yellow, watery exudations.
- | Extremities - Pricking hands and feet.
- | Foot feels frost bitten.
- | Sleep - Drowsy, yawning.
- | Night terrors of children, awake screaming.
- Slightest labour seems a heavy task.
- Discharges golden yellow, copious.
- Night terrors of children, awake from sound sleep screaming and in fright.
- Intense sexual desire after menses.
- Weak mentally and physically, especially after
long standing disease.
- Brain fag, tired.
- Extreme sensitiveness to cold air and general tendency to catch cold.
- They are usually tall, thin, lax and constantly tired.
- Discharges are putrid, golden-yellow colour.
- Mental disorders depending upon state of depression.
- Somnabulism due to mental or physical shock or overstrain.
- Specific remedy for Neurasthenia `want of Nerve power', Insomnia.
- | Conditions lacking nerve power, especially when
both mind or body are depressed, especially after periods of stress or
- | Depression, weakness, forgetful.
- | Great exhaustion or mental dullness if associated with nervous or
- | Putrid or gangrenous state with putrid discharge. |
- | Anxiety, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Diarrhoea,
Indigestion, Multiple sclerosis, Nocturnal enuresis, Neurasthenia, Vaginitis.
- | Useful when skin is drawn tight over the wound after removal of cancer.
- | If Phosphorous does not hold, study Kali-p, Calc-p - Dr. Boger. |
Follows Well: Cycl, Kali-m, Mag-p, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Zinc-p
Compare: Ars, Bapt, Carb-v, Cinch, Ign, Kreos, Lach, Mur-ac, Phos,
Phyt, Puls, Rhus-t