KALI PHOSPHORICUM uses / KALI PHOS uses [Kali-p uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
Weak, easily fagged. Great depletion. Putrid,
carrion odour excretions
Coition aggravates
- | Effects of mechanical injuries |
- | Sexual excitement from indulgence or suppression |
- | WORRY, mental FATIGUE, grief, vexation |
< | Worry, mental or physical FATIGUE
> | Leaning against something
- | Mental fatigue. Irritable, restless, anxious, from
mental exertion
- | Nervous dread. Feel unable to cope, despondency
- | Mental breakdown after enormous mental exertion with nervousness and
oversensitivity. Brain fag, hysteria
- | Slightest labour seems a heavy task
- | Indisposition to meet people, or to talk with them. Extreme lassitude and
- | Very nervous, starts easily from noise or when touched, hypersensitivity to
all stimuli
- | Night terrors. Somnambulism
- | Shyness, disinclined to converse
- | Aversion to her own family, cruel to husband, to baby
- | Easily upset from hearing bad news or hearing world catastrophes
- | Irritability when spoken to, morose, obstinate, oversensitive children |
- | Conditions arising from want of nerve
- | Nervous, sensitive, weak and easily fagged by slight cause, like PAIN,
worry, mental fatigue, etc
- | General DEPLETION, weakness after chemotherapy or cancer surgery
- | Neurasthenia, paralysis. Infantile during dentition, paralytic weakness or
pain with sensation of paralysis
- | Emaciation, wasting diseases, septic states and septic fevers
- | Progressive muscular atrophy
- | Discharges - PUTRID, carrion like odour of secretions, foul odour of body,
golden yellow, copious
- | States of adynamia and decay. Gangrenous conditions, suspected malignant
- | After operation, when in the healing process the skin is down tight over the
wound, especially cancer
- | Sexual excitement from indulgence or suppression
- | Sea sickness without nausea
- | Head - Headache, worse from mental exertion
- | Vertigo - On facing the sun
- | Face - Sad, care-worn look
- | Burn, sting and swim in tears
with yellow slimy discharge. Foetid discharge
stopped up
Itching in posterior nares
- | Ears - Eustachian tube and middle ear catarrh
- | Mouth - Warts on lips, Epithelioma of lips
- | Excessive salivation, yellow, slimy tongue
- | Bleeding gums from disturbed digestion
- | Throat - Tonsilitis, pharyngitis with yellow slimy discharge
- | Stomach - Craves ice cold drinks and food, sweets, vinegar
- | Empty, gnawing in stomach > eating
- | Craving hunger soon after eating
- | Stools - Golden yellow, putrid, hot
- | Chest - Yellowish thin discharge, burning coarse rattling in chest
- | This remedy has saved many people from phthisis
- | Urinary system - Milky urine
- | Female genitalia - Offensive menses or horrible foul leucorrhoea
- | Intense sexual desire after menses
- | Male genitalia - Sexual erethism, with prostration after coition or nightly
- | Skin - Profuse desquamation of epidermis
- | Promotes falling of crust, and formation of healthy skin after small pox,
prevents suppression of rash
- | Profuse, easy sweat. Axillary sweat smells of onions
- | Cancer - Epithelioma, with thin yellow, watery exudations
- | Extremities - Pricking hands and feet
- | Night terrors of children, awake screaming
Slightest labour seems a heavy task
Discharges golden yellow, copious
Night terrors of children, awake from sound sleep screaming and in fright
Intense sexual desire after menses
Weak mentally and physically, especially after
long standing disease
Brain fag, tired
Extreme sensitiveness to cold air and general tendency to catch cold
They are usually tall, thin, lax and constantly tired
Discharges are putrid, golden-yellow colour
Mental disorders depending upon state of depression
Somnabulism due to mental or physical shock or overstrain
Specific remedy for Neurasthenia `want of Nerve power', Insomnia
- | Conditions lacking nerve power, especially when
both mind or body are depressed, especially after periods of stress or
- | Depression, weakness, forgetful
- | Great exhaustion or mental dullness if associated with nervous or
- | Putrid or gangrenous state with putrid discharge |
- | Anxiety, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Diarrhoea,
Indigestion, Multiple sclerosis, Nocturnal enuresis, Neurasthenia, Vaginitis
- | Useful when skin is drawn tight over the wound after removal of cancer
- | If Phosphorous does not hold, study Kali-p, Calc-p - Dr. Boger |
Follows Well: Cycl, Kali-m, Mag-p, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Zinc-p
Compare: Ars, Bapt, Carb-v, Cinch, Ign, Kreos, Lach, Mur-ac, Phos,
Phyt, Puls, Rhus-t
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