CARBO VEGETABILIS uses [Carb-v uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
and imperfect oxidation. General venous stasis
Coldness (but aversion to being covered), blueness, burnings (internal
burning with external coldness, with desire for fanning rapidly and closely)
with prostration
Coma. Collapse. Fainting from indigestion, flatus, sunstroke, infection, etc
Weak, exhausted with haemorrhages of dark blood
Flatulent dyspepsia in upper abdomen with all complaints
- | Vegetable
Charcoal, Wood Charcoal |
- | Quinine, suppressed intermittents
- | Abuse of mercury salt, meats, salted-spoiled fish, fats
- | Bad effects of being overheated
- | Bad effects of exhausting diseases
- | Bad effects of a long ago injury |
< | Weather, extreme temperature
- | Mentally
as well as physically much sluggishness, laziness, slowness of thoughts,
comprehension, dullness, sudden loss of memory. Concentration difficult
- | INDIFFERENCE, hears everything without feeling about it. Indifference to
music which he loves
- | Great IRRITABILITY, especially directed at the family
- | Harsh and cutting remarks
- | Anxiety in the evening accompanied by shuddering. Anxiety on closing eyes
- | Easily frightened or startled. Fear of ghosts; of darkness, of accidents, of
- | Restlessness. Oversensitiveness to noise. Timidity appearing in public
- | Peevish irritable angry. Child bites, strikes and kicks. Confusion >
mental exertion
- | Sensation of being smaller before an epileptic fit
- | Sees frightful images in the dark |
- | Wood
charcoal by itself is a product of imperfect oxidation and therefore
IMPERFECT OXIDATION and DISINTEGRATION are keynotes of this remedy. It
contains a small quantity of Kali carb. It has deodorant disinfectant and
antiseptic qualities, and has a cheif action on venous circulation
- | Useful at the extremes of life, in old persons, or prematurely old
individuals with a puffy bluish cachexic look, with coldness of the body,
anaemia. Persons who have never recovered from the exhausting effects of the
previous illness, typhoid, tuberculosis, asthma
- | A chronic, deep acting anti-psoric medicine with imperfect oxidation and
blueness. Ecchymoses and passive haemorrhages
- | Prostration and exhaustion at all levels from previous illness or loss of
vital fluids. A state of collapse. Last stage of diseases
- | Surface of body very cold to touch, COLDNESS of sweat, breath, skin, tongue,
Cold knees even in bed. Air hunger - GASPING FOR AIR, wants to be fanned
- | BURNING pains, burning heat in internal parts in veins, chest, lungs, skin,
- | Decompositions - Ulcerations, gangrenes, relaxation of tissues. Humid
gangrene in cachexic persons
- | Putrid or septic phenomena, associated with burning sensation. FOULNESS of
discharges - cadaverous smelling stools. Acrid and corrosive discharges
- | Haemorrhage from any mucous outlet, in broken down debilitated subjects,
with thin foetid, black blood, passive flowing
- | BLUENESS of parts - venous stagnations. Varicosites, piles
- | Desire to be FANNED rapidly and from a CLOSE distance
- | Flatulence and fullness with weak digestion, accompanies all complaints.
Simplest food disagrees. Flatulence upper abdomen
- | Craving for coffee; acids; sweets and salted things, alcohol
- | Aversion to meat; fats; milk
- | G.I.T. - Looseness of teeth with early bleeding gums
- | Simplest food disagrees with much bloating of upper abdomen
- | Sour and rancid erucations
- | Flatulence obstructed. Loathes even the thought of food. Cannot bear tight
clothing around the waist >eructations of flatus < lying down
- | Faeces escape with flatus, frequent, involuntary, cadaverous smelling
- | Painful diarrhoea of old people. Soft stools passed with great difficulty;
with burning in the rectum
- | Respiratory system - HOARSENESS < EVENINGS, damp air, warm wet weather,
with roughness in larynx
- | labourious, quick, short breathing with burning in chest with haemoptysis
- | Expectoration thick, sticky, yellowish, profuse, with desire to take a deep
- | Cold breath, cold tongue and lost voice
- | Skin - Blueness, ecchymoses
- | Varicose ulcers, burnings
- | Wounds which open up again after healing, gangrenes boils, carbuncles with
putridity |
Craves things which make him sick
> rapid fanning wants to be fanned
Hoarseness in the evening
Coldness of the body especially the legs
- | Useful
in the old or prematurely old; debilitated, broken down persons, with lack of
reaction who have never been well since a previous exhaustive illness
- | Disintegration and imperfect oxidation are the cause of most of the
- | Much coldness, blueness, burnings and prostration in late stages of disease
with decomposition
- | Weak, exhausted, with haemorrhages of dark blood
- | Flatulent dyspepsia in upper abdomen with all complaints |
Internal burning with external coldness, with desire for fanning rapidly
Flatulence in upper abdomen with temporary relief from eructations
Great debility and decompositions
- | Asthma,
Chronic fatigue syndrome, Collapse, Coma, Congestive heart failure, Cyanosis,
Fainting, Gangrene, Gastritis, Obesity, Pneumonia, Post-surgical, Syncope,
Varicose veins and ulcers
- | An excellent remedy for the terrible dyspnoea of chronic aortitis especially
when the patient has become very anaemic, dropsical etc. (Dr. Farrington)
- | When the patient is a barbiturate addict Carb-v is an almost sure
antidote - Dr.T.K.Moore |
Complements: Chin, Dros, Kali-c
Follows Well: Ars, Bell, Bry, Dros, Kali-c, Nux-v, Ph-ac, Sep, Sulph
Compare: Graph, Other carbons
Antidoted By: Ars, Camph, Coff, Ferr, Lach, Nit-s-d
It Antidotes: Chin, Lach, Merc
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