KALI BICHROMICUM uses / KALI BICHROM uses / KALI BICH uses [Kali-bi uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
Thick, gluey, adherent discharges
Pains -spotty, wandering, periodic
Rheumatism <-> Gastric or respiratory symptoms
- | Mucus membrane - Copious, viscid, ropy mucorrhoea
- | Liver - Congestion, hypertrophy, fatty degeneration
- | Kidney - Tubular inflammation, Ulceration, Albuminuria
- | Skin - Pustular inflammation
- | Fibrous tissue or periosteum - Acute inflammation
- | Indulgence in beer and malt liquors |
< | Summer (though not heat)
- | Narrowness - on all three levels, typically a
closed personality. Closed, rigid, proper
- | Very conscientious and capable, rather conservative and conformists
- | Rigidly adhere to the routine
- | Long-winded. Explain things excessively. Step-by-step, routinized way of
- | Do not show their emotion and don't tend to complain of their mental or
emotional problems
- | Sadness after annoyance. Gloomy, indifference to business affairs
- | Irritability > after eating. Easily angered and upset
- | Anthropophobia - Avoids human society
- | Practical, materialistic point of view
- | Feel isolated and apart from social contact
- | Peevish withdrawal from sullen indifference |
- | It affects the mucous membranes of the
air passages, nose, pharynx, stomach, duodenum
- | Discharges are adhesive, sticky, VISCID, GLUEY, ROPY, stringy, tough, lumpy,
or thick YELLOW (Hydr) discharges. Yellowness of discharges, especially
tongue, etc
- | Pain in SMALL SPOTS, can be covered with point of finger, WANDERING (Berb,
Form, Kali-s, Puls), shift rapidly from one part to the other and appear and
disappear suddenly and finally attack the stomach
- | Stubborn suppurations. Tendency to ulcerations. Ulcers with dark dots, deep
punched out, perforating, round with over-hanging edges or thick crusts.
Septal or peptic ulcers
- | Indolent or sluggish reaction in many conditions; ulcers, inflammations,
- | Diseased conditions progress slowly but deeply, causing great weakness
bordering on paralysis, but little fever. Anaemia and absence of fever are
- | Kali-bi is generally chilly yet symptoms occur and aggravate in hot summer
weather, such as skin disease, rheumatism, dysentery, etc
- | Alternating symptoms - Rheumatism alternating with gastric symptoms, one
appearing in the fall and the other in the spring
- | Rheumatism and dysentery alternate
- | Neuralgia every day at same hour
vision or blindness precedes the attack, must lie down, aversion to light,
noise, sight returns as headache increases
over eyebrows. Pressing frontal pain or neuralgia
and fullness in glabella, root of nose
suppressed catarrh
and scalp feel sore
Headache in small spots
- | PHOTOPHOBIA and visual disturbances before or with headache
- | Ear - Viscid, ropy, yellow discharge
- | Nose - Snuffles of children especially fat, chubby babies
- | Pressure and pain at ROOT OF NOSE (Stict, Kali-i) and sticking pain in nose
- | Septum ulcerated, round ulcer
- | Discharge thick, ropy, greenish yellow, tough elastic plugs from nose, leave
a raw surface
- | Coryza with obstruction of nose
- | Has violent pain from occiput to forehead if discharges cease
- | Chronic coryza. SINUSITIS
- | Polyps (Calc, Sang, Teucr)
- | Face - Neuralgia from suppressed coryza
- | Mouth - Sensation of hair on tongue (Crab-a, Sil)
- | Tongue - Mapped red shining smooth (Pyrog, Lach, Ter) and dry
- | With dysentery, broad, flat, indented, thickly coated
- | Throat - Inflammation. Ulceration
- | Oedematous bladder - like appearance of uvula, much swelling but little
- | Diphtheria, pseudo-membranous deposit, firm pearly fibrinous deposit. Prone
to extend downward to larynx and trachea
- | Stomach - ULCERS. Cancer (Hydr)
- | Gastric symptoms <-> Rheumatic or respiratory symptoms (Dulc)
- | Indigestion from meat, drinking beer
- | Constant nausea in alcoholics
- | Vomiting of ropy, yellow mucus or water and blood
- | Desire - Beer and < beer
- | Loss of appetite, weight in pit of stomach, flatulence < soon after
- | Under sternum rawness, pains through to back
- | Rectum - Diarrhoea < morning, drives out of bed, beer, summer
- | Diarrhoea alternating with rheumatic complaints (Dulc)
- | R.S. - Hoarseness. Croup
- | Violent, rattling with gagging from viscid mucus in the throat < when
- | Croup - hoarse, metallic, with expectoration of tough mucus or fibro-elastic
casts in morning on awakening, with dyspnoea > lying down
- | Rattling respiration < in old people (Kali-s in children)
- | Cough < eating, morning on waking
- | Expectoration - copious, stringy, tough, yellow/green
- | C.V.S. - Coldness about the heart, deep in chest
- | Urinary system - Ropy, viscid urine, obstructs urethra
- | Pain from kidneys extends to bladder and to the knee
- | After urination a drop seems to remain which cannot be expelled
- | Male genitalia - Desire diminished in fleshy people
- | Female genitalia - Left sided ovarian cysts
- | Prolapse of uterus < warm weather
- | Leucorrhoea, yellow, tenacious
- | Back - Pain in coccyx < sitting, during coition, before urination
- | Pain in small spots, esp. angles of scapulae
- | Extremities - Rheumatic symptoms <-> Gastrointestinal or Respiratory
symptoms (Dulc)
- | WANDERING pains (Berb, Form, Kali-s, Puls)
- | Arthritic pain < cold and < summer
- | Left-sided sciatica > motion, < warm weather
- | Skin - Syphilitic ulcerations
- | Itching > cold air (Fago) |
Discharges of a tough, stringy mucus, adheres to
the parts and can be drawn into a long string
Pain in small spots, can be covered with point of finger
Pains shift rapidly from one past to another
Neuralgia everyday at the same hour
Deep, perforating, round, punched ulcers
Uvula oedematous
- | Affections of the mucous membranes with catarrhal
- | Discharge from mucous membranes which are adhesive, sticky, stringy, tough,
lumpy or thick and yellow discharges
- | Tendency to ulcers, deep, perforating, punched out
- | Pains in small spots, shifting, alternating complaints |
Discharges adhesive, sticky, stringy, yellow,
tough, lumpy or thick
Pain covered with point of finger, spotty pain
Ulcers deep, perforating round, punched with overhanging edges or thick
Rheumatism alternates with gastric symptoms or dysentery
- | Bronchitis, Croup, Gastritis, Migraine, Nasal
polyp, Obesity, Ovarian cyst, Peptic ulcer, Sciatica, Sinusitis, Ulcers
- | When you are struck with a Kali-bi migraine that does not respond, always
remember Iris versicolor |
Followed Well By: Ant-t
Follows Well: Apis, Canth, Iod
Compare: Brom, Caust, Chrom-ac, Kali-c, Kali-I, Mez, Nit-ac
Antidoted By: Ars, Lach, Puls
It Antidotes: Merc, Merc-i-f, Merc-i-r
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