STRAMONIUM uses [Stram uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
Violence. Remedy of terrors, but lacks pain. Dreads darkness
Thorn apple
- |
Shock |
- |
Fright |
- |
Sun |
- |
Childbirth |
- |
Suppression of secretions and excretion |
- |
Masturbation |
- |
Overstudy |
< |
Glistening objects |
< |
Fright |
< |
After sleep |
< |
< |
Cloudy days |
< |
Swallowing |
< |
Suppressions |
< |
Intemperance |
< |
Touch |
< |
At night |
< |
Looking into light |
> |
Bright LIGHT |
> |
Company |
> |
Warmth |
> |
Lemon juice |
- |
subconscious, dark element. Intense emotions leading to violence; out of
control, sudden anger. Can be destructive with striking, biting, tearing,
smashing, strangling. Rage and violence, has the capacity to commit murder |
- |
On the other hand, emotional vulnerability. Fear of being injured. Delusion is alone in the wilderness |
- |
TERROR, wild look in the eyes. Half awake, half dreaming. Child wants to
sleep with the parents |
- |
Often seen in people without violent
behaviour, but with very strong fears |
- |
Cannot bear solitude or darkness, must
have light and company |
- |
Sight of water or anything glittering
brings on spasms |
- |
Awakens with a shrinking look, as if
afraid of the glistening objects seen, clings to those near him |
- |
Hallucinations terrify the patient; a
remedy of terrors |
- |
Fear |
- |
DARK (sleeps with light on, goes into parent's bed), |
- |
WATER (deep, dark water, reflecting surface, running water, getting head in water), |
- |
Death (especially violent death or murder), cemeteries, |
- |
ANIMALS, especially dogs (that might attack), |
- |
Being alone (< night or in the dark), |
- |
- |
- |
Mirrors, reflecting objects, disease, ghosts, injury, insanity, suffocation, Claustrophobia, Agarophobia |
- |
Fear and anxiety on hearing water run |
- |
Aversion to all fluids |
- |
Anxiety when going through a tunnel |
- |
Complaints after FRIGHT, especially
violent things, or where death may have been averted |
- |
MENTAL CONDITIONS, mania, psychosis
with violent behavior, increased strength. Delusions, e.g. of black dogs
attack him, that he is falling, room is on fire, that he is naked, that he
is in communication with God |
- |
Mania with red face, dilated pupils,
superhuman strength |
- |
Talking in a foreign language. Raving
mania with cold sweat. Delirium with febrile conditions. Jealous, threatens
to kill |
- |
Children - Behavior disorders. Can
appear very quiet during consultation |
- |
Devout, earnest, beseeching and
ceaseless talking, entreating |
- |
Loquacious, garrulous, laughing,
singing, swearing, praying, rhyming. Laughter loud and cruel or wild |
- |
Sees ghosts, hears voices, talks with
spirits |
- |
Sensation as if limbs were separated
from body |
- |
Rapid changes from joy to sadness.
Laughs at night, weeps during day |
- |
Violent and lewd |
- |
Delusions about his identity, thinks
himself tall, double. A part missing, lying crosswise or one half of the
body is cut off in delusions. There is a desire to escape |
- |
- |
Religious mania |
- |
Wife thinks husband is neglecting her;
man thinks his wife is faithless |
- |
Sees ghosts, vividly brilliant or
hideous phantoms, animals jumping sideways out of ground or running to him |
- |
Loss of reason or of speech |
- |
Talks in foreign tongue, lascivious
talk |
- |
Maniac, curses, tears one's clothes
with teeth, exposes the person |
- |
Sits silent, eyes on ground, picking
at her clothes |
- |
Wants to kill people or himself |
- |
When the child is reprimanded, its
pupils become dilated |
- |
Hydrophobia |
- |
Weak memory, loses thought before she
can utter them. Calls things by wrong names |
- |
Aversion to everything that is black
and sombre |
- |
Sleepy but cannot sleep |
- |
Stammering, has to exert himself a long time before he can utter a word, makes great effort to speak. Weeping in dreams |
- |
It is more adapted to young plethoric
persons and especially children in chorea, mania and fever with delirium |
- |
Painlessness is very characteristic.
There is no pain of complaints usually painful |
- |
Secretions and excretions are
suppressed; passes neither urine nor stool |
- |
Increases the mobility of muscles of
expression and of locomotion - Involuntary movements; graceful; contraction
of various muscles |
- |
Jerks. Distortions |
- |
Neuro-muscular conditions - Epilepsy
< light, looking at bright or reflecting objects |
- |
Febrile convulsions, delirium |
- |
Ailments from fright, suppressed
anger, head injury, vaccination, fever, cerebral accident |
- |
Craving for SWEETS |
- |
Aversion to WATER |
- |
Vertigo in the dark or with eyes
closed |
- |
Head - Jerking of the head |
- |
CONGESTION (Glon). Pulsation |
- |
Pain from occiput to head, < sun,
heat, lying, motion, > sitting up |
- |
Meningitis, encephalitis from
suppressed otitis |
- |
Raises head frequently from the
pillow |
- |
Rush of blood to head, staggers with
tendency to fall forward and to left |
- |
- |
Ear - Hallucinations of hearing |
- |
Face - Expression of terror, pale
face |
- |
Distorted. Tics. Jerks |
- |
One side hot, the other cold |
- |
Heat of face with cold hands and feet |
- |
Circumscribed redness of cheeks |
- |
Blood rushed to face. Risus
Sardonicus |
- |
Mouth - Violent STAMMERING; big
struggle to get the word out |
- |
Mouth dry, yet dreads water, it drinks
him |
- |
Food tastes like straw, fine red dots
on tongue |
- |
Saliva tastes salty |
- |
Vomiting of mucus and green bile,
vomiting as soon as he raises head from pillow |
- |
Teeth - Grinding of teeth |
- |
Throat - Spasms on swallowing.
Constriction |
- |
Torticollis |
- |
Rectum - Dark, putrid, painless,
involuntary, offensive diarrhoea |
- |
Stools suppressed |
- |
Diarrhoea, strabismus and pale face |
- |
Bladder - Retention of urine < old
people |
- |
Enuresis after fright |
- |
Male Genitalia - Desire increased.
Violent sexual desire, aggressive, vulgar language, promiscuous. Sexual
erethism with indecent speech and action |
- |
Masturbation |
- |
Hands constantly kept on genitals
(Hyos) |
- |
Patients with history of incest or any
type of frightening sexual abuse |
- |
Female Genitalia - Desire increased.
Nymphomania < before menses |
- |
Hands constantly kept on genitals
(Hyos) |
- |
Metrorrhagia; with loquacity, singing,
praying |
- |
Convulsions after labour |
- |
Puerperal mania with characteristic
mental symptoms with profuse sweating |
- |
Menses have strong smell of semen |
- |
Respiration - Suffocation when water
is poured on head |
- |
Nervous, spasmodic asthma |
- |
Cough - BARKING, DEEP, LOUD (Bell) |
- |
From looking into bright light or
fire |
- |
Back - Opisthotonus |
- |
- |
Graceful, rhythmic, involuntary
motions |
- |
Convulsions caused or renamed by a
lighted candle, a mirror, running water, or attempts to drink |
- |
Convulsions with consciousness |
- |
Convulsions of upper extremities and
of isolated groups of muscles |
- |
Tonic and clonic spasms alternately |
- |
Chorea; spasm partial, constantly
changing |
- |
Violent pain in left hip. Pains drive
patient to madness |
- |
Trembling, twitching of tendons,
staggering gait |
- |
Paralysis of one side with convulsion
of the other, or one sided paralysis |
- |
Paralysis of one side and convulsion
of the other side |
- |
Claps hands over head |
- |
Hands open and shut, wringing of
hands |
- |
Inside of right thigh red and swollen |
- |
Misses step of stairs while
descending |
- |
Parkinsonism |
- |
General paralysis of the insane |
- |
Traumatic neurotics |
- |
Severe pain in left hip. Hip-joint disease.
Abscess of left hip joint |
- |
Coldness of extremities with heat of
face |
- |
Hemiplegia with convulsions in the
unparalysed parts |
- |
Skin - Chronic abscesses, boils;
septic states with spasms |
- |
Dry and burning |
- |
Effects of suppressed eruption in scarlatina, with delirium, etc |
- |
Remedy of Terrors |
- |
Throat, skin or spinal nerves are affected, with increased mobility of groups of muscles, spasms but painlessness |
- |
In whitlow, Stramonium is important
when the pain is almost unbearable, driving to despair, it ameliorates at
once and hastens suppuration - Dr. Raue |
- |
Temper problems and fears or
nightmares |
- |
Convulsions and fears |
- |
Abscess, Behaviour disorder, Cerebral accidents, Chorea, Delirium, Diarrhoea, Enuresis, Febrile convulsions, Head injury, Hirsuitism, Hyperactive children, Mania, Manic-depression, Meningitis, Metrorrhagia, Night-terrors, Phobic disorder, Strabismus, Schizophrenia, Seizure disorder, Sexual disorders, Stammering |
Follows Well: Bell, Cupr
Inimical: Coff
Compare: Agar, Alum, Anac, Apis, Aur, Bapt, Bell, Bov, Bry, Caps,
Clem, Cupr, Graph, Hyos, Ign, Kali-br, Lach, Lyc, Nux-v, Op, Petr, Phos,
Plat, Puls, Pyrog, Rhus-t, Sec, Sep, Spong, Stront, Sulph, Thuj, Verat, Zinc
Antidoted By: Bell, Hyos, Nux-v
It Antidotes: Merc, Plb
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