COCCULUS INDICUS uses / COCCULUS uses [Cocc uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
Motion sickness, especially sea sickness. Empty,
hollow feeling. Complaints following lack of sleep due to night watching
(worrying and caring for others)
Spinal weakness
Tincture prepared from powdered seeds
- | C.N.S. (MOTOR TRACTS): Convulsions; Paralysis
- | VAGII: Violent emesis; Syncope
- | OVARO-UTERINE ORGANS: Spasms; Hyperaesthesia |
- | Anger, fright, grief, anxiety, disappointment |
- | Night watching, loss of sleep, over strain < mental < physical |
- | Angry from least contradiction
- | Time passes too quickly
- | Profound sadness, weeping during menses
- | Sensitive to voices, rudeness, sentimental, serious
- | Confusion after eating or drinking
- | Starting when touched at rifles
- | Slowness of comprehension. Mind benumbed
- | Anxiety from night watching, after menses
- | Dwells on past disagreeable occurences
- | Bad effects from grief, anger or from nursing a sick loved one. Exhausted
and sick from anxiety over a loved one |
- | For women and children with light hair and eyes
who suffer severely during rheumatism and pregnancy. Unmarried and
childless women
- | Adapted to bookworms, sensitive romantic girls with irregular
menstruation, rakes, onanist. Persons debilitated by sexual excess or loss
of sleep
- | Nausea or vomiting from riding in carriage, boat, railroad, car, or even
looking at boat in motion. Sea / car sickness
- | The thought and smell of food nauseates the patient
- | Great lassitude of whole body, feels too weak to talk loudly
- | He is too weak to hold up his stand and even speak
- | Paralysis of face, tongue, pharynx, with tingling numbness
- | Sensation as if parts have gone to sleep
- | Chilliness with perspiration and heat of skin
- | Head - Aches in nape and occiput, opening or shuting or emptiness
extending to spine
- | Sensation as if tightly bound by cord, with nausea as if at sea, at each
menstrual period, unable to lie on back of head, has to turn to side
- | Vertigo, as if intoxicated upon rising in bed or by motion of carriage.
True vertigo, the world seems to spin. Must lie down from the severity of
the vertigo
- | Vomiting of pregnancy with vertigo
- | Loss of appetite with metalic taste
- | Pain in region of liver < from fit of anger
- | Sensation in abdomen, of cutting and rubbing on every movement as if sharp
stones. Sensation of hollowness in head and other parts
- | Diarrhoea with sensation in abdomen as if sharp stones being rubbed, more
during daytime, no discomfort throughout night. Stool yellow, prolapse
rectum after stool
- | Hernia with incarcerated flatus, especially umbilical when Nux-v fails
- | The thought and smell of food nauseates the patient
- | During the menstruation, she is so weak, she is scarcely able to stand
from weakness of lower limbs, after each period, followed by haemorrhoids
- | Leucorrhoea in place of menses or in-between periods, like washing of
meat, like serum, ichorous, bloody during pregnancy
- | Convulsions from suppression or non appearance of menses affects the
cerebrum. Will not cure convulsions arising from spinal cord
- | Slowed nerve conduction; has nearly a full second delay before a
- | Generally worse from loss of sleep, even an hour deficit
Complaints arising from loss of sleep, night
watching, fits of anger or grief
Seasickness causes nausea and vomiting
Headache of occiput, nape of neck with sensation as of cord tightly
bound, cannot lie down on back must lie down on sides
Sensation of emptiness in various organs of body; sensation as if two
stones rubbing against each other
Time passes too quickly, slow in all activities
Anger from least contradiction
- | Extreme irritability of the women, with spasms.
- | Slowness of comprehension, though grasp in everything
- | Weakness, paretic conditions - trembling, numbness. Spinal weakness, too
weak to hold up head, stand and speak. Abdominal muscles are weak
- | Irritability - sensitiveness, sensation as if sharp stones are rubbing
- | Nausea and vomiting and vertigo
- | Semi lateral affections, one sidedness |
A/F Late hours of sleep
Nausea and vomiting from riding in carriage boat or rail road car, or
even looking a load in motion seasichness / carsickness
- | Used locally for destroying body and hair lice
- | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- | Multiple Sclerosis. Neurodegenerative disorders
Follows Well: Acon, Cham, Ign, Nux-v
Inimical: Caust
Compare: Ars, Bell, Gels, Tab
Antidoted By: Camph, Cham, Cupr, Ign, Nux-v, Staph
It Antidotes: Cham, Cupr, Ign, Nux-v, Thuj
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