Motion sickness, especially sea sickness. Empty,
hollow feeling. Complaints following lack of sleep due to night watching
(worrying and caring for others).
Spinal weakness.
Tincture prepared from powdered seeds.
- | CNS (MOTOR TRACTS): Convulsions; Paralysis.
- | VAGII: Violent emesis; Syncope.
- | OVARO-UTERINE ORGANS: Spasms; Hyperaesthesia. |
- | Anger, fright, grief, anxiety, disappointment |
- | Night watching, loss of sleep, over strain < mental < physical |
- | Angry from least contradiction.
- | Time passes too quickly.
- | Profound sadness, weeping during menses.
- | Sensitive to voices, rudeness, sentimental, serious.
- | Confusion after eating or drinking.
- | Starting when touched at rifles.
- | Slowness of comprehension. Mind benumbed.
- | Anxiety from night watching, after menses.
- | Dwells on past disagreeable occurences.
- | Bad effects from grief, anger or from nursing a sick loved one. Exhausted
and sick from anxiety over a loved one. |
- | For women and children with light hair and eyes
who suffer severely during rheumatism and pregnancy. Unmarried and
childless women.
- | Adapted to bookworms, sensitive romantic girls with irregular
menstruation, rakes, onanist. Persons debilitated by sexual excess or loss
of sleep.
- | Nausea or vomiting from riding in carriage, boat, railroad, car, or even
looking at boat in motion. Sea / car sickness.
- | The thought and smell of food nauseates the patient.
- | Great lassitude of whole body, feels too weak to talk loudly.
- | He is too weak to hold up his stand and even speak.
- | Paralysis of face, tongue, pharynx, with tingling numbness.
- | Sensation as if parts have gone to sleep.
- | Chilliness with perspiration and heat of skin.
- | Head - Aches in nape and occiput, opening or shuting or emptiness
extending to spine.
- | Sensation as if tightly bound by cord, with nausea as if at sea, at each
menstrual period, unable to lie on back of head, has to turn to side.
- | Vertigo, as if intoxicated upon rising in bed or by motion of carriage.
True vertigo, the world seems to spin. Must lie down from the severity of
the vertigo.
- | Vomiting of pregnancy with vertigo.
- | Loss of appetite with metalic taste.
- | Pain in region of liver < from fit of anger.
- | Sensation in abdomen, of cutting and rubbing on every movement as if sharp
stones. Sensation of hollowness in head and other parts.
- | Diarrhoea with sensation in abdomen as if sharp stones being rubbed, more
during daytime, no discomfort throughout night. Stool yellow, prolapse
rectum after stool.
- | Hernia with incarcerated flatus, especially umbilical when Nux-v fails.
- | The thought and smell of food nauseates the patient.
- | During the menstruation, she is so weak, she is scarcely able to stand
from weakness of lower limbs, after each period, followed by haemorrhoids.
- | Leucorrhoea in place of menses or in-between periods, like washing of
meat, like serum, ichorous, bloody during pregnancy.
- | Convulsions from suppression or non appearance of menses affects the
cerebrum. Will not cure convulsions arising from spinal cord.
- | Slowed nerve conduction; has nearly a full second delay before a
- | Generally worse from loss of sleep, even an hour deficit.
- Complaints arising from loss of sleep, night
watching, fits of anger or grief.
- Seasickness causes nausea and vomiting.
- Headache of occiput, nape of neck with sensation as of cord tightly
bound, cannot lie down on back must lie down on sides.
- Sensation of emptiness in various organs of body; sensation as if two
stones rubbing against each other.
- Time passes too quickly, slow in all activities.
- Anger from least contradiction.
- | Extreme irritability of the women, with spasms.
- | Slowness of comprehension, though grasp in everything.
- | Weakness, paretic conditions - trembling, numbness. Spinal weakness, too
weak to hold up head, stand and speak. Abdominal muscles are weak.
- | Irritability - sensitiveness, sensation as if sharp stones are rubbing.
- | Nausea and vomiting and vertigo.
- | Semi lateral affections, one sidedness. |
- A/F Late hours of sleep.
- Nausea and vomiting from riding in carriage boat or rail road car, or
even looking a load in motion seasichness / carsickness.
- | Used locally for destroying body and hair lice.
- | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
- | Multiple Sclerosis. Neurodegenerative disorders.
Follows Well: Acon, Cham, Ign, Nux-v
Inimical: Caust
Compare: Ars, Bell, Gels, Tab
Antidoted By: Camph, Cham, Cupr, Ign, Nux-v, Staph
It Antidotes: Cham, Cupr, Ign, Nux-v, Thuj