BENZOICUM ACID uses / BENZOICUM ACIDUM uses / BENZOIC ACIDUM uses / BENZOIC ACID uses / Acid benz uses / Acid benzoic uses / Acid benzoicum uses [Benz-ac uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
Concentrated, offensive, brown urine with sediments
by sublimation from GUM BENZOIN or artificially from several aromatic
- |
Gouty, rheumatic diathesis engrafted on a gonorrhoeal or syphilitic patient |
> | Discharging sediments in urine |
- | Prone
to dwell on unpleasant things in past
- | Child cross, wants to be held in the arms, will not be laid down
- | Shudders if he sees anyone deformed, fear following hurry
- | Delusion, hears confused voices < swallowing or walking in open air
- | Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences |
- | A
remedy for uric acid diathesis. Patient gives out a strong urinous odour
- | Pains suddenly change their location but are mostly felt in the region of
heart or they alternate with urinary symptoms
- | Changing, alternating and metastasising symptoms of gout
- | Heart condition alternates or results from suppressed rheumatism
- | Symptoms appear on left side first and then on the right side
- | Urine is highly coloured, very offensive with gouty symptoms
- | Concomitant to any disease condition is highly intensified odour of urine.
Smells like horse's urine
- | Urination, profuse and scanty alternately
- | Nocturnal enuresis of delicate children
- | Renal or urinary bladder calculi
- | Prostatic enlargement of old men with dribbling of urine, strong characteristic
odour of urine, excess of uric acid
- | Pains tearing, stitching in large joints of big toe. Redness and swelling of
joints. Gout, worse at night
- | Neuralgias worse from suppression of urinary deposits
- | Ganglion of wrist and bunions of great toe
- | Tongue spongy on surface with deep cracks and spreading ulcers in gouty
- | Diarrhoea of children- white, very offensive, exhausting, liquid stools,
running right through the diaper, urine offensive and of a deep red colour
- | Cough with expectoration of green mucus. Throat symptoms > eating.
Sensation of lump in the throat |
- | Urine
dark, brown, with highly intensified urinous odour or odour of horse's urine |
Urine strong smelling, offensive, profuse. All symptoms > profuse
Complaints left sided, going to right side, usually pains stitching,
tearing, change the locality suddenly
- | Urine high coloured and very offensive with gouty symptoms
- | Pains alternate with heart symptoms, painful gouty nodes |
- | Contractures,
Gout, Rheumatic heart disease, Rheumatism, Uric acid diathesis, Urinary
calculi |
Compare: Cop, Ferr, Nit-ac, Trop, Zinc
Similar: Cop, Ferr, Zinc
It Antidotes: Cop
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