ARGENTUM NITRICUM uses [Arg-n uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
aggravates. Nervous. Hurried. Brain fag. Emotional diarrhoea
Splinter-like pains. Craves sugar which <
- | Apprehension,
fear or fright |
< | Apprehension, fear, fright or suspense
< | Before and during menses
< | Night or morning on rising
- |
Acute or chronic diseases from unusual or long continued mental exertion
- | Great apprehension, especially when getting ready for church, opera, examination, etc. Any engagement and at that time diarrhoea sets in. Dreads
ordeals. It is a good remedy for examination funk. Fear to be late
- | IMPULSIVE, wants to do things in a HURRY. Unexplainable, foolish
impulses. Time passes slowly
- | Great fear of projecting buildings on street corners, which creates a
sensation as if it would fall over him. Sight of height makes him dizzy
- | Suicidal tendency prevails when crossing, or on high places or bridge, or
looking out through a window. The impulse comes on him to jump down from
- | Predicts the time of death. Fixed idea that he is going to die at a
certain hour
- | Obstinate against whatever was proposed; he had the queerest objection
- | Delusion he is despised
- | Anxiety about health; when alone, ameliorated in company
- | Mucous
membranes are inflamed and ulcerated, causing mucopurulent discharges and
splinter-like pains. Violent pains like deeply sticking SPLINTER or sharp,
shooting, like lightning, grinding or radiating, causing starting,
extending down the back or legs
- | Chilly when uncovered yet feels smothered if wrapped up. Craves fresh air
- | Symptoms of incoordination, loss of control and want of balance everywhere, mentally and physically. Trembling in affected parts
- | Desire for SUGAR, sweets, salt; but sugar <, it results in diarrhoea
- | Warm blooded, one of the hottest remedies
- | Headache - with coldness and trembling
- | Congestive, with fullness and heaviness, with sense of expansion
- | Habitual, gastric, ending in bilious vomiting
- | < from mental labour; >pressure or tight bandaging (Apis, Puls) |
Acute granular conjunctivitis
Scarlet red like raw beef
Inner canthi swollen
Purulent ophthalmia > cold water application
- | R.S.-High notes cause cough
- | Chronic hoarseness of singers (Caust, Arg-m, Arum-t)
- | G.I.T. - Belching accompanies most gastric ailments
- | Flatulence, painful swelling of pit of stomach
- | Abdominal colic with much flatulent distention
- | Bursting, loud explosive belching, discharged upward and downward
- | Diarrhoea - Green, mucus like chopped spinach, in flakes
- | After eating candy or sugar
- | Masses of mucolymph in shreddy strips or lumps with much noisy flatus
- | Diarrhoea immediately after eating or drinking. Fluids go right though
- | C.V.S. - Palpitation, pulse irregular, and intermittent
- | < lying on right side (Alumn)
- | Urine passes unconsciously by day and night
- | Impotence, erection fails when coition is attempted (Cact, Calad, Sel)
- | Coition painful in both sexes, followed by bleeding from vagina
- | Good remedy for epilepsy from fright. < during menses, < at night
- | Pupils are dilated for a day or two before the attack and followed by restlessness and trembling of hands |
Great apprehension before any engagement. Breaks into profuse sweat and
diarrhoea sets in
Splinter-like, violent, deeply sticking, shooting, like lightning,
grinding or radiating pains
Fear of projecting buildings, cannot look up, feels as if they would
fall on him. Cannot look down from heights
Craving for sweets which <
Great apprehension and anxiety before any engagement, and diarrhoea sets
Very characteristic desire for sweets
Splinter-like pains and free muco purulent discharge of the inflamed and
ulcerated mucous membrane
Fear of heights and projecting buildings
Suicidal tendency. Also fear of death
Flatulent dyspepsia. Diarrhoea - green, mucus like, chopped spinach, in
flakes, turning green after remaining on diaper < sweets
to students, brain workers
paraplegia from exhaustion - Dr. Hughes
Dull chronic headache of students - Dr. Hughes
Followed Well By: Lyc
Follows Well: Bry, Caust, Spig, Spong, Verat
Inimical: Coff
Compare: Ars, Merc, Phos, Puls
Similar: Arg-m, Aur, Cup-m, Kali-bi, Lach, Merc, Merc-c, Merc-i,
Nat-m, Nit-ac
Antidoted By: Ars, Nat-m
It Antidotes: Am-caust
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