MAGNESIA CARBONICA uses / MAG CARB uses [Mag-c uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
Worn out, failure to thrive. Sour. Neuralgias.
Stools frothy, grass green, like water and scum of a pond, lienteric, with
gelatinous or fatty masses
Menses tarry, dark, thick, early, indelible
- | Excess of care and worries |
- | Milk, injudicious feeding |
< | Every 2nd day, every 3rd week
- | Anxiety in the day, as if some accident would
happen, ameliorated evening in bed
- | PEACEMAKERS, intolerance of quarrels, confrontations or disharmony
- | Fear of aggression or violence
- | Sad, taciturn, packs and unpacks her clothes, without consciousness of
having done so |
- | Ailing, worn out, nervous, flatulent, flabby
persons; especially women, children or nurslings. Emaciated, marasmic
children who do not thrive inspite of feeding and medicines
- | SOUR - Odours from secretions of discharges: perspiration, menses, vomitus,
diarrhoea, etc. (Hep, Rheum)
- | Affects the NERVES (facial & dental), causing sharp, shooting pain along
them, > must walk about, sitting quiet. Restlessness
- | Cannot bear to be covered, yet chilled by uncovering. SENSITIVENESS <
drafts of cold air
- | General < at 3a.m., or 3-4 a.m.; from warm food
- | Generally worse before or during MENSES, menstrual flow only at NIGHT or
when LYING, ceases when WALKING, early, every 21 days, acrid, DARK PITCH LIKE
BLOOD, difficult to WASH, preceded by SORE THROAT, with coryza and weakness
- | Whole body feels tired, painful, especially legs and feet, aching restless
- | Cannot tolerate milk - passes undigested in nursing children
- | Craving - MEAT, FRUITS, acids, vegetable, bread and butter. Aversion to
green food
- | Unrefreshing sleep - more tired in morning than on retiring. Sleepy during
day sleepless at night
- | Left sided affections - Trigeminal neuralgia
- | Head - Pain on VERTEX, as if hair were pulled
- | Face - Pain and swelling of MALAR bones; tumours
- | Tension as of white of an egg dried up on Face
- | Mouth - Complaints which come from CUTTING WISDOM TOOTH
- | TOOTHACHE during PREGNANCY < night
- | G.I.T. - SORE THROAT menses before, hawks up cheesy particles from throat
- | Heart burn, SOUR ERUCTATIONS, VOMITING of pregnancy
- | Cutting, gripping, pressing COLIC followed by green stools
- | STOOLS - Greenish, frothy, like water and scum of a pond
- | SOUR smelling, lienteric with, gelatinous, fatty masses floating
- | Colic followed by leucorrhoea - White, acrid, regularly after menses
- | Cabbage, potato, MILK disagree
- | SPASMODIC affections of stomach and intestines |
SOURNESS of all discharges - stool, vomitus,
diarrhoea, perspiration
Great neuralgic lightning-like sharp unbearable pains; cannot sit still,
causes restlessness, must constantly move about
MILK intolerable, passes undigested
Menses - DARK BLACK, PITCH LIKE, INDELIBLE. Sore throat, coryza, weakness,
obstruction of nostril, headache preceeds the menses. Flow < night <
lying down > moving about
- | Exhaustion - Lassitude, short walking fatigues,
unrefreshing sleep, whole body feels tired. Exhausted Nerves
- | Sensitiveness - < cold, < draft of air < uncovering < change of
- | Spasms or cramps. Colics - of stomach and intestine
- | Neuralgia remedy - especially left sided, causes unbearable pain,
restlessness > moving about
- | Emaciation, marasmus, children do not thrive
- | Sourness of whole body, all secretions and discharges |
SOURNESS of all discharges and secretions
Neuralgia, lightning-like sharp unbearable pain < when at rest >
moving about
Extreme sensitiveness to COLD, drafts of air, uncovering
- | Chronic fatigue syndrome, Colic, Constipation,
Failure to thrive, Hepatitis, Insomnia, Neuralgia, Premenstrual syndrome
- | For toothache during pregnancy. Patient must get up and walk about due to
pain - Dr. Guernsey, Dr. Hughes, Dr. Hahnemann
- | In a number of cases of cataract, Mag-c causes marked improvement, give it in
the 6th potency - Dr. Priel |
Complements: Cham
Follows Well: Caust, Merc, Phos, Puls, Sep, Sil, Sulph
Compare: Aloe, Ant-c, Calc, Cocc, Ip, Mag-m, Mag-p, Nux-v, Rheum, Sep
Similar: Aloe, Ant-c, Calc, Coloc, Graph, Ip, Lyc, Nit-ac, Nux-m, Sil
Antidoted By: Ars, Bry, Cham, Merc, Nux-v, Puls, Rheum
It Antidotes: Acet-ac
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