CHAMOMILLA VULGARIS uses / Chamomilla uses [Cham uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
Peevish, whining restless, impolite, snappy,
uncivil, capricious, impatient
Desires to be carried fast
Sensitive, irritable, thirsty, hot and numb
Earache, swelling and heat, driving the patient frantic
Toothache worse after warm drink
Colic from anger. Hot, green, slimy stools
Uterine haemorrhage of dark blood with labour-like pains
Ankles give way in the afternoon
Tincture of whole fresh plant
- | Hyperaesthesia of sentient nerve fibres
- | Digestive organs - Excessive acidity
- | Abuse of coffee, narcotics |
< | Evening, before midnight
< | After suppressed perspiration
> | Warm, wet weather (Mild weather)
- | Complaints from anger and vexation
- | Child wants many things, which he then refuses with disdain and discourtesy
[Ant-c, Ant-t, Bry, Cina, Kreos, Iod]
- | Piteous moaning because child cannot have what he wants
- | Child can be quieted only when carried about or petted constantly
- | Ugly in behaviour, cross, uncivil, quarrelsome
- | Snappish, cannot return a civil answer
- | Impatient; intolerant of being spoken to or interrupted when spoken to
- | Aversion to being touched or even looked at
- | Kicks when carried and becomes stiff
- | Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences [Nat-m]
- | Indifference to pleasure
- | Sensitive to music, noise
- | Offensiveness; foul smelling discharges
like rotten eggs
- | All complaints are worse in the evening and night upto midnight
- | Oversensitiveness; irritable, thirsty, hot, numb
- | Pains - Unendurable, excessive sensitiveness to pain, becomes mad with pain
< night
- | Pains with numbness [Acon, Rhus-t, Plat, Kalm, Gnaph]
- | Pains with prostration, even to sinking down
- | Pains > coffee, heat, except teeth and jaws
- | Hot discharges - stools, sweat, urine
- | Hot and thirsty. Warm blooded though many local complaints > heat
- | Mental and physical symptoms appear in paroxysms; irritability,
restlessness, colic
- | Complaints at the time of dentition
- | Tendency to spasm, convulsion from anger, during dentition
from suppressed perspiration
thinking of it
< sudden stooping
< mental exertion
< morning and 9 p.m.
> when MIND is engaged
> bending head backwards
- | Ears - Earache and soreness, swelling
and heat from ears, driving patient frantic < touch, wind
- | Face - One cheek red and hot, other pale and cold
- | Face sweats after eating and drinking
- | Mouth - Toothache if anything warm is taken into the mouth [Bism, Bry, Coff]
< warm drinks, coffee, after eating, getting warm in bed, night
- | Toothache from cold drinks [Morrison]
- | Toothache during pregnancy, during menses, on entering a warm room
- | Painful teething and dentition
- | G.I.T. - Aversion to warm drinks and coffee
- | Thirst for cold drinks, cold water, sour drinks
- | Pressive gastralgia, as from a stone [Abies-c, Bry, Nux-v], after eating a
- | Flatulent colic; after anger, with red cheeks and hot perspiration
- | Cutting wind colic < night, < urinating, > drinking coffee, >
warm applications
- | Abdomen distended like a drum, sensitive to touch, wind passes off in small
- | Eructations tasting like rotten eggs
- | Stools like chopped, white, yellow mucus, like chopped eggs or spinach
- | Diarrhoea during dentition, from cold, anger, tobacco, from downward motion
[Bor, Sanic]
- | Stools - sour, grass green or lienteric, smelling like bad eggs
- | Female genitalia - Menses; profuse discharge of dark, clotted blood and
labour-like pains which may extend to the thighs [Vib, Xanth]
- | Temper < before and during flow [Nux is conscious of it, Chamomilla is
- | Nipples inflamed, tender to touch [Helon, Phyt]. Infants' breast tender
- | Leucorrhoea yellow, acrid [Ars, Sep, Sulph], dark, lumpy
- | Milk spoiled, baby will not suck
- | Drawing from sacral region forward, griping, pinching in uterus followed by
discharge of large clots of blood
- | Rigid os preventing parturition
- | Respiratory system - Tickling in throat pit causing irritable, dry, tickling
- | Cough < 9-12 p.m., doesn't wake up the child [Calc, Psor], < cold
weather, winter
- | Asthma from anger < dry weather > bending head back
- | Extremities - Burning of soles at night, puts them out of bed. [Sulph, Medo,
Puls, Sang]
- | Ankles give way in the afternoon, feels as if she is walking on the ends of
bones of her legs
- | Rheumatism compels the patient to move about [Rhus-t, Ferr, Verat] <
night in bed
- | Sleep - Drowsiness during day but cannot sleep if he lies down [Bell, Caust,
- | Fever - Chill of posterior part and heat of anterior part of body or
vice-versa < uncovering
- | Fever; one sided chill, face flushed on one cheek
- | Perspiration of covered parts, scalp [Perspiration of uncovered parts -
Thuj], thirsty, restlessness and irritability [Morrison]
- | C.N.S. - Convulsions in children from nursing, after a fit of anger in the
mother [Nux-v] [After fright in mother - Opium] |
Highly irritable, peevish, ugly, uncivil. Mental
calmness contraindicates Chamomilla
Pains; unendurable with numbness of affected parts
One cheek red and hot, the other pale and cold
Toothache < warm drinks
Dry cough at night during sleep which does not waken the child
Mental irritability with oversensitiveness
Pains - terrible, unendurable, associated with numbness
Hot sweat with pains
- | Indicated in oversensitive states from abuse of
coffee or narcotics
- | Pains are unendurable, cause anger and numbness
- | Especially useful in diseases of children where peevishness, restlessness,
colic and convulsions are the important indications
- | A disposition that is mild, calm, gentle, sluggish, constipated bowels,
contraindicates Chamomilla |
- | For nervous reaction to local anaesthesia -
Chamomilla, Gelsemium
- | A dose of Chamomilla will do wonders to quiet both child, adult and make the
tolerance for drilling and grinding amazingly easier - Dr. W.W. Robinson
- | Chamomilla for muscular and nerve pain; valuable especially in the aftermath
of injury in children, will have more of a sedative effect than codeine - Dr.
C.C. Boericke
- | Asthmatic attack induced by anger - Dr. Krichbaum
- | Chamomilla is a valuable remedy in labour, the pains shoot upward or pass
off down the inner aspect of thigh. The patient is cranky, orders the doctors
out of the room. It is also useful for post-partum pains when the patient has
stood a good deal, is hypersensitive and worn out - Homoeopathic Recorder
Aug. 32
- | Hartman's recommendation of Chamomilla in flatulent colic is where the
flatus seems to collect in several spots in the abdomen as if incarcerated -
Dr. Hughes
- | In the sleeplessness, restlessness, nervous disorders of children and
females, Coffee cruda is a sovereign remedy, second only to Chamomilla
- | Bad effects of narcotics - Chamomilla, Acetic Acid - Dr. Boericke
- | Chamomilla has been found useful in antidoting the desire for morphia - Dr.
- | Dr. Tyrell once said to me - When the husband complains of the wife being
irritable and cross, and he cannot get along with her give him a dose of
Chamomilla ;it has worked - Dr. Edwards |
Complements: Bell
Follows Well: Merc, Puls, Sulph
Compare: Acon, Bell, Bor, Calc, Nux-v, Staph, Tereb
Antidoted By: Acon, Alum, Bor, Camph, Cocc, Coff, Coloc, Con, Ign,
Nux-v, Puls
It Antidotes: Coff, Op, Puls, Thuj
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