SILICEA uses [Sil uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
Defective nutrition. Hurts fester. Induration and
suppuration. Lacks grit
Chilly. Foul, corroding sweat. Ascending effects. Lack of stamina
Silica terra
- | Pure silica, pure flint |
- | Silicon dioxide |
The medicine is prepared by the trituration of pure, precipitated silica
Vaccination, stone cutting, loss of fluids,
injuries, strains
Foreign bodies, splinters. Suppression of foot sweat
< | Cold |
< | Air |
< | Draft |
< | Uncovering |
< | Bathing |
< | Checked sweat especially of feet |
< | Damp |
< | Change of weather |
< | Nervous excitement |
< | Light, noise, jarring |
< | Touch |
< | Pressure |
< | Night |
< | Moon changes |
< | Mental exertion |
< | Alcohol |
> | Warm wraps to head |
> | Wet, humid weather |
> | Profuse urination |
> | Magnetism and electricity |
- | Child - Intelligent. Averse to and < mother's
milk, vomits it. Sensitive, delicate, well-behaved, refined with fits of
obstinacy. Sometimes because of fixed opinions |
- | Timid, answers only to the mother. Irritable when not feeling well. Anxiety
from noise. Thin body with big head and enlarged abdomen. Slow development |
- | Slow learning to walk and talk. Bad assimilation, defective nutrition |
- | Oversensitive, irritable and obstinate, demanding in early age |
- | If corrected by mother, will never forget, and they become refined and
yielding nature. They become too serious, too proper. Conscientious about
trifles |
- | Shy, refuses to answer, instead whispers to the mother |
- | Because of their high intelligence overstimulated, lack of stamina results
later in life |
- | Mental acuteness, with physical weakness or torpidity |
- | YIELDING, mild, shyness or timidity but not cowardice (like Lyc, Gels) |
- | REFINED, delicate patients. Refined sensibility will not oppose. SENSITIVE
to opinions, considers your point, but internally keeping his own view |
- | Never becomes dependent or demanding of the prescriber's time |
- | Though emotionally fairly well balanced, suffer from problems of self-esteem
and self-confidence. Uncertain of his abilities and doubt all his work |
- | Anxious conscientiousness over small details |
- | Stage fright, performance anxiety, test phobia, conscious about self image.
Want of self-confidence. Irresolution. Timid. Fears public speaking,
examinations |
- | Complaints from long mental exertion. Brain fag |
- | Mental labour very difficult, cannot bear to think. Lack of stamina |
- | Delicate, refined and aesthetic even aristocratic |
- | Fear of pins and pointed things. Pin mania. Fixed ideas, thinks only of
pins, fears them, searches them, and counts them |
- | Clairvoyance from mental weakness |
- | Constitution - adapted to nervous, irritable,
sanguine temperament psoric diathesis |
- | REFINED, DELICATE people. Light complexion, fine dry skin, pale face,
weakly, with lax muscles |
- | Complaints due to defective assimilation |
- | Children - Scrofulous, tubercular diathesis, rachitic children with large
heads, open fontanelles and sutures. Frequent colds and infections with
enlarged glands, that may suppurate |
- | Sweating about the head which must be kept warm by external covering |
- | Distended abdomen |
- | The baby is slow in learning to walk |
- | Chilly and aggravated from cold weather and drafts. Wants to be wrapped up
warmly |
- | Glands become enlarged and hard and may suppurate |
- | Excessive perspiration, foot-sweat, foul, acrid, destroying shoes, |
- | Suppression A/F |
- | Pains violent, striking, pricking, stitching, splinter-like (Hep, Nit-ac) |
- | Slow, incomplete processes, then induration. Every hurt festers and easy
suppuration (fistulae, abscesses, cicatrices, keloids) |
- | Capacity to throw out foreign bodies |
- | Ascending effects |
- | Complaints are aggravated at the new moon or full moon |
- | Ill effects of vaccination (Thuj) |
- | Weakness, lack of energy |
- | Aversion - to cooked or warm food, meat, salt, MILK (mothers') which
disagrees, FAT. Craves - cold food and drinks, ice creams, ice water, ice,
eggs, fat |
- | Head - Chronic aches after some disease of youth (Psor) |
- | Ascending from nape of neck to vertex, locating in one eye especially right (left
eye - Spig) < Draft, uncovering > pressure, wrapping > profuse
urination |
- | Rectum - Constipation always before and during menses |
- | Inactivity of rectum |
- | When partly expelled recede again (Thuj) |
- | "Bashful stools" |
- | Great straining, hard, needs mechanical aid |
- | Anal fistulas alternate with chest symptoms (Berb, Calc-p) |
- | Male - After coition, sensation on right side of head as if paralysed |
- | Extreme exhaustion after coition, takes 10 days to recover |
- | Nocturnal emission, prostatorrhoea < straining at stool |
- | Female - Discharge of blood from vagina every time the child takes the
breast (Croton-t) |
- | Icy coldness over whole body during menses |
- | Skin - Abscesses, felons, boils and fistulous ulcers |
- | UNHEALTHY. TENDENCY TO SUPPURATION. Every little injury suppurates |
- | Delicate, pale skin |
- | Promotes expulsion of foreign bodies through skin (Anag) |
- | Keloid. Scars become painful, stinging and red |
- | Eruptions, itching > night |
- | Vitiligo. Ringworm. Impetigo |
- | Tumours and warts |
- | Slow incomplete processes, then induration |
- | Every hurt festers, fixed ideas |
- | Keenly sensitive to external impressions |
- | Profuse discharges (sweating) if restricted cause problem |
- | Silica is one of greatest remedy for chronic
diarrhoea in soldiers due to sleeping on damp grounds, eating all sorts of
food, long exhausting marches (Dr Kent) |
- | Silica child is always ameliorated by sea which seems to stimulate it's endocrine system (Dr.G.Dano) |
Complements: Puls, Sanic, Thuj
Followed Well By: Fl-ac, Hep, Lach, Lyc, Sep
Follows Well: Bell, Bry, Calc, Calc-p, Cina, Graph, Hep, Ign, Nit-ac,
Inimical: Merc
Compare: Ang, Ant-c, Ant-t, Apis, Ars, Asaf, Bar-c, Benz-ac, Berb,
Calc, Calc-p, Caps, Caust, Cham, Chel, Cina, Con, Cupr, Gettys, Graph, Hep,
Iod, Kali-bi, Kali-br, Kali-c, Lach, Led, Lob, Luna, Lyc, Mag-m, Maland,
M-aust, Meny, Merc, Nat-c, Nat-m, Nat-s, Nit-ac, Nux-v, Paris, Petr, Ph-ac,
Phel, Phos, Pic-ac, Plat-mur, Psor, Puls, Ran-b, Rhod, Ros-ca, Sang, Sars,
Sep, Sil, Spig, Stann, Stron, Sul-ac, Sulph, Thiosin, Thuj, Vacc, Vario
Antidoted By: Camph, Fl-ac, Hell
It Antidotes: Merc-c, Sulph
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