What is the best cure for neuralgia in Bangalore without surgery ?Homeopathy has the best cure for neuralgia in Bangalore without surgery. What is the best cure for neuralgia without surgery in Bangalore ?Homeopathy has the best cure for neuralgia without surgery in Bangalore. What is the best cure for neuralgia without surgery in Bangalore ?Homeopathy has the best cure for neuralgia without surgery in Bangalore. What is the best neuralgia treatment in Bangalore without surgery ?Homeopathy has the best neuralgia treatment in Bangalore without surgery. What is the best neuralgia treatment without surgery in Bangalore ?Homeopathy has the best neuralgia treatment without surgery in Bangalore. |
Neuralgia is defined as an intense burning or
stabbing pain caused by irritation of or damage to a nerve. The pain is
usually brief but may be severe. It often feels as if it is shooting
along the course of the affected nerve. It is also known as nerve pain.
It involves one or more than one nerve.
Neuralgia can affect adults of any age, although some types are more
common after middle age.
Causes of neuralgia include:
Trigeminal neuralgia comes from the trigeminal nerve. The causes of
trigeminal neuralgia are not completely understood. In some cases, it
may not be possible to identify a cause.
However, in 80-90% of cases, trigeminal neuralgia is thought to be
caused by blood vessels pressing on the root of the trigeminal nerve
(where the nerve leaves your brain).
It is thought that the pressure that is placed on the trigeminal nerve
causes uncontrollable pain signals to travel along the nerve to face,
causing the sudden stabbing pains of trigeminal neuralgia.
Other, less common causes of trigeminal neuralgia include pressure on
the trigeminal nerve from a tumor and multiple sclerosis (a long-term
condition that affects the central nervous system).
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia consists of recurring attacks of severe pain
in the back of the throat, the area near the tonsils, the back of the
tongue, and part of the ear. The pain is due to malfunction of the 9th
cranial nerve (glossopharyngeal nerve), which moves the muscles of the
throat and carries information from the throat, tonsils, and tongue to
the brain.
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia, a rare disorder, usually begins after age
40 and occurs more often in men. Often, its cause is unknown. But
sometimes glossopharyngeal neuralgia results from an abnormally
positioned artery that compresses the glossopharyngeal nerve near where
it exits the brain stem. Rarely, the cause is a tumor in the brain or
Occipital neuralgia, also known as C2 neuralgia, or Arnold's neuralgia, is a medical condition characterized by chronic pain in the upper neck, back of the head and behind the eyes.
Any touch or pressure is felt as pain. Movement may also be painful.
To diagnose neuralgia, the doctor will-
The goal of the treatment is to find the cause of the neuralgia and to
relieve symptoms. Treatment varies depending on the cause, location,
and severity of the pain, and other factors. Even if the cause of the
neuralgia is never identified, the condition may improve on its own or
disappear with time. Depending on the cause, treatment will be done
accordingly. This may include surgery to remove tumors or separate the
nerve from blood vessels or other structures that press on it. This can
be done for some cases of carpal tunnel syndrome and trigeminal
Medications, surgical procedures, pain relieving injections all these
method help in treating it.
Unfortunately, these procedures do not guarantee improvement and can
cause loss of feeling or abnormal sensations.
Homeopathy proves effective in treating cases of neuralgia. Homoeopathic medicines will help in decreasing the intensity and frequency of the symptoms. It will also help in preventing further damage to the affected nerve.
What is the best cure for neuralgia in Bangalore without surgery ?
Homeopathy has the best cure for neuralgia in Bangalore without surgery.
What is the best cure for neuralgia without surgery in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best cure for neuralgia without surgery in Bangalore.
What is the best cure for neuralgia without surgery in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best cure for neuralgia without surgery in Bangalore.
What is the best neuralgia treatment in Bangalore without surgery ?
Homeopathy has the best neuralgia treatment in Bangalore without surgery.
What is the best neuralgia treatment without surgery in Bangalore ?
Homeopathy has the best neuralgia treatment without surgery in Bangalore.
Please E-mail dr_ramanand@rediffmail.com for any questions/treatment