FLUORICUM ACIDUM uses / ACIDUM FLUORICUM uses / ACIDUM FLUOR uses / Acid fluor uses / Fluoric acid uses [Fl-ac uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
Hot, cachetic. Puffy, indurated or fistulous
tissues. Bedsores. Puffy glabella
Acrid, eroding sweat
- | Abuse of mercury or silica
< | Warmth; warm room, warm food or drinks /
< | Delayed menses or micturition
> | Cold, cool bathing, cold air
- | Impulse to walk fast; necessity to be on the move
- | Lasciviousness; ogling the women as they pass by so great is his lust
- | Aversion to his own, to loved ones, but becomes interested and converses
pleasantly with strangers. Internally he feels isolated and often anxious
- | Inability to realize responsibility
- | Insanity with reticence and silence (Mathur)
- | Fear of suffering (Vithoulkas)
- | Materialistic. Dominering. Libertinism. Preoccupied with the fulfillment of
his sexual cravings
- | Indifferent to business affairs
- | Irritability; sends nurse home
- | Mistakes; uses wrong words, opposites, right for left and vice-versa
- | Hurried, rapid speech, rapid eating |
- | Suited to pale, miserable, cachetic, flabby, broken
down constitutions, YOUNG PEOPLE WHO LOOK OLD [Arg-n, Kreos, Sec]
- | Destructiveness is marked; caries of bones especially long bones, ulcers,
bed sores
- | Always feels too HOT, wants to bathe in cold water < warmth in general
> cold [Reverse of Silicea: < cold > warmth]
- | Discharges - thin, foul, acrid or salty causes itching [Coca]
- | Increased ability to exercise his muscles without fatigue, regardless of
most excessive heat of summer or cold of winter
- | Pain - lightning- like, on small spots, come suddenly, lasts for a short
time, disappears quickly [Bell, Mag-p]
- | Old cicatrices become red around edges and threaten to become open ulcers
[Caust, Graph]
- | Tissues puffy, indurated, fistulous especially dental and lachrymal
- | Symptoms seem to go from below upwards (Clarke)
- | Cannot bear extremes of heat and cold (F.V. Concordance)
- | Head - Falling of hair; after fevers
- | Headache worse from not urinating, and better from urination
- | Headache along the suture lines
- | Eyes - Sensation of cold air blowing through the eyes
- | Ears - Deafness > bending head back
- | Nose - Copious watery coryza
- | Mouth - Teeth discoloured, decay rapidly, at roots, sensitive to touch and
food, teeth feel warm
- | Toothache > washing with cold water but cold drinks < toothache
- | Tongue - fissured in all directions with large, deep, phagdenic looking
ulcers in centre; painful when talking (F.V - Concordance)
- | G.I.T. - Desire for pungent, highly seasoned food, cold water
- | Aversion to coffee. Thirst; craves refreshing drinks
- | Warm drinks and salmon produce diarrhoea
- | Gnawing hunger, eating relieves temporarily
- | Stomach symptoms > tight clothing [Nat-m] [opp. of Lach, Hep, Sulph]
- | Ascites from hepatic disorders, induration, enlargement and portal
- | In dropsy, produces frequent and free discharge with great relief
- | Chest - Oppression in chest > bending backwards
- | Difficulty in breathing <-> metrorrhagia
- | Male genitalia - Swollen scrotum. Varicocele
- | Oily, pungent smelling sweat on genitals
- | Increased sexual desire. Promiscuity
- | Female genitalia - Feels distressed if menstrual flow is delayed
- | Menses - too early, profuse, copious, frequent, too long
- | Extremities - Nails grow rapidly, distorted, crumble, have longitudinal
furrows. Grow too thick in some places, too thin in others, break easily
- | Sensation of splinter under nail
- | Feet hot, must be uncovered at night
- | Varicose veins - painful, especially in women who have borne many children
- | Whitlow with terrible, throbbing pain
- | Skin - Scars; surrounded by pimples, become red around edges
- | Itching especially of orfices; in spots < warmth
- | Feels as if hot vapours emitted from all pores
< warmth in general > cold
Increased ability to exercise without fatigue
Lascivious; ogling women as they pass by
Cold drinks < toothache, but toothache > washing with cold water
Desire for highly seasoned food, cold drinks. Aversion to coffee
Old cicatrices become red around and edges, threaten to become open
Prematurely old people
< warmth > cold
Destructive tendency
Increased ability to exercise > rapid motion
Lasciviousness with increased sexual desire
- | A remedy for deep destructive processes; the
periosteal, osseous and connective tissue being especially affected
- | Cancer, ulcers and fistula formations. All symptoms are relieved by cold
applications |
- | Bone disorders, Peptic ulcer, Sexual disorders,
- | Falling out of hairs after typhoid - Dr. Boger |
Followed Well By: Nit-ac, Sulph
Follows Well: Ars, Kali-c, Ph-ac
Compare: Coca, Coff, Ox-ac, Sep
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