- | Excessive weakness of mind and body,
trembling of limbs, physical irritability.
- | Suited to thin persons of rigid fibre, dark complexion, black hair and eyes,
suffering from chronic diseases, easily disposed to diarrhoea than
- | Offensiveness and corrosiveness of all discharges especially urine, faeces
and perspiration.
- | All discharges are thin, acrid, often, brown or dirty yellowish-green
bowels in typhoid or typhus
miscarriage or post partum
overexertion of body
slightest touch
profuse or dark
pricking as from splinters
appear and disappear quickly (Bell)
on change of temperature or weather, during sleep
- | Sensation of band in any part of the body.
- | Head - Headache from pressure of hat, with sensation of band, full feeling
< street noises.
- | Ears - Very sensitive to noise, as of rattle of wagons over pavements (Coff,
- | Difficulty in hearing > riding in a carriage.
- | G.I.T. - Throat pain into ears as from splinters < swallowing.
- | Bleeding gums, bloody saliva, putrid breath.
- | Tongue - clean, red, wet, with centre furrow.
- | Constipated with fissures in rectum.
- | Great straining but little passes.
- | Violent cutting pains after stools, lasting for hours (Rat).
- | After stools, irritable and exhausted.
- | Haemorrhoids bleed easily and come out with each stool.
- | Diarrhoea and dysentery - often, putrid, dark green or watery and blood
streaked, with pieces of membrane like scrapings of intestine (Arg-n, Canth,
- | Discharge of a foetid, watery substance from the anus that keeps it
constantly moist.
- | Constant urging and tenesmus, very exhausting.
- | Loves fat, salt, indigestible things like chalk, earth, etc.
- | Milk disagrees. Colic > tightening clothes.
- | Respiratory system - Nasal diphtheria.
- | Nose bleeds with chest affection.
- | Short breath on going upstairs (Ars, Calc).
- | Cough in sleep with waking.
Urine dark, scanty, offensive, smells like horse's
Urine cold on passing
Urine bloody, albuminous, contains oxalic acid,
uric acid and phosphates
Sensation as if hot wire in urethra
- | Female genitalia – Menses irregular, early, profuse, like muddy water; with palpitations, anxiety, trembling, tiredness, labour like pain in abdomen and
- | Leucorrhoea - brown, flesh coloured, watery or stringy, stains yellow, or
leaves spots with black border.
- | Skin – Warts: sycotic and syphilitic, on back of hands, large, jagged, bleed
on washing.
- | Ulcers - bleed easily, sensitive, splinter like pains, zig-zag edges,
irregular margins, base looks like raw flesh. |
Complementary: Ars, Calad
Follows Well: Arn, Ars, Aur, Calc, Carb-an, Hep, Kali-c, Kreos, Lyc,
Merc, Mez, Nat-c, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sec, Sep, Sil, Sulph, Thuj
Inimical: Lach
Compare: Acon, Aesc, Alum, Anac, Arg-n, Arn, Ars, Arum-t, Bell,
Benz-ac, Calc, Calc-p, Cann-s, Carb-v, Cham, Chic, Graph, Hep, Hyper, Kali-
bi, Kali-c, Lach, Led, Lyc, M-aust, Med, Merc, Mur-ac, Nat-c, Nat-m,
Nit-m-ac, Nit-s-d, Nux-v, Petr, Phos, Psor, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sulph, Syph,
Similar: Mur-ac
Antidoted By: Calc, Dig, Hep, Merc, Mez, Sulph
It Antidotes: Calc, Dig, Merc