NITRICUM ACIDUM uses / ACIDUM NITRICUM uses / Acid nit uses / Acid nitric uses / Nitric acid uses [Nit-ac uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
Muco-cutaneous junctions affected. Ulcers. Fissures
Pains - splinter-like, sticking, appear and disappear quickly
Offensiveness. Sweating of palms, white spots on nails
Very sensitive to noises. Caries of mastoid. Nosebleed
Violent cutting pains in rectum after stools, lasting for hours
- | Abuse of mercury |
- | Syphilis |
- | Scrofula |
- | Continued loss of sleep |
- | Long lasting anxiety |
- | Overexertion of mind and body from nursing sick |
- | Loss of dearest friend |
- | Bad effects of repeated doses of digitalis |
< | Change of temperature or weather |
< | Evening |
< | Night |
< | Contact |
< | After midnight |
< | Cold climate |
< | Hot weather |
< | On walking |
< | Mercury |
< | Noise |
< | Touch |
< | Jarring |
< | Milk |
< | Fat food |
< | Motion |
- | Hateful, vindictive, self-willed, headstrong. Irritable.
Violent anger |
- | Fear of death, morbid fear of cholera (Ars) |
- | Hard to please, unmoved by apologies |
- | Fear of dependency |
- | Agony, from loss of friend |
- | Sensitive to noise, pain, touch, jar |
- | Hopeless despair. Constantly thinks about past troubles |
- | Irritable |
- | Excessive weakness of mind and body,
trembling of limbs, physical irritability |
- | Suited to thin persons of rigid fibre, dark complexion, black hair and eyes,
suffering from chronic diseases, easily disposed to diarrhoea than
constipation |
- | Offensiveness and corrosiveness of all discharges especially urine, faeces
and perspiration |
- | All discharges are thin, acrid, often, brown or dirty yellowish-green
coloured |
- | Haemorrhages |
- |
from bowels in typhoid or typhus |
- |
after miscarriage or post partum |
- |
after overexertion of body |
- |
from slightest touch |
- |
bright, profuse or dark |
- | Pains |
- |
pricking as from splinters |
- |
sticking |
- |
appear and disappear quickly (Bell) |
- |
on change of temperature or weather, during sleep |
- | Sensation of band in any part of the body |
- | Head - Headache from pressure of hat, with sensation of band, full feeling
< street noises |
- | Ears - Very sensitive to noise, as of rattle of wagons over pavements (Coff,
Nux-v) |
- | Difficulty in hearing > riding in a carriage |
- | G.I.T. - Throat pain into ears as from splinters < swallowing |
- | Ulcers in soft palate |
- | Bleeding gums, bloody saliva, putrid breath |
- | Tongue - clean, red, wet, with centre furrow |
- | Constipated with fissures in rectum |
- | Great straining but little passes |
- | Violent cutting pains after stools, lasting for hours (Rat) |
- | After stools, irritable and exhausted |
- | Haemorrhoids bleed easily and come out with each stool |
- | Diarrhoea and dysentery - often, putrid, dark green or watery and blood
streaked, with pieces of membrane like scrapings of intestine (Arg-n, Canth,
Colch) |
- | Discharge of a foetid, watery substance from the anus that keeps it
constantly moist |
- | Constant urging and tenesmus, very exhausting |
- | Loves fat, salt, indigestible things like chalk, earth, etc |
- | Milk disagrees. Colic > tightening clothes |
- | Respiratory system - Nasal diphtheria |
- | Nose bleeds with chest affection |
- | Caries of mastoid |
- | Short breath on going upstairs (Ars, Calc) |
- | Cough in sleep with waking |
- | Urinary system |
- |
Urine dark, scanty, offensive, smells like horse's urine |
- |
Urine cold on passing |
- |
Urine bloody, albuminous, contains oxalic acid, uric acid and phosphates |
- |
Sensation as if hot wire in urethra |
- | Female genitalia – Menses irregular, early, profuse, like muddy water; with palpitations, anxiety, trembling, tiredness, labour like pain in abdomen and
back |
- | Leucorrhoea - brown, flesh coloured, watery or stringy, stains yellow, or
leaves spots with black border |
- | Skin – Warts: sycotic and syphilitic, on back of hands, large, jagged, bleed
on washing |
- | Ulcers - bleed easily, sensitive, splinter like pains, zig-zag edges, irregular margins, base looks like raw flesh |
- | Patients with chronic disease who take cold easily
and are disposed to diarrhoea |
- | It has special seat of action, the outlets of body where mucous membrane and
skin meet with splinter like pains |
- | Desire for fat, salt |
- | Sensitive to noise, pain, touch, jar |
- | Obstinate, suspicious, restless |
- | Profuse sweat of hands feet |
- | As Nit-ac patient begins to improve, skin symptoms
may appear for a time, a favorable indication |
- | 20 drops in water in haemorrhages from uterus after miscarriage |
- | Nit-ac for Metrorrhagia after curetting |
- | Superficial erosion of cervix - Dr.Laura B.Hord |
- | Nit-ac is almost specific for diarrhoea after antibioties (especially the "mycins |
Complements: Ars, Calad
Follows Well: Arn, Ars, Aur, Calc, Carb-an, Hep, Kali-c, Kreos, Lyc,
Merc, Mez, Nat-c, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sec, Sep, Sil, Sulph, Thuj
Inimical: Lach
Compare: Acon, Aesc, Alum, Anac, Arg-n, Arn, Ars, Arum-t, Bell,
Benz-ac, Calc, Calc-p, Cann-s, Carb-v, Cham, Chic, Graph, Hep, Hyper, Kali-
bi, Kali-c, Lach, Led, Lyc, M-aust, Med, Merc, Mur-ac, Nat-c, Nat-m,
Nit-m-ac, Nit-s-d, Nux-v, Petr, Phos, Psor, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sulph, Syph,
Similar: Mur-ac
Antidoted By: Calc, Dig, Hep, Merc, Mez, Sulph
It Antidotes: Calc, Dig, Merc
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