Extremist. Aggression. Cruelty. Violence.
Sensitive. Passionate.
Cruel to animals or excessive love for pets in children.
> sea bathing and at sea.
> evening, loves the night.
History of gonorrhoea.
Dyspnoea > knee-chest position.
Nosode prepared from gonorrhoeal virus.
- | Bad effects of suppressed or inherited gonorrhoea. |
> | Lying on abdomen (tongue protruded out)
- | Weak memory, loses the thread of conversation,
cannot speak without weeping, tells it over again and again.
- | Time passes too slowly. Hurry, impatient, over trifle.
- | Great hurriedness, when doing anything, is in such a hurry that it fatigues
- | People and time move too slow for her.
- | Difficult concentration.
- | Fear in the dark that somebody behind her, starts at the least sound.
- | Melancholy and suicidal thoughts.
- | Forgetful for names, words, errands, has to ask name of the most intimate
friend, even forgets his own name.
- | Impulsive, abrupt, rude, mean, cruel.
- | Desire to experience everything, loves the forbidden.
- | Apprehensive, anticipates events, feels far off, as though things done today
occurred a week ago.
- | Sad, dismal outlook > weeping.
- | Weeping ameliorates symptoms.
- | Cross by day, merry at night.
- | Feels life unreal, everything seems unreal.
- | Great difficulty in stating her symptoms, question has to be repeated as she
loses herself.
- | Anxiety when time is set.
- | Aversion to being touched.
- | Passionate, wild, strong sex drive.
- | Lack of self control, cruel, self centered.
- | Withdrawal from outer world, into inner dream world.
- | Sensitive to beauty, flowers, nature, etc.
- | Increased sensibility, clairvoyance. |
- | Usually dwarfish, stunted, sour
smelling children, with mentally dull and weak concentration. Mongolism in
children with history of gonorrhoea in parents.
- | Discharges profuse, acrid, causing itching, fishy odour.
- | Offensive odour of body, especially in children and women.
- | States of collapse, wants to be fanned all the time.
- | Burning of palms and soles.
- | Worse thinking about the complaints.
- | Poor reaction due to sycotic taint.
- | Trembling all over, intense nervousness and profound exhaustion.
intense burning pain in brain < in cerebellum extends down the spine.
of faintness and constriction.
and diarrhoea from jarring of cars
- | G.I.T. - Deglutition of either solid or liquid is impossible.
- | Throat constantly filled with thick, gray, or bloody mucus from posterior
- | Craving for liquor, which before she hated, ice, unripe fruits, oranges,
salty, sweet, sour, all kinds of food tastes, meat, meat fat, fish, tobacco.
- | Aversion to cold drinks, cold food, peas, beans, egg plant, slimy foods.
- | Ravenous hunger immediately after eating.
- | Constant thirst, even dreams she is drinking. Thirst for cold drinks.
- | Stools - Inertia of bowels, tenacious, clay like or ball like, sluggish,
cannot strain from a sensation of prolapse of rectum.
- | Constipation > bending backwards.
- | Sharp needle like pains in rectum.
- | Urinary system - Severe pain in renal region > profuse urination.
- | Renal colic with intense pain in ureters, with sensation of passing of
calculus, bubbling sensation > ice.
- | Nocturnal enuresis - passes large quantities of ammoniacal, high coloured
urine in bed every night < overwork or over play, extreme of heat or cold.
- | Female genitalia – Menses: Profuse, very dark, clotted, stains difficult to
wash out.
- | Metrorrhagia at climacteric, profuse, for weeks.
- | Flow dark, clotted, offensive, in gushes, with malignant disease of uterus.
- | Intense menstrual colic, with drawing up of knees and terrible bearing down
pain like labour, must press feet against support as in labour.
- | Intense pruritus of labia and vagina < by thinking of it > rubbing and
tap water bath, especially in non menstrual period.
- | Breast and nipples sore and sensitive to touch.
- | Leucorrhoea - Thin and of fishy odour.
- | Respiratory system – Asthma: Choking caused by a weakness or spasm of
- | Sycotic or infantile asthma > in knee chest position > lying on
abdomen and protruding tongue.
- | Dyspnoea, can inhale, but no power to exhale.
- | Cough - dry, incessant, severe < night, from sweets > lying on
- | Back - Intense burning heat, beginning in nape of neck and extending down
- | Lumbar vertebrae painful and sensitive to touch.
- | Extremities - Rheumatism at top of shoulder and arm, pains extending to
fingers > by motion.
- | Heaviness of legs, feel like lead, walking very difficult, legs are so
heavy, legs give way.
- | Lower limbs ache all night, preventing sleep.
- | Intense restless and fidgety legs and feet.
- | Ankles turn easily when walking.
- | Painful stiffness of every joint in body.
- | Deformity of finger joints, large, puffy knuckles.
- | Swelling and painful ankles.
- | Great tenderness of heels and balls of feet.
- | Perspiration easy, sweating feet.
- | Cold foot sweat during winter, copious, hectic night sweats, staining
yellow, cannot be washed.
- | Fiery red rash developing about the anus in babies a few days old. |
- Asthma > from lying on abdomen and protruding
the tongue out, better at sea side.
- Craves ice.
- Burning of hands and feet, wants them uncovered, wants to be fanned.
- Constipation > bending backward.
- Intense restless and fidgety legs and feet.
- Breasts cold as ice, especially the nipples < during menses.
- Sycotic warts.
- | Sycotic taint - A/F suppressed gonorrhoea or
inheritant gonorrhoea for women with chronic pelvic disorders.
- | Chronicity, obstinacy of complaints.
- | Angina, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Behaviour
disorders, Eczema, Herpes, Hypertension, Leucorrhoea, Manic depression,
Migraine, Peptic ulcer, Pulmonary fibrosis, Reiter's syndrome, Sinusitis,
Urethritis, Vaginitis, Warts.
- | Medorrhinum rectifies the obscure metabolic defects in the mother, when her
children come in for infantile death one after another - Dr. Ghosh. |
Follows Well: Sulph
Compare: Ambr, Anac, Calc, Cann-i, Con, Cupr, Lac-c, Rheum, Sanic,
Stram, Valer, Verat, Ziz
Similar: Camph, Pic-ac, Sec, Syph, Verat
Antidoted By: Ip