and dull minded state. Weakness and exhaustion.
Epistaxis on washing the face.
Tired, oppressed feeling in the chest.
- | Snake bite, stings of insects |
- | Exposure to cold, stormy, wet weather |
- | Active,
but soon exhausted.
- | Forgetful, ill-humoured, gloomy, during stormy weather.
- | Headless and unruly, disobedience.
- | Depressed with weakness of intellect.
- | Loss of memory < vexation.
- | Hearing others talk or talking himself, affects him.
- | Peevish, fretting, as if crime has been committed.
- | Disposed to weep, sadness.
- | Tendency to make mistakes in speaking, writing and calculating.
- | Great restlessness in the evening.
- | Quarrelsome during menses.
- | Talking in sleep about what he thought when awake, reveals secrets in sleep.
- | Fear of misfortune in the morning.
- | Aversion to women. Aversion to sea.
- | Irritability after eating, during headache, during menses.
- | Oversensitive to sensual impression. |
- | It is adapted to stout, fleshy women, with
various troubles in consequence of leading a sedentary life. Delicate women,
who must have the smelling bottle constantly at hand.
- | It is adapted to fat patients, with weak heart, with wheezing and
suffocative feeling.
- | Very sensitive to cold air.
- | Great aversion to water, cannot bear to touch it. Children dislike washing.
- | Pains - bruised and sore, there is internal raw burning.
- | Discharges - hot, acrid, adherent.
- | It is right sided remedy.
- | Haemorrhagic tendency - blood dark, degenerated, watery, offensive and
noncoagulable blood.
- | Ulceration tends to gangrene.
- | Heaviness in all organs.
- | Head - Headache with sensation of fullness as if forehead, would burst, shocks
through head.
- | Mouth - Toothache during menses.
- | Pressing teeth together, sends shocks through head, eyes and ears.
- | Throat - Putrid sore throat.
- | Tendency to gangrenous ulceration of tonsils, glands engorged.
- | Diphtheria, when nose is stopped up, membrane extends to upper lip.
- | Nose - Nosebleed when washing the face and hands in the morning, from left
nostril after eating.
- | Stoppage of nose at night, with long continued coryza, must breathe through
- | Loses breath when falling asleep, must awaken to get dream.
- | Snuffles of children. Inability to blow the nose in children.
- | Ozaena, blowing bloody mucus from the nose frequently, blood rushes to tip
of nose when stooping.
- | Respiratory system - Emphysema. |
dry, every morning from 3 to 4 a.m.
from tickling in throat as from dust
with dyspnoea, palpitation, burning in
the chest
after influenza.
- | Rattling in the chest but gets up little.
- | Much oppression in breathing, worse after any effort.
- | Slow, laboured, stertorous breathing, bubbling sound.
- | C.V.S. - Heart weak. Wakes with difficult breathing and palpitation.
- | Palpitation audible, with fear, cold sweat, lachrymation, inability to
speak, loud breathing and trembling hands.
- | Female genitalia - Cholera like symptoms at the commencement of menstruation.
too frequent, profuse, early, copious, clotted, black
with colicky pains and hard, difficult stool
with fatigue, especially of thighs
with yawning and chilliness
with toothache, sadness.
- | Menses flow more at night or when sitting, then dyspnoea, and
- | Leucorrhoea - copious, burning, acrid, watery from the vagina, with
excoriation of vulva.
- | Bleeding piles during menses.
- | Extremities - Panaritium, deep seated periosteal pain.
- | Pain in wrist joints when sprained long ago.
- | Drowsy by day, sleepless by night. |
- Nosebleed when washing the face and hands in the morning, from left nostril,
after eating.
- Pressing teeth together sends shocks through head eyes and ears.
- Cholera-like symptoms when menses commences.
- Children dislike washing.
- | Weak,
nervous, persons of a lymphatic or nervous temperament; stout, sedentary
women who always have the smelling bottle at hand, unclean in body habit.
- | Inflammation of mucous membranes tending to ulceration and gangrenous
- | Sluggish circulation causing lividity, weakness, drowsiness and low
vitality, with lack of reaction. |
- Stout, nervous, fleshy women leading a sedentary life.
- Nosebleed when washing the face.
- Stopping of nose mostly at night, must breathe through the mouth; snuffles
of infants.
- Cough < 3 - 4 a.m.
- Cholera like symptoms when menses commences.
- | Allergy,
Bronchitis, Congestive cardiac failure, Epistaxis, Haemorrhoids, Pharyngitis,
Pulmonary oedema, Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Thyroiditis.
- | Cough following influenza when Bryonia does not work, give Am-c - Dr. Tyler. |
Follows Well: Ars, Bell, Bry, Calc,
Graph, Hep, Kali-c, Lyc, Merc, Nux-v, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sil, Sulph
Inimical: Lach
Compare: Am-br, Am-m, Am-p, Ant-t, Apis, Arn, Ars, Aur, Bell, Calc,
Cocc, Hep, Kali-bi, Kali-c, Lach, Laur, Nat-m, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Ruta,
Staph, Sulph, Verat
Antidoted By: Arn, Camph, Hep, Rhus-t
It Antidotes: Brom, Cench, Piloc, Rhus-t