BARYTA CARB uses [Bar-c uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
Dwarfishness, mental deficiency and emotional immaturity. Chronic occlusive tonsillitis
Barium carbonate
Lymphatic glandular system: Hypertrophy, Atrophy
- |
Suppressed foot sweat |
- | Masturbation |
- | For acute illness after measles, typhoid, mumps, scarlet fever |
< | Thinking of complaint |
< | Cold air |
< | Cold washing |
< | Damp weather |
< | Warm food |
< | In sun |
< | Near warm stove |
< | Raising arms |
< | Mental emotion |
< | In company |
< | Lying on painful or left side |
< | After eating |
< | Sitting |
< | Odours |
> | When alone |
> | Cold food |
> | Walking in open air |
> | Warm wraps |
- | Extreme SHYNESS. Bashful, cowardly. Children hide behind mother.
Children don't play, just stare, have no friends. Fear strangers, stay
in family |
- | Aversion to strangers, shuns and avoids strangers and unfamiliar
faces |
- | Beclouded mind, mistrustful. Jealousy in children causing enuresis,
colds, hiding, etc |
- | Thinks one is being laughed at and made fun of, thinks all visitors
laugh at him |
- | Slow, inept, BACKWARD. Delayed development. Slow learning to talk,
walk |
- | Suspicious that people are talking about her |
- | Censorious, critical |
- | CHILDISH BEHAVIOUR, needs reassurance. Easily influenced.
Childishness in old people. Senility. Silly |
- | Abnormal concern over his appearance, tries to look perfect. Neat,
perfect in dress (conscientious) |
- | LACK OF SELF CONFIDENCE especially concerning own body, fears to
undertake anything. Irresolution in acts, in projects, about trifles.
Extreme difficulty in making any decision. Dependent in relationships,
easily suppressed (Staph) |
- | Sense of INFERIORITY |
- | Symptoms develop after birth of younger sibling |
- | Deficient memory, child cannot be taught, because he cannot remember.
Difficult comprehension. Weak memory |
- | Loquacity during menses |
- | Homesickness, feeling of security in house |
- | Feeling of inefficiency, regression, NERVOUS BITING OF FINGER NAILS |
- | Indicated in infancy and old age. Early senility (Calc) |
- | Scrofulous children, especially if they are backward, mentally and
physically, are drawfish don't grow and develop, have scrofulous
ophthalmia, swollen abdomen, take cold easily and then always have
swollen tonsils which may nearly occlude the throat |
- | Acute breakdown of mental functioning |
- | Great
sensitiveness to cold |
- | Symptoms occur in single parts such as perspiration, paralysis,
numbness, burning |
- | Offensive sweat on one (mostly left) side |
- | Foetid foot sweat, toes and soles sore < while at rest in morning
> exercise out of doors |
- | GLANDS around ears, nape of neck and occiput painful, swollen and
indurated |
- | Toothache before and during menses |
- | R.S.-Dry sneezing coryza and swelling of upper lip and nose |
- | Takes cold easily from washing the head; stitching, smarting pain in
throat < empty swallowing |
- | Suppurating tonsils (Hep, Psor) especially right, from every cold |
- | Tonsils affected by every cold or < menses |
- | Throat affections after suppressed foot sweat (Graph, Psor, Sanic,
Sil) |
- | Cough after getting feet wet, at least exposure to cold air |
- | Dry suffocative cough, especially in old people, full of mucus but lacking strength to expectorate |
< | Every change of weather (Seneg) |
< | Exercise |
< | Presence of strangers |
< | Lying on left side |
< | Eating warm food |
< | Thinking of complaints |
< | Evening till midnight |
- | Asthma < in wet warm air |
- | Indurated cervical glands like knotted cords |
- | G.I.T. - Difficult swallowing, inability to swallow anything but liquids
(Bapt, Sil) |
- | Raving appetite, but feeling of satiety after a few mouthfuls (Lyc) |
- | Aversion to sweet things, fruits, especially plums |
- | Desire for sweets and eggs |
- | Hard, tense and distended abdomen with rest of body emaciated |
- | Haemorrhoids protrude on urinating (Mur-ac) and with stools |
- | Enuresis or regression of toilet training in times of insecurity |
- | Female - Menses scanty, last one day only |
- | Leucorrhoea immediately before menses |
- | Extremities - Tension and shortening of muscles |
- | Cold, clammy feet with corns and callosities |
- | In intermittent fever, no thirst in any stage |
- | Paralysis following apoplexy in old people |
- | Specially
indicated in infancy and old age. People who are backward mentally or
physically and have a scrofulous diathesis and take cold easily |
- | Tendency to glandular enlargement and general degenerative changes, especially in the blood vessels and brain |
- | Adenopathy,
alopecia, C.V.A., congenital malformations, developmental delay,
enuresis, Hodgkin's disease, mental retardation, phobic disorders,
prostatitis, sexual dysfunction, tonsillitis |
- | Established hypertension to Baryta carb and Plumbum - Dr. L.P.P. Vannier |
- | Baryta-carb and Baryta-mur seem to relieve the symptoms of Pulmonary
arteriosclerosis - Dr. Carl. A. Williams |
- | It is wiser, to give a dose of Baryta-mur to a typical Baryta-carb who
has chill with acute tonsillitis in an acute state, and give an
intercurrent dose of Psorinum after Baryta-mur before you go back to
Baryta-carb - Dr. D.M.Borland |
- | It is frequently claimed that inflammation of the parotid gland, when
it affects the ears, causes permanent deafness. These cases of inflamed
parotid gland where the ear becomes involved can hardly get well
without the administration of Baryta-carb - Dr. H.A. Roberts |
- | In very old people, we find a sensitive skin which itches intolerably, but with no eruption; Baryta-carb is one of the principal remedies to be thought of in these conditions - Dr. H.A Roberts |
Well: Ars, Bell, Calc, Lyc, Merc, Nux-v, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep,
Sil, Squil, Sulph
Inimical: Calc
Compare: Alum, Ant-t, Bell, Calc, Calc-i, Caust, Cham, Cinch,
Con, Dulc, Fl-ac, Iod, Lach, Lyc, Mag-c, Merc, Nat-c, Phos, Puls, Sep,
Sil, Sulph, Tell
Similar: Alum, Ant-t, Bell, Calc, Calc-I, Caust, Cham, Cinch,
Con, Dulc, Fl-ac, Iod, Lach, Lyc, Mag-c, Merc, Nat-c, Phos, Puls, Sep,
Sil, Sulph, Tell
Antidoted By: Ant-t, Bell, Camph, Dulc, Merc, Zinc
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