ZINCUM METALLICUM uses / Zincum uses / Zincum met uses [Zinc uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
Excitation of nervous system resulting in
restlessness, abnormal or involuntary movements, twitches, or convulsions
Mental overstimulation followed by collapse, mental dullness,
dissatisfaction, depression and suicidal thoughts
Irritability and tremendous complaining
Cannot keep feet and legs still
- | It is prepared by trituration with sugar of milk
- | It belongs to the magnesium group of metals, comprising also Cadmium and
Glucinum |
- | Suppressions: eruptions, otorrhoea, menses, lochia, milk |
< | Exhaustion, mental and physical
< | Wine, even a small quantity
> | With the menstrual flow
- | HYPER, overstimulated and oversensitive persons
- | Loquacious, racing thoughts and abundant ideas
- | Repeats all questions before answering them
- | Fears arrest on account of supposed crime, fear of robbers
- | Fretful, peevish, cries if vexed or moved
- | Aversion to conversation, sensitive to it and to noise
- | Shrieking. Behavioural problems in children
- | Delirium with anger, violence and desire to escape
- | Stares, as if frightened on waking, rolls head from side
- | Child easily startled, excited or intoxicated
- | Confusion of mind < WINE
- | Mistakes in speech and writing
- | Weakness of memory. Forgetfulness - forgets what has been accomplished
during the day
- | Always COMPLAINING and dissatisfied, torments everyone with his complaints
- | Suicidal thoughts with depression. Thinks of death calmly; thoughts of death
relieve him |
- | Withered, wrinkled, old-looking and unhealthy
- | Cerebral and nervous exhaustion, defective vitality, too weak to develop
exanthemata or menstrual function. Brain or nerve power wanting
- | Incessant and violent FIDGETY IN FEET, must move them constantly in bed for
hours after retiring, even when asleep
- | Isolated effects - one part numb, another sensitive
- | Formication, between skin and flesh
- | Better in every way when the natural discharges appear, especially menses
- | Cannot tolerate WINE even a small quantity AGGRAVATES
- | Insatiable hunger at 11 a.m. or 12 noon
- | C.N.S. - Convulsions during dentition, with pale face, no heat, rolling the
eyes, gnashing the teeth
- | Chorea from suppressed eruption, from fright
- | Twitching and jerking of single muscle. Fasciculations
- | Parkinson's disease with tremors, paresis and mental dullnes
- | Automatic motion of hand and head
- | Meningitis, encephalitis with rolling of the head, shrieking and delirium,
convulsion and stupor
- | Peripheral neuropathy, numbness or burning
- | Stitching pains in inner canthi
- | Face - Wrinkled, old looking
- | Facial tics and grimaces
- | Cracking of corners of lips, thick lips
- | Stomach - Hunger ravenous, at about 11 or 12 a.m., great greediness when
- | Aversion to meat especially veal, fish, sweets, cooked or warm food
- | Indigestion worse wine, bread, milk, veal
- | Abdomen - Colic worse eating, noise, conversation
- | Constipation or diarrhoea from wine
- | Diarrhoea during headache
- | Female genitalia - Always feels > every way as soon as menses begin to
flow , complaints return after flow ceases
- | Male genitalia - Seminal discharge on passing stool
- | Promiscuity, sexual passion excessive
- | Urinary system - Can only void urine while sitting bent backwards
- | Urinary retention from prostatic problems or paralysis
- | Urinary incontinence during convulsions, while coughing or sneezing
- | Respiratory system - Cough < sweets
- | Asthma from suppressed menses
- | Back - Burning along the whole spine, < sitting, > walking about
- | Cannot bear to be touched
- | Extremities - Fat sweaty and sore about toe
- | Foetid suppressed foot sweat
- | Chillblain, painful < rubbing
- | Sleep - Insomnia from restlessness
- | Wakes up at night due to jerks, with shrieking, recognises nobody |
Restlessness, automatic acts, tremor, jerkings.
Incessant and violent, fidgety feeling in feet, must move them constantly
> in general during menses and natural discharge, but complaints return
again after the flow ceases
Ravenous hunger at 11 or 12 noon
Can void urine only while sitting bent backwards
- | Fagged (brain fag, nerve fag, enervated or
- | Cerebral and nervous exhaustion, defective vitality
- | Too weak to develop exanthemata, can't throw things off
- | Restlessness, automatic action, tremors, jerkings, chorea and convulsions
from defective vitality, and suppressed eruptions and discharges
- | A/F Repercussed or suppressed eruptions or discharges
- | Constant, fidgety feeling especially in the feet
- | All complaints are relieved after natural discharges especially > menses
- | Ravenous hunger about 11 a.m. to 12 noon, great greediness when eating
- | < from drinking wine, even a small quantity (Alum, Con.) |
- | Asthma, Chorea, Dementia, Depression, Encephalitis,
Enuresis, Gastritis, Head injury, Incontinence, Meningitis, Myoclonus,
Neuralgia, Parkinson's disease, Prostatic hypertrophy, Strabismus, Tics,
- | Zinc is beneficial in diabetic neuritis though the patient is on soluble
insulin and not on Protamine zinc insulin |
Complements: Calc-p
Followed Well By: Ign, Sep, Sulph
Follows Well: Apis, Bell
Inimical: Cham, Nux-v
Compare: Cupr, Lyc, Plb, Podo, Puls
Antidoted By: Camph, Hep, Ign
It Antidotes: Bar-c
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