Rheumatic, nervous subjects with ovarian irritation
and heavy limbs.
Muscular, neurotic, crampy pains in every part of the body.
Agitation and pains like electric-shocks.
Depression, with sensation of a great cloud enveloping her.
Dreams of impending evil. Illusions of rats and mice.
Actea Racemosa
Black Snake-root
Black cohosh
Tincture of fresh root
- | C.N.S. - Rheumatic Hyperaemia, chorea, paralysis.
- | Circulation - Febrile irritation, heart irregular, feeble.
- | Female - Rheumatic hyperaesthesia. |
< | Menstruation suppressed
- | Sensation as if heavy black cloud had settled all
over her, all is darkness and confusion.
- | Great depression, with dream of impending evil.
- | Fears riding in a closed carriage, of being obliged to jump out.
- | Illusion of a mouse running under the chair.
- | Puerperal mania or melancholia, tries to injure herself, hysterical.
Delirium tremens.
- | Mania following disappearance of neuralgia. |
- | Plump, delicate, sensitive, nervous, chilly women
who complain of aching pain in back.
- | Many complaints are depending upon utero-ovarian irritation.
- | Symptoms are irregular, changeable and alternating.
violent, shooting, aching
wander here and there, shock-like
with cries and faintness
go upwards or side to side
- | General sick feeling with exhaustion.
- | Physical symptoms alternate with mental symptoms.
- | Causes irritation of spinal cord - Neuritis, neuralgias.
- | Head - Shooting, throbbing pains from overstudy, mental worry, or reflex of
uterine disease.
- | Waving sensation, or opening and shutting sensation in brain.
- | Eyes - Intense pain in eyeball, from eyes to top of head.
- | Photophobia from artificial light.
- | G.I.T. - Gnawing pain with sinking in epigastrium.
- | Respiratory system - Dry, short cough < speaking.
- | Female genitalia - Epileptiform convulsions at the time of menses.
- | Chorea at puberty with delayed menses.
- | Habitual abortion at the 3rd month in women.
- | Rheumatic dysmenorrhoea, pain as the flow increases.
- | Menses - profuse, dark, coagulated, offensive, irregular.
- | More profuse the flow, greater the suffering.
- | With backache, nervousness.
- | Preceeded by pains in ovarian region, shooting up and down the anterior
surface of thighs.
- | Pains across pelvis from hip to hip.
- | Left infra-mammary pains.
- | C.V.S. - Heart's action ceases suddenly, impending suffocation.
- | Back - Stiffness and contraction in neck and back.
- | Extremities - Rheumatic pain in muscles. A/F - sewing, typewriting, piano
- | Belly of the muscles feel bruised, sore heavy aching, especially large
muscles affected.
- | Muscular soreness with uneasy, restless feeling in the limbs.
- | Stiffness in Tendo-Achilles.
- | Skin - Facial blemishes in young women. |
- Mania following disappearance of neuralgias.
- Illusion of a mouse running from under her chair.
- The more the menstrual flow the greater the suffering.
- Dysmenorrhoea - Menses irregular, with exhaustion
and pain, with mental symptoms during flow.
- Habitual abortion in 3rd month.
- Pains - severe, shooting, stitching, shock-like, changes the location,
from hip to hip, ovary to ovary.
- Rheumatic affections of belly of muscles. A/F - overexertion, with sore,
bruised feeling.
- | Complaints of females, who are chilly, plump,
- | Complaints usually of utero-ovarian nature.
- | Melancholy, nervousness, great mental depression.
- | Hysterical or epileptiform spasms.
- | Pains are sharp, lancinating, electric like, shooting, intense in nature.
- | Rheumatic affections in females, with generalised sore bruised feeling all
- | Rheumatism of belly of muscles. |
- | Amenorrhoea, Angina pectoris, Intercostal
rheumatism, Migraine, Ovarian irritation, Stiff neck, Uterine cramps.
- | Given before term, it renders labour easier, cures sickness of pregnancy,
prevents after pains.
- | Has ensured safe delivery in women who have previously given birth to dead children
without any discovered cause. |
Compare: Ign,
Lil-t, Nat-m, Puls, Sep
Antidoted By: Acon, Bapt