CINCHONA OFFICINALIS uses / CHINA uses / Cinchona uses / Cinchona off uses [Chin uses]
Note: Wherever it is found, "<" denotes aggravation (worse by), ">" denotes amelioration (better by), "<->" denotes alternation (alternates with) and A/F is an abbreviation of, "Ailments from"
Results of vital losses. Periodicity. Profuse
exhausting discharges, haemorrhages. Tinnitus. Flatulent bloating. Stools
lienteric, bloody, painless
Intermittent fevers with drenching sweats at night
China officinalis, China rubra
The dried bark is used for the preparation
China is placed by Teste in the Ferrum group along with Plb, Phos, Carb-an,
Puls, Zinc, all of which have the property of remaking the altered blood, or
for increasing for the time being, in a healthy person the relative amount of
globulin, haematin, fibrin, etc
- | Bad effects of quinine; mercury |
< | Periodically - alternate days
< | Cold; drafts, wind, open air
- | INTROVERTED, intense and touchy individuals with a
tendency to take offense especially in teen-agers. Difficult to express
feelings. Child cannot express affection with words. So sensitive, cannot
speak or look at you during interview
- | Superficial attention <, deep attention >
- | Great excitability, nervous erethism, fantasies of heroic deeds at night,
causing sleeplessness, with embarrassment at the same time the next day
"Welter mitty thoughts" - Morrison
- | Fear of animals, even domestic DOGS. Fear of instincts
- | Gloomy, morose, depressed, apathetic, indifferent, no desire to live, no
courage to commit suicide
- | SENSITIVE, especially oversensitive to noise. Sensitive to external
impressions, insults
- | Fixed idea: "an enemy is pursuing me"
- | Poetic, ARTISTIC, idealistic. Refined senses. Great imagination. At night
when they go to sleep, fantasize things, being the hero of the situation
- | Aversion to exercises. Dread of physical and mental work. Disposed to be
quarrelsome and angry
- | Constant irritation. At the edge of being overwrought. At edge of nervous
- | Misplacing words in later stage
- | In between Nat-m and Nux-v
- | Rubrics: Delusion, that he is unfortunate, persecuted, tormented, hindered at
- | Gets frustrated, contemptuous. Indolent, indifferent, hopeless. Suicidal,
but lacks courage. Fancying, theorizing, planning |
- | Broken down constitutions; persons once robust,
strong healthy and swarthy, who have now become weak debilitated and
- | PERIODICITY of all complaints
- | Profound DEBILITY from exhausting discharges and loss of vital fluids
- | Haemorrhages with much debility, trembling, ringing, buzzing in the ears
- | Sensitiveness of the whole system especially to TOUCH physically
- | Disposition to haemorrhage from all orifices
- | Pains < slightest TOUCH > hard pressure
- | Dropsical condition after anemia, from loss of vital fluids
- | Fullness and FLATULENCE - whole abdomen is enormously distended not >
from eructations or only temporary >. Everything eaten turns into gas
- | GALL STONE colic periodic < eating > bending double
- | Desire for SWEETS, sour, pungent, refreshing things, stimulants, highly
seasoned food, salt. Aversion:fat, fruit
- | Painless nocturnal DIARRHOEA, frequent; from fish, fruits, milk, beer.
Blackish stools with undigested food; ineffectual urging
- | Intermittent FEVERS - PERIODICITY well marked, returns every 7th or 14th
day, never at night. Anticipatory type of fever
- | Chill preceded by palpitation, anxiety and hunger; coming generally in
forenoon, increased by drinking water. Chill of short duration. Thirst before
chill but not during. Chill not > external heat
- | Heat long lasting with desire to uncover, with thirstlessness or insatiable
thirst. Redness of face, with delirium, with high fever
- | Sweat stage - debilitating profuse sweat, with great thirst during sweat.
Perspiration which does not >. Soreness in liver and spleen and great
flatulence. Fever with headache
- | Headache - due to haemorrhages; sexual excesses, suppressed coryza
- | Occipital pain with sensation as if the skull would burst
- | With confusion and dullness
- | Headache < slightest touch but > hard pressure
- | Assosiated with nausea or vomiting of bile and mucus
- | Throbbing carotids, head & face flushed |
Much marked periodicity of complaints especially
of fevers
Toothache while nursing the child
Diarrhoea only at night < fruits
Pains are < slightest touch > hard pressure
- | A/F loss of vital fluids, haemorrhages, sexual
excesses, abuse of mercury
- | Periodicity well marked
- | Profound debility. Debility and nervous erythrism from exhausting diseases
- | Flatulent dyspepsia as concomitant to all complaints
- | Intermittent fevers with periodicity, insatiable thirst and profuse,
debilitating sweat |
A/F loss of vital fluids
Persons now debilitated; previously strong and robust
Great sensitiveness to touch but > hard pressure
Flatulence - everything eaten turns into gas, not better by eructation
Complements: Ferr
Follows Well: Calc-p, Ferr
Inimical: Dig, Selen
Antidoted By: Aran-d, Ars, Carb-v, Eup-per, Ferr, Ip, Merc, Nat-m,
Nux-v, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sulph, Verat
It Antidotes: Ars, Calc, Cham, Coff, Ferr, Hell, Iod, Merc, Sulph,
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